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Kit Fisto - Reskin collaboration project maybe?

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So I decided to work some more on finishing up that TFU Kit Fisto kitbash i've had lying around for far too long now, and I asked one of my buddies - Omicron to have a go at making a reskin for me, this is what he's come up with so far. It's still a WIP:





This suddenly brought dejavu and I remembered back when Inyri was making that awesome ME3 Geth model - http://jkhub.org/topic/554-me3-geth/page-4?do=findComment&comment=7459 a couple years ago. You can view the progression and the skins people created for it following that link. She provided a link to a modview-viewable version of the model (without any weights etc for animations in-game), and skin textures for us to recreate our own versions of the skin to be included in the release. I figured maybe this could be an idea for the kit fisto model, if anyone would be interested? By no means am I trying to assume i'm on par with her model, but I figured that this could be a cool project and people might be interested in creating something unique with this model and taking part in a collaboration :P it would be good for us to have a few more occasions where we can all work together on something.


If you would be interested in participating and producing a reskin to be included in the pack let me know in the responses down below. If you're just wanting the model to put your own frankensteins together then bugger off! xD just be patient as this is the final stage now, it won't be much longer to wait for it.


Here's a screenshot of the skin, a pretty old version of it though.. to give you an idea of the skin;





it's basically the hapslash robes (or the jedi/sith spanki ones as that will make it easier to know what i'm talking about), with the TFU kit fisto head.There is also a hooded variant which isn't included in the screenshots. I have already created an RGB version that will work similarly to the base twi'lek model, and a sith version based off of the "unidentified nautolan sith", but I think it would be pretty cool if people wanted to get involved and make a variant for the pack ^_^ let me know in the responses below if you think this is a good idea and want to take part!

Cerez, Srethem, krkarr and 3 others like this

There are very few players who can make good quality reskins, most of those who can are usually working on their own projects, probably thats the reason why nobody wrote back. However that head looks so good, that I'd be very happy if you'd release the model, even without additional reskins. Reskins could be added as part of "Kit Fisto 2.0" or something like that. :)


I would be happy to contribute a reskin - but I can't think of a good enough idea. The one that would have caught my interest initially would be a Sith Lord skin, but you've already come up with a really good one of those.


Yeah I'll do one; there are some characters of the same species in the old republic so I could do some interesting skins of them


Okay awesome, i'll sort out the files tonight and anyone else can chip in if they want to, or have a go.


Okay here's the download, all of his body parts are tied to the pelvis bone without weights so good luck using this version ingame xD



(click me!)


I have attached PSD templates for you to work from, with each model part/segment tagged and separated by a different colour block/layer; you should be able to figure it out. They should also open fine in GIMP should you not have Photoshop. I have also included .skin files with each different skin option available; tunic (both wizard sleeved for jedis, and tight sleeve/gauntlet type for siths), robed and hooded with template textures to get you started. Don't worry about any imperfections, clipping etc it will make sense when it's released (the tendrils won't hang outside the back of the hood like they will for you with this file!).


If you could PM me your files when you have created something, or post a link to them in here if you wish. Thankyou for your future contributions, I look forward seeing what you come up with!


@@Kualan @@Jrue @ and anyone else who wants to have a go. I'm not asking for "experts only" hell I know i'm not as far as retexturing goes :P If you can do reskins and want to give it a go then be my guest, it will be interesting to see what design and maybe tattoo/markings you come up with. Remember that this uses the same body as used in the jedi/sith spanki skinpacks so that will give you a good starting point/ideas with the body appearance.

DarthStiv and yeyo JK like this

I would be happy to contribute a reskin - but I can't think of a good enough idea. The one that would have caught my interest initially would be a Sith Lord skin, but you've already come up with a really good one of those.

Perhaps Jedi master Halsey's dead padawan?
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sorry if I sound rude but if you actually read the thread rather than just browsing for download links you would see that I was waiting for contributions for people (that never happened by the way xD) and that an upload to JKHub would happen soon.


My friend Ruxith i must say you are mistaken i thought the pics where really good and that is a really good looking project and that is a pitty there isn´t a download link( that no one grabbed this good looking proj).


Doing a reskin for this is still on my to-do list but unlikely to make it to the top of it in the immediate future so don't let me hold back the release. When I get around to it I'll PM you the skin and you can always throw it into a 1.1 update.

Ruxith likes this

Yeah no problem Kualan, I was just holding it off for a week or two incase anyone found time for the reskin, but I can always add them in for a version 2.

  • 5 months later...

Yeah i'm still lurking, just took a break from everything JKA; Rocket league and Overwatch started to take up my time besides working and things. I'll try to get him released within the next few weeks, I kept delaying it to do further reskins, but they can just be included in a later update if I find the time.

yeyo JK, Cerez and Śăļvõö like this
  • 4 years later...

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