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Saber Request Thread

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I'm having some shader issues in game but release should be soon.


I don't know what you did while texturing this but it is apparent that you either got horrible UVs or did something messed up while texturing.

If you gave a step by step explanation of what you did, I should be able to figure out where those artifacts come from.


I have a couple of theories.




nvm the step by step explanation, a look at the matcap version shows that you have a pretty borked normal map, can you upload both your low and highpoly meshes for me to take a look at?

Or even better send them on Discord.

@@Rooxon I bet you remember this :D


How about having a go at creating some NEW Saber hilt models for Single Player, @@Seven? Not really "preset character" related (like Ahsoka, Anakin. etc.) but something that could be used from the start of the game that would resemble the lightsaber hilt that Jaden would create on Coruscant, before joining the Jedi Order? Something to replace the awful hilts in the base game. The only one that is remotely appealing, currently is the "Arbiter" (below)


Seems like a rather big task, but it'd be fresh and something we don't have on the forum, currently. You could maybe head over the Saberforge website and take some inspiration from their hilts.. Or maybe even other website that sell lightsabers.

GPChannel likes this

How about having a go at creating some NEW Saber hilt models for Single Player, @@Seven? Not really "preset character" related (like Ahsoka, Anakin. etc.) but something that could be used from the start of the game that would resemble the lightsaber hilt that Jaden would create on Coruscant, before joining the Jedi Order? Something to replace the awful hilts in the base game. The only one that is remotely appealing, currently is the "Arbiter" (below)




Seems like a rather big task, but it'd be fresh and something we don't have on the forum, currently. You could maybe head over the Saberforge website and take some inspiration from their hilts.. Or maybe even other website that sell lightsabers.

@@Rooxon is already doing remakes of the single player sabers, both single and staff. 


@@Rooxon is already doing remakes of the single player sabers, both single and staff. 

I know that, but re-read my post again. I'm not talking about HD remakes of the current saber hilts in the game. I'm talking about doing NEW hilts. Something different. All the current one's a pretty boring and the only decent looking hilt is the "Arbiter". The rest are meh. We could use some new models.


Is pretty easy to replace the default hilts with what hilts you want. I replaced all my default ones plus made a SP pack with over 40 hilts.


Yes. I know how to do that, too. But this thread is about "Saber Requests", so I thought that @@Seven could probably look into doing some fresh, new hilts, instead of one's people are familiar with and have already seen. Something we haven't really seen before, but taking inspiration from current ones, if need be..


Yes. I know how to do that, too. But this thread is about "Saber Requests", so I thought that @@Seven could probably look into doing some fresh, new hilts, instead of one's people are familiar with and have already seen. Something we haven't really seen before, but taking inspiration from current ones, if need be..

I can, but some pictures for ideas would be helpful.

Darth Sion likes this

Thanks Seven for making and releasing the Guardian hilt! I've downloaded it on my phone and can't wait to try it.


Looking forward for what surprise you come with next, I bet it will be another AWESOME job.

Seven likes this

Could you make Ezra's new green saber from Rebels Season 3, I beleive it looks something like this:



Video link?


I found a nice pic of Ezra's new saber in Google






I also found a few cool Saber pictures, might give you some ideas











I personally like (from left to right): 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and specially #10.



Actually found that stuff when I was searching around. I'm going to see if I can get a clearer picture with better dimensions but this looks like an interesting project.

The Punisher and Darth Sion like this


This is more of the sort of thing I was referring to, about completely NEW/different saber models, for the Single Player. To sort'a freshen the list up a bit, instead of using saber's we are already familiar with. Something unique and individual. Will be interesting to see you work on these @@Seven. I think (From left to right) the 3rd, 4th or 5th one in, could be a good model to use for Jaden's initial lightsaber, that he creates at the beginning of the game. With perhaps an "unstable" yellow blade to go with it.

Smoo, GPChannel, krkarr and 1 other like this

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