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[Request] Kylo Ren Alternate Outfit

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This request is fairly simple to describe:


Basically, the TFU2 Dark Apprentice (in the black robes and Vader-esque armor) with the Kylo mask. I think it would be quite fitting as an alternate outfit, seeing as he's inspired by Vader and the mask would probably match well with the rest. Would look pretty sweet IMO.









Both versions with the hood on/drawn back would be a treat. Don't bother with the Adam Driver head model though. Just no.


krkarr and Effacer like this
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EDIT: I'm aware there's already a model/frankenstein thing uploaded but something of refined detail would be appreciated, as the other model is rather skinny and undetailed texture-wise. (No offense.)


Do you think that by saying No Offense it makes your statement OK. This is why your request will never get accepted. Anyone who could make what your requesting looks at that statement and says not gonna touch that.

dark_apprentice likes this
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  • 1 month later...


Lemme just warn you- @ ing at members in the request friend is frowned upon.



Not to mention dark_apprentice literally made one, disrespectful AF.


Do you think that by saying No Offense it makes your statement OK. This is why your request will never get accepted. Anyone who could make what your requesting looks at that statement and says not gonna touch that.

Do any of you believe this thread was intended to request repellent, dogmatic behavior? I took my time off here and I do indeed realize there's no real use in making requests of people, so trust me, I'm not going to waste my time anymore. And secondly, did it not occur to any of you that if I found apprentice's results satisfactory I would have settled for them? This is my request thread and while I don't plan to make anymore, bear in mind that even if I do and I get these posts again I'm sincerely not going to give a rat's ass what you think or if you're offended over a nonsubjective post, I'll only be irked that you're incapable of growing out of cluttering threads with this fecal matter where it isn't asked for.



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Do any of you believe this thread was intended to request repellent, dogmatic behavior? I took my time off here and I do indeed realize there's no real use in making requests of people, so trust me, I'm not going to waste my time anymore. And secondly, did it not occur to any of you that if I found apprentice's results satisfactory I would have settled for them? This is my request thread and while I don't plan to make anymore, bear in mind that even if I do and I get these posts again I'm sincerely not going to give a rat's ass what you think or if you're offended over a nonsubjective post, I'll only be irked that you're incapable of growing out of cluttering threads with this fecal matter where it isn't asked for.



Okay son, if you want something more "detailed," make it yourself. Literally all I said to you was not to @ members and you decided to throw a miniature tantrum. What you did was disrespectful and we all simply spoke on it and you're crying about it.

Nothing screams "I don't care what you think of me!" like reviving a thread that hasn't had a new post in over a month to leave a long, passive aggressive rant.

I love kids.
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