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STAR WARS: Movie Duels (Remaster of Movie Duels II)

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So I discovered this mod yesterday, and find myself to be personally quite excited about it as I am very fond of the original. However I have a question concerning one of the SP missions, An Old Enemy, which features Darth Maul fighting Ben Kenobi on Tatooine. The original version of said mission was based on the old EU Star Wars comic Old Wounds, and had Obi-Wan and Maul fighting on Tatooine during the daylight, and Maul having the dark Grevious-like legs which he sported when he first appeared in Clone Wars. I mention this because I would like to know whether or not this mission will it be changed in order to be based more on the recent Star Wars Rebels episode Twin Suns, which featured Ben Kenobi fighting Maul on Tatooine at night around a unlit campfire. I personally wouldn't mind the mission being changed to follow closer to the Star Wars Rebels episode, but I wanted to bring this up and ask.

Why not add a variation so people can choose which version to play?


So I discovered this mod yesterday, and find myself to be personally quite excited about it as I am very fond of the original. However I have a question concerning one of the SP missions, An Old Enemy, which features Darth Maul fighting Ben Kenobi on Tatooine. The original version of said mission was based on the old EU Star Wars comic Old Wounds, and had Obi-Wan and Maul fighting on Tatooine during the daylight, and Maul having the dark Grevious-like legs which he sported when he first appeared in Clone Wars. I mention this because I would like to know whether or not this mission will it be changed in order to be based more on the recent Star Wars Rebels episode Twin Suns, which featured Ben Kenobi fighting Maul on Tatooine at night around a unlit campfire. I personally wouldn't mind the mission being changed to follow closer to the Star Wars Rebels episode, but I wanted to bring this up and ask.


Yes thats the one mission we have in plans. But we don´t know yet if it will be separated or will replace current mission. We will see :)


So I discovered this mod yesterday, and find myself to be personally quite excited about it as I am very fond of the original. However I have a question concerning one of the SP missions, An Old Enemy, which features Darth Maul fighting Ben Kenobi on Tatooine. The original version of said mission was based on the old EU Star Wars comic Old Wounds, and had Obi-Wan and Maul fighting on Tatooine during the daylight, and Maul having the dark Grevious-like legs which he sported when he first appeared in Clone Wars. I mention this because I would like to know whether or not this mission will it be changed in order to be based more on the recent Star Wars Rebels episode Twin Suns, which featured Ben Kenobi fighting Maul on Tatooine at night around a unlit campfire. I personally wouldn't mind the mission being changed to follow closer to the Star Wars Rebels episode, but I wanted to bring this up and ask.


You raise a very valid point. However, it is highly likely that the version we'll go with, will be the current canon/Rebels version. As this ties in with the rest of the mod, which are all canon events. Otherwise, we'll end up having the canon and old EU intertwining with other, so it would mess with the continuity. Especially when we come to add Vader's 'Rogue One' scene and the Sequel era content, along with the Original Trilogy , of course.


You raise a very valid point. However, it is highly likely that the version we'll go with, will be the current canon/Rebels version. As this ties in with the rest of the mod, which are all canon events. Otherwise, we'll end up having the canon and old EU intertwining with other, so it would mess with the continuity. Especially when we come to add Vader's 'Rogue One' scene and the Sequel era content, along with the Original Trilogy , of course.

But what about Starkiller's level which was in the original ? ("The New Hope")


You raise a very valid point. However, it is highly likely that the version we'll go with, will be the current canon/Rebels version. As this ties in with the rest of the mod, which are all canon events. Otherwise, we'll end up having the canon and old EU intertwining with other, so it would mess with the continuity. Especially when we come to add Vader's 'Rogue One' scene and the Sequel era content, along with the Original Trilogy , of course.

Another valid point is to keep the EU stuff as bonus material for those who enjoyed it. In the bonus section area.


Another valid point is to keep the EU stuff as bonus material for those who enjoyed it. In the bonus section area.

