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What is your best memory?

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Npc spawning a chiss in a dumpster in the springfield map then blowing him up with a mine then watching him fly out of the dumpster. Lol fun times, me and my friend use to do it all the time on lan

10v10 or more on siege years ago. Oh God.

Those were the days. :0 most u get now is 4v4 lol
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Npc spawning a chiss in a dumpster in the springfield map then blowing him up with a mine then watching him fly out of the dumpster. Lol fun times, me and my friend use to do it all the time on lan

Those were the days. :0 most u get now is 4v4 lol

Sad, really. Still love Hoth, Korriban and Desert

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I have way too many fond memories, but I count amongst my favourites: Playing with Kain against aXiom's 2v2 team way back in 2005, beating DoX's best lineup with the Aurochs in a 3v3 and beating *aiming.Seph in the quarter finals of a 64-players ESL tournament. Pretty much my personal highlights when it comes to JKA. There's really a lot more though, like for example the first round of my ESL 1v1 against Dureal: At one point I was leading by about 200hp and got really excited, so much so that my hands started to shake and i was making really stupid mistakes and eventually lost the match. Good times!

afi, Smoo, Circa and 1 other like this

I have way too many fond memories, but I count amongst my favourites: Playing with Kain against aXiom's 2v2 team way back in 2005, beating DoX's best lineup with the Aurochs in a 3v3 and beating *aiming.Seph in the quarter finals of a 64-players ESL tournament. Pretty much my personal highlights when it comes to JKA. There's really a lot more though, like for example the first round of my ESL 1v1 against Dureal: At one point I was leading by about 200hp and got really excited, so much so that my hands started to shake and i was making really stupid mistakes and eventually lost the match. Good times!

That's awesome!


Feel free to write as many as you remember if you wish, it's always interesting to read these!

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Seeing Szico's map with Chocobos, that you could ride on.

Trying rend2 and working on maps/characters that would use it, dreaming of long single player journeys with animals as the lead characters.


In JK2 1.02:


Mapping when I was very young, feeling like this was the most important thing in the world, while listening to Larks Tongues in Aspic Part II by King Crimson (8-9 years ago).

Having a "master", learning DBS (9-10 years ago).

The long dream of playing as a chicken/duck, and trying 3DS Max for the first time on a car vacation to USA (about 9 years ago).

Making a clan [underestimated Hilarious Monkeys] and having members (8-9 years ago).

Discovering NF and cool saber mechanics (about 2 years ago).

Learning code modding and started on a Mount&Blade-esque blocking system (few months ago).

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The first time I played JO multiplayer with Bots, (dooku, obiwan, darthmaul, luke)
But actually, Playing JediKnight Outcast & Jedi Academy in multiplayer is one of my dearest chapters in life, memories.
I learned english by playing these games, and the years I spent playing these game were filled with happy memories from
frist love to the first time driving a scooter, getting my first iPod and just living an easy life before the ' adult chapter' with lots of worries....


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Definitely playing ESL TDM matches, but I'm not sure if I can pick a specific moment. Playing and winning cups was fun, epecially when playing with Vintage...


@@Ping: It was similar for me when I played against Dureal. I had a 1:0 lead in both rounds but he managed to get back because I was too nervous and so it ended with a draw. Dureal is a master of comebacks because he plays like an unemotional robot.

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Building stuff in Makermod for the first time.


EDIT: 2nd best memory: Getting the perfect forcewhore build in MBII, and frying people.

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Building stuff in Makermod for the first time.


EDIT: 2nd best memory: Getting the perfect forcewhore build in MBII, and frying people.


I would have thought order 66 would have topped the list.  :P

Onysfx and Boothand like this

All the friends that I've made in playing on JA+ CTF Public, can't really pick any one of them or any specific memories but this was really my first online community and therefore my first and closest internet friends :D

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A very strange, immersive role-playing event that took place in a villa with a haunting music accompanying it, and with a variety of colourful player characters. For some reason it stuck with me for all these years, can't explain why...


Also, the first time I (my old character) became a Padawan in a dedicated JKA RPG clan.

Scorpion and Smoo like this

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