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Map Request - Hutt Council Chamber / Nal Hutta

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Hi folks,


Don't often make a request in this forum but this is something I think would be neat to have as a duel-sized map - the Hutt Council Chamber on Nal Hutta:









The main reason I would like to see this locale realised in JKA would be as a machinima asset but in truth it seems the right scale and design to make into a decent Duel-mode map for the game.


Heck, if the right mapper was interested it could even span out into a full-scale Nal Hutta themed FFA! 


I considered trying to make it myself as the small size of the map would make it suitable to a first-time mapper but unfortunately I can't find the time to learn mapping from scratch in between all my other modding committments. Hope one of you folks can help me out.




the_raven likes this

Well, mapping doesn't take that long to learn, but it takes awhile to get results that you'd want.


If I was in the modding mood, I'd probably take this request up since it's a fairly small map. But probably won't happen. :(

Kualan likes this

Well, mapping doesn't take that long to learn, but it takes awhile to get results that you'd want.


If I was in the modding mood, I'd probably take this request up since it's a fairly small map. But probably won't happen. :(


Are you sure I can't....convince you?



McGroose, Circa and the_raven like this

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