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Dark Side Rey

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BTW I think someone with experience should take this request instead of me.

And deprive you of a chance to have a great adventure, and a kickass way to start your 3D modelling career? I don't think so. ;)


Aim high and work hard. That's the only way to make anything worthwhile.

Jeff, AshuraDX, GMRobinHood and 1 other like this

And deprive you of a chance to have a great adventure, and a kickass way to start your 3D modelling career? I don't think so. ;)


Aim high and work hard. That's the only way to make anything worthwhile.

But in seriousness I have to focus on graduating high school cause I'm failing a few classes so I let anyone take this request


I have plenty of ideas of characters that I want to make in the upcoming years


@ just tried on this one, but for now i come up with this 2 versions


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The top one more resembles it, as in the main picture she doesn't wear a short skirt.


True, but the skirt comes from HS_Dooku's hips without it there won't be anything in there and just the JKA skeleton :D and her legs on the bottom image are more close to the reference pic you shared.


I see that now. Does the Skirt cut off the rest of the legs? Or do the legs remain under the Skirt?


they stay, but it looks like Toshi's Vade when you remove his hips_skirt. I would need perhaps to use the base JKA imperial legs, but dunno if that works for you.


Lets see how it turns out!


Same problem, so i used good old Katarn



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Perfect! Now we just need to find a good female black armor for the arms and the torso and it it's good for a release.








That torso could work, it would only need a small re-texture to make it black. Not sure where to find the arms yet.


Edit 2:


The arms:



Again, only need a simple re-texture to make it black.


But since you were so detailing on Ti's ass, wouldn't you prefer those shapped big ones in the front xD :D


Shaak Ti was modelled to be that way. This version of Rey is not to be so.. pertruding. It's meant to look more like Armor and less like a naked chick.


Shaak Ti was modelled to be that way. This version of Rey is not to be so.. pertruding. It's meant to look more like Armor and less like a naked chick.

Surely I'm not the only one not sexualizing Rey at all :/ Just feels... wrong? Idk its odd.


*For future reference*


When you do a pic overlay like this and try to match up a picture to the texture, you will always get wonky distortion like this. A couple ways around it are to

1. Adjust your UV mp on the head to have more of a planar subprojection like the pic is.

2. Use transparency on its own layer in photoshop and use it as a guide to paint the underground layer yourself.

Try to keep in mind, that the texture and UV are meant to be wrapping around, and the pic youre using is from only one angle.

3. You can get a profile pic as well and blend the profile and the front view so you have a wrapped around texture.

4. Clone stamp tool. Paint her face with the basic skin tones, and just clone stamp her eyebrows, sockets, and lips.

Youll find its easier to just paint it yourself than it is to overlay a pic and get it to look right.

Keep in mind shadows on the sides of the nose and under the eyebrow which will really pop her features out.


Liking your idea

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