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a strange modding idea

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Well, is just a question of technical kind. is possible with JKA engine doing some space flight simulation like X wing alliance and rogue squadron 3d, mixed to some kind of open world game like skyrim or other rpg\ mmorpg?


I've experimented a bit with scaling ships down a lot and fly them in gigantic maps. We're still far away from X-Wing Alliance and Rogue Squadron: in SP (without coding) the ships must mantain a very high speed compared to their size to not fall down, not to mention the culling problems that cause them to disappear when too close, no matter the size. At least their weapons fire OK in OpenJK, but the accuracy doesn't seem really good. On the other hand they fit very well for the dreaded tunnel-flights in Rebel Assault II, it's amazing to fly through like that, always checking the ship's health! Haven't really checked how things do in MP, but as far as I remember you can't just scale the vehicle down from the .npc / .veh files, and that would involve modeling to change the scale.

All of this completely leaving aside the fact that you can't directly script vehicles and NPCs so that they fly like fighters - or fight like cruisers.

Aside from all this, there was some coder who achieved a proper X-Wing / TIE Fighter like gameplay for Jedi Outcast. There should be a thread somewhere here.

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I've experimented a bit with scaling ships down a lot and fly them in gigantic maps. We're still far away from X-Wing Alliance and Rogue Squadron: in SP (without coding) the ships must mantain a very high speed compared to their size to not fall down, not to mention the culling problems that cause them to disappear when too close, no matter the size. At least their weapons fire OK in OpenJK, but the accuracy doesn't seem really good. On the other hand they fit very well for the dreaded tunnel-flights in Rebel Assault II, it's amazing to fly through like that, always checking the ship's health! Haven't really checked how things do in MP, but as far as I remember you can't just scale the vehicle down from the .npc / .veh files, and that would involve modeling to change the scale.

All of this completely leaving aside the fact that you can't directly script vehicles and NPCs so that they fly like fighters - or fight like cruisers.

Aside from all this, there was some coder who achieved a proper X-Wing / TIE Fighter like gameplay for Jedi Outcast. There should be a thread somewhere here.


Pretty, interessing...

lol, guys, you misunderstanding me. my question is not about to do a mod like that, but about the tecnical trouble that can occours a project like that. ramikad given me a nice question. :D

for "open" world, well, i see that JKA cannot archive an very "open" world. what i mean is: a large interconnected shaped terrains

map of laaarge territories, filled, with temples, ruins, city doors, etc, that lead to small maps stand alone dungeons or other cities.

so, yes, it's like @ told.

a some kind of inter-connetcted maps with also the possibilities of doing space \ atmospheric battles... but for the last point, there are the @@Ramikad technical limitation. Vehicles are not scriptables.... mmmm... foolish idea but maybe is possible to make something of that with NPC... if NPC model is a fighter and with spawnscript you set gravity to zero and NPC ai as droid for explode when die, shoud works. the trouble is... to set NPC to go ever automatically forward at a certain speed. mmm, maybe CLASS_SENTRY and CLASS_INTERROGATOR can be a workarounds for fighters... SENTRY, in special mode. CLASS_ATST can be use for tanks and atst - atpt walkers, i guess.

cruisers \ stations can did with MD3 and funcs entities i guess.


i am curious to read about this JO project, however. :)

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Pretty, interessing...

lol, guys, you misunderstanding me. my question is not about to do a mod like that, but about the tecnical trouble that can occours a project like that. ramikad given me a nice question. :D

for "open" world, well, i see that JKA cannot archive an very "open" world. what i mean is: a large interconnected shaped terrains

map of laaarge territories, filled, with temples, ruins, city doors, etc, that lead to small maps stand alone dungeons or other cities.

so, yes, it's like @ told.

a some kind of inter-connetcted maps with also the possibilities of doing space \ atmospheric battles... but for the last point, there are the @@Ramikad technical limitation. Vehicles are not scriptables....  :)


That's what I'm trying to do with my little project, a morrowind-like open world experience. Of course, I don't plan to make something the size of a small island, but just a small part of a town. It's completly doable if you connect small maps with each other.

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