It would be cool to have more bonus missions (and a bigger bonus section area to come with it or even a bonus mission menu), though I wouldn't mind if entire bonus EU/Legends duels were added after the Original and Sequel trilogy content is added.

TheWhitePhoenix likes this

Another valid point is to keep the EU stuff as bonus material for those who enjoyed it. In the bonus section area.

Yeah, we won't remove the EU material that we have. We still have characters from the EU, in the character selection screen in "EXTRAS", so to remove their missions from the mod would invalidate their need to be included in the mod, which we don't want to do. So those missions and characters will remain in the mod, but the current/new canon versions of missions will be the ones that are actually tied into the "MISSIONS" screen. And then have the EU missions as bonus missions.

dg1995 and TheWhitePhoenix like this

Yeah, we won't remove the EU material that we have. We still have characters from the EU, in the character selection screen in "EXTRAS", so to remove their missions from the mod would invalidate their need to be included in the mod, which we don't want to do. So those missions and characters will remain in the mod, but the current/new canon versions of missions will be the ones that are actually tied into the "MISSIONS" screen. And then have the EU missions as bonus missions.

Now THAT is something I can get behind. ^_^


are you guys going to implement any kind of way to activate or deactivate dismemberment easily? i'm refering to full dismemberment, not the vanilla one that just let us cut one part and that's it of course :)


About dismemberment, is there any chance to make it more realistic ? The dismembered body parts had unrealistic physics and animations in the original MD 2.


About dismemberment, is there any chance to make it more realistic ? The dismembered body parts had unrealistic physics and animations in the original MD 2.

I´m pretty sure this wont be changed :)

General Howard likes this

Hi! I'm quite new to the site and i just wanted to maybe suggest somethings to put into the game?




1. Can you maybe add in some sort of an alternate skin for Obi Wan, Qui-Gon and Darth Maul, where they all have hoods over their heads (somewhat like this)

Obi Wan: https://cdn1.stopklatka.pl/dat/artykul/0000000004/0000004235/original.jpg


Qui Gon: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/d/d6/QuiGonPortrait-SWE.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160914194523


Darth Maul: http://starwarsblog.starwars.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/EP1_IA_72118-copy-1536x864-433723767381.jpg\



and 2. You could add in Missions from episodes 4,5,6,7 and even 8 if possible? Because we don't really have any missions to do with them in the actual Movie Duels original?


I would do it but i haven't got any game model designing skills so i was just kind of down to suggest things. i can't wait for the mod to be released!

General Howard and dg1995 like this
  • 2 weeks later...

Some progress over the past week!


1. Battle Master camera angle taken from Jace´s SJE 2.0 build






2. New animations for Sidious/Palpatine created by @@swegmaster




3. Projected shadows option enabled in menu + new "close camera" view





dg1995, Jeff, Delmi and 3 others like this

Some progress over the past week!


1. Battle Master camera angle taken from Jace´s SJE 2.0 build






2. New animations for Sidious/Palpatine created by @@swegmaster






3. Projected shadows option enabled in menu + new "close camera" view






Battle Master Camera? I like it. May I please get all the in-game console settings to recreate that camera angle? It should be all the cg_thirdperson commands.









Just those.

Smoo and Jeff like this

Battle Master Camera? I like it. May I please get all the in-game console settings to recreate that camera angle? It should be all the cg_thirdperson commands.









Just those.


exec "cg_fov 46.875000" 
exec "cg_thirdpersonrange 207.031250"
exec "cg_thirdpersonpitchoffset 0"
exec "cg_thirdpersonvertoffset 5.625000"
exec "cg_thirdpersonhorzoffset 0"
exec "cg_thirdpersontargetdamp 1"
exec "cg_thirdpersoncameradamp 1"
exec "cg_thirdpersonangle 0"
Daedra and Smoo like this

*Small Update*

Small change to the code, this weekend, that removes the ball like glow from around the bottom of the saber blade/top of the saber hilt, to give a more realistic and authentic looking lightsaber. Overall saber-glow numbers are yet to to be finalised.


Original version on the left. Code change version on the right:




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