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Star Wars Rebels (2014) Negative Criticism Thread

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We did it for The Clone Wars, now it's time to do it for Rebels. This time I'm giving it an early start, seeing that we've only seen the first season of the show so far.
It's so interesting to see how our taste changes over time as new Star Wars content keeps coming out, and these criticism threads provide a neat record of this.
So, let's get started! The rules are the same:

I will ask any Rebels series fans not to intervene, defend, or express their positive counter-opinions. This is thread is purely for negative criticism about the series.

Keep your criticism constructive. No "it sucks" comments without an informative statement as to why the show "sucks".

With all that said, what is it that you personally dislike or hate in the series, and why? Speak now, or forever hold your silence. :P


I'll start. My biggest grief with Rebels so far is the pacing of the episodes, actually. Meaningful events fly by too brief, too fast. There's not enough time to really absorb what's happening and connect with all the characters on a human level.


Also, Rebels no longer seems to have the deep character development, the more mature, vulnerable and real human characters (with strengths and weaknesses) that The Clone Wars has established by the end of the series. Here the heroes seem largely invincible. They can do anything (Sabine the 'Swiss army knife'), Stormtroopers can fire a hundred times at them and they'll dodge every shot even if they're not Jedi. This to me seems more characteristic of and in-line with a children's cartoon, which is fine for children, but not really amusing for adults watching the show...


I also find the visual style of an overall lower quality/detail in comparison, and the stylisation not consistent to real characteristic features, as it was in TCW.

JAWSFreelao likes this

There are good episodes and bad ones. I believe the one about the fruit to be the weakest of all so far. Most others add at least something worthy of a Star Wars fan: a personal character approach, an interesting change of events, a return of a "good old folks". In this specific episodes nothing like that can be seen.


We might want to discover a deeper exploration of two main characters here - Zeb and Ezra. But can it be done with such childish approach? The only thing I truly remember here is the "face" of a stormtrooper, surprized to know all that was done for a fruit. I guess this stormie is actually a depiction of what most fans feel here - "E-e-e-eh... A WAT?"


The only good episodes is Fire Across the Galaxy story arc.The entire series is mainly influenced by concept art that why is looks so odd.The blades on the other hand could uses some improvements.


I feel that twi'lek pilot is a Jan Ors rip off. Shes even voiced by the same woman who did Ors in JO/JKA. Then there's Kanan. He reminds me of Kyle a bit with his mix style of guns & saber.


Safe to say Kyle Katarn & Jan Ors are not in the new canon, I think.

Cerez, NumberWan and Lamented like this

I think Rebels' storytelling ability is hindered by the fact that it's always going to be told from the point of view of the Ghost Crew. While that can be fine in some instances, it's a shame that we're not going to actually see a different side to the story. In The Clone Wars, we learned a bit more about how the Separatists are patriots and the Jedi are the ones responsible for the war. But now, it almost seems like Dave didn't learn anything from directing The Clone Wars. It was a long tale with several elements and experiences, and in this way, it actually developed the characters more.


I feel like instead of directing a fanfiction about concept art rebels coming to life, it should have been about the rise of the Empire, incorporating elements from Battlefront 2, TCW, Republic Commando, TFU, and such. This story should have began with the Empire grasping galactic powers via conquest, passion, genocide, and using the immorality that is supposed to make the Empire actual bad guys.


But instead, a few rebels and a bunch of citizens are unhappy just because a bunch of stormtroopers are doing their duty. If the entire galaxy is angry at the Empire, why did they even go for Palpatine's idea of creating a new galactic empire? In fact, with this Rebels storyline (it seems EU is irrelevant at this point, so you can't really use any logic to make a point against this statement), they're literally just trying to maintain a secure society. If a couple of hippies are going to start raiding shit and making fun of the Empire because they like to live life like it's a harmonious jungle, can you really blame Vader for wanting to have Lothal burned for harboring a bunch of insurgents?


I only don't condone destroying farms and booting people over to Tarkin Town, but would it really be so hard to make a different living? Lothal's surface needs to be spared of any outsider activity because an Imperial operation (the Death Star) is obviously taking shape. Boohoo. You guys had it coming for voting for it in the first place. And obviously, building a career as an Imperial officer is risky business (considering you'll get beheaded for failure.) But they should've known the risks of failure. I sincerely doubt that this hasn't happened before. If you're a relative of an executed officer, can you really hold it against the Empire if they decided to pursue that career?


Honestly, it's a restricted area. Just move along. And why can't you register trade with the Empire? You have nothing to hide unless it's illegal, mate.

Sithani, Cerez and NumberWan like this

I agree with @@DT85. The two heroes actually a repeating of Jan and Kyle's adventure. Not 100% yes, but there are lots of similarities, including the voice. But in this instance it can be both a disadvantage and a positive side of the show, as the voice of Hera sounds familiar and undeliberately makes connections with other Star Wars stories.


It is true, that the show is developing around the Ghost crew only, as @ said. But first of all it can actually work out - in the past there've been many shows, which used the same pattern, it was only one point of view. In TCW it was also the case until the last episode of Season 1. Season 2 introduced other sides and characters. Probably this might happen in Rebels, but for now the show can boast with other things, while it could present much more.


Just a reminder to keep it to hardcore criticism in this thread, people.  ^_^ Discussion about Rebels and praise of (aspects of) the show should go to the "official" Rebels thread instead. The topic here is what do you dislike/hate in the show and why?


(Not saying that anyone was in the wrong, just trying to steer things straight.)


Is there a point to this thread? Not defending Rebels, but I think that this reeks of bait/is trying to justify ragging on something.


Is there a point to this thread? Not defending Rebels, but I think that this reeks of bait/is trying to justify ragging on something.

The point is the same as with The Clone Wars criticism thread. To record the weaknesses we perceive in the show's design, Eez. Later on when you look back at it, it helps you keep track of your own change in taste, and see clearer how the Star Wars franchise is developing.


Yes but this sort of discussion belongs in the thread for it. I'm not sure I understand why it warrants a second thread.


Yes but this sort of discussion belongs in the thread for it. I'm not sure I understand why it warrants a second thread.

Because posting negative remarks in the official Rebels thread would result in open conflicts between those who like the show and those who dislike it. I thought this would be obvious from our past experiences...


Because posting negative remarks in the official Rebels thread would result in open conflicts between those who like the show and those who dislike it. I thought this would be obvious from our past experiences...

Then let there be conflict. It makes for much more interesting conversation than having a thread devoted to dogging on it.

Sithani and GustavoPredador like this

I feel that twi'lek pilot is a Jan Ors rip off. Shes even voiced by the same woman who did Ors in JO/JKA. Then there's Kanan. He reminds me of Kyle a bit with his mix style of guns & saber.


Safe to say Kyle Katarn & Jan Ors are not in the new canon, I think.


Thinking about this, there are more similarities: Kanan's eyes are more or less the same color as Kyle's, and the VERY noticeable pauldron - they both have one on the right shoulder.


I don't really like how the are constantly reusing music from the original trilogy in an inferior kind of way. Clone Wars had it's own unique soundtrack and it was unique to the show. I don't like it being used so much.


I also don't like Sabine's new hair color.



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