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openJK running 1.00?


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Ha, yes people still do play 1.00, eventhough its 'buggy' and 'glitchy', but I have found that to be half the fun of the game. After having to use openJK to even load JKA now, I was wondering if it is possibly for it to run 1.00, because from the looks of it, it contains 1.01, as I placed openJK into my 1.00 game? Thanks.


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You people are weirdos.  "Buggy" and "glitchy" in the same sentence as "fun".  I don't even...
And no, you will not be running any sort of official OpenJK with 1.00 (Codebase is 1.01 forked with no history).  Kind of defeats the purpose of the project as it is.

not possible and gameplay has not change at all from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1

Actually it has a bit, but nothing saber core-gameplay wise.


All of the ctf maps also got re-bsp'd also except for ctf3.

Tempust85 likes this
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That guy running OpenJK in 1.00 is a programmer/does his own coding. Perhaps you could hang around his servers and talk to him.


Also CTF3 was also changed.

Why would we care to?  So he can change the protocol version and run a, `still buggy jampgame.so file` from 1.00 without the gamecode fixes.  Big whoop.


And no it was not. assets3.pk3 only contains 1,2,4,5.

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Oh... kay... skipping the haters, and the people who clearly no longer actually play this game... So basically moving onto the staff member I saw post. The only reason I am using this is because other wise the game will not run with my processor (i7-4790k), I am just wondering if I deleted the 1.01/JA+ specific files it would work in 1.00?


Now you people who seem to hate 'buggy' games, are the kind of people that buy the new COD game because its new... The gameplay IS different, and even though many people are trying to; it have JA+ servers/mods which completely ruin the game. (e.g. Fairytale admins).


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Now you people who seem to hate 'buggy' games, are the kind of people that buy the new COD game because its new... 

I don't see the issue in enjoying a game with no/minimal bugs. Also, I love and preorder every CoD game. I must be a chump, right? :P


But really, nobody is "hating" on this really. @@Mysterious Stranger still plays regular as far as I know, and @@ensiform is a main developer for OpenJK. They both have some insight here.


Let's keep it civil and not jump all over each other, people. :) (not singling anyone out with this statement, goes for everyone)

Stoiss and therfiles like this
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Defeats the point of having that server since it's in 1.00... unless he wants to move it to 1.01.


Enolc, do your other two nubs even have 1.01?  If they could get it too, that'd give me a great excuse to try MME with y'all.  You could even try it toooo.  :P

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Oh... kay... skipping the haters, and the people who clearly no longer actually play this game... So basically moving onto the staff member I saw post. The only reason I am using this is because other wise the game will not run with my processor (i7-4790k), I am just wondering if I deleted the 1.01/JA+ specific files it would work in 1.00?


Now you people who seem to hate 'buggy' games, are the kind of people that buy the new COD game because its new... The gameplay IS different, and even though many people are trying to; it have JA+ servers/mods which completely ruin the game. (e.g. Fairytale admins).

You can't use OpenJK with 1.00 unless there's a modified version that works. @@ensiform told me a while ago on IRC that there's differences in the key networked structures, and a desync in these structures may lead to a crash ingame (or uh...other fun things..)


For the record, I would rather have a game that functions better/has less bugs (and be virtually identical) than one that doesn't. I understand that there's personal reasons (tighter community) for playing 1.00, but outside of that, I can't really recommend it. (Could also play 1.01 base, there's plenty who play it fairly religiously)

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