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JK(1) Enhanced

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Dunno if anyone has pointed that out before, but there is a project called "Jedi Knight: Enhanced" on jkhub.net. So not only have we stolen their jkhub, now we also steal their JK:E.

On a serious note tho: It would probably be good to release this only as JKA:E or JKO:E to avoid confusion.

Also OJP is known as JK:Enhanced as well iirc.

Bek likes this

We kinda went with the JA:E and JK2:E anyway, but I suppose we can make it "official" when we release things to go by those names, if we're releasing them separately anyway.

TheWhitePhoenix likes this

Well, there's only a handful of names that really make sense for these projects. :P I'm open to renaming it (again). This project started out as the "Gold Pack" which is the name of the retial Mac bundle of the games.


We could do something like Jedi Knight: Expanded or Jedi Knight: Platinum.


JA:AMI "A Modest Improvement" ? xD


Refined, Revised, Refreshed, Refurbished, Renovated, Bolstered, Augmented, Enriched, Amended...



Circa and Raz0r like this

Revised might be better.


Some people would think that it's a remaster if we use certain terms, which we don't want. This is improving the game and story, not improving graphics, and the name should reflect that to avoid confusion. I believe that's what the other JK: Enhanced mods are doing, which also causes confusion.

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