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(Personal request) Industrial Explorer Outfit

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I've recently was searching over TFU-2's costumes and I've somehow wanted to use the Industrial Explorer outfit in JKA. The closest i came up with is this, but i will need someone who's having Blender and is able to frankenstein, to help me with changing the head and putting one extra detail – Vader's mask part of his helmet (with the voice module) just that and the head of one specific Galen Marek model. Thanks in advance :)

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Nonsense. Nobody hates Starkiller. He's not Rosh.


He's one of the most requested characters. Many versions have been made of

him, including the Sith Stalker.

And that is why I said that, because there were too many requests for TFU's character and I thought, that mostly it's not so well accepted in the JKA universe.

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I am stuck in the end with exporting it, and even after I tried to do it again from beginning, when i reach the last part where i have to type "head_0" and hit Enter, so that the head goes into the body, it doesn't go anywhere anymore :( dunno what's going on wrong, but i tried the lesson for frankensteining a lot. I can provide the model in Blender, here's how it looks (btw the head i am using for Starkiller is from Hell Kobra's jedi adventure robe model also can be found as desert_gear model on the files here)

Starkiller Industrial Outfit

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Holly S*b**s O__O daammmnn, I know that ported stuff are not welcome here, but if this thing works in JKA without causing problems jut WOW. I have only re-skined the outfit of Luke_Pilot model and wanted to put the head i like the most of Starkiller, cuz there's no better one yet. But right now as i saw ur project i think i just had orgasm as i was watching it :D

Vade Parvis and GPChannel like this
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You'll need to use new textures or we can't accept it.

Ok, thanks for the information. Maybe, I'll can do something in Substance Designer special for publication, if I can sufficiently understand this software. And tell me, please, which is the "threshold of originality" is actual for this case? Can I use, for example, the original texture of life support monitors with new textures of clothes? Or can I combine original and new elements at the same new texture?
dark_apprentice and GPChannel like this
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Ok, thanks for the information. Maybe, I'll can do something in Substance Designer special for publication, if I can sufficiently understand this software. And tell me, please, which is the "threshold of originality" is actual for this case? Can I use, for example, the original texture of life support monitors with new textures of clothes? Or can I combine original and new elements at the same new texture?

I hope you can port this Starkiller model to JKA :D it is looks amazing :P

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, thanks for the information. Maybe, I'll can do something in Substance Designer special for publication, if I can sufficiently understand this software. And tell me, please, which is the "threshold of originality" is actual for this case? Can I use, for example, the original texture of life support monitors with new textures of clothes? Or can I combine original and new elements at the same new texture?


Do you have any update on this? I was just curious :P I mean I can try to help with the textures I guess.

dark_apprentice and GPChannel like this
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  • 4 months later...

Same thing, but with a fake bump effect added to basic diffuse maps:


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Any updates for us? You hadn't responded to when I asked before and you were last active yesterday. I can help with the textures for the ported version you have, unless something bad happened and you lost the model then I understand. Sorry to bother but I want to see this in JKA as much as others.

dark_apprentice likes this
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