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what the heck is japro

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okay so recently I decided to go onto one of my friend's server and my settings like the JA++ stuff come with me but it didn't work. Apparently, he upgraded his server to japro (which i have no idea what that is) and changed his ip. So what is japro?


This looks like crap compared to JA+


That's like saying JA+ is crap compared to Makermod because it doesn't have the ability to build things... two different mods with different purposes :)

Xanemus and z3filus like this

There are different reasons I've heard people think of JA+ being crap. 

  • Altered damages/hits from the base game
  • "Chat room" over competitive play
  • Admin commands/cvars
  • Author vanishes without word randomly (Now completely gone)
  • Author made unpopular changes to the core mod midway through
  • Simply for the fact it's popular
  • Security leaves a lot to be desired
  • Updates have gone from frequent to rare and now to none
  • Unwillingness to share code, find a replacement for the author and make the mod open source

I'm sure there are plenty of others, personally I enjoy the mod but am willing to change if something better comes along (Which JA++ is doing right now :))

Raz0r, Mog, Captain Leeroy and 2 others like this

This looks like crap compared to JA+



Maybe because you like to play on 'social mods'.



There are different reasons I've heard people think of JA+ being crap. 

  • Altered damages/hits from the base game
  • "Chat room" over competitive play
  • Admin commands/cvars
  • Author vanishes without word randomly (Now completely gone)
  • Author made unpopular changes to the core mod midway through
  • Simply for the fact it's popular
  • Security leaves a lot to be desired
  • Updates have gone from frequent to rare and now to none
  • Unwillingness to share code, find a replacement for the author and make the mod open source

I'm sure there are plenty of others, personally I enjoy the mod but am willing to change if something better comes along (Which JA++ is doing right now :))



Add this to this list Slink

  • JA+ ruined JKA with abusive admin commands

I really don't see how those are abusive.

Things like amslap maybe, where there's not really any use other than lulz.


Anything can be 'ab'used, it's up to the admins with privileges of those commands to not abuse them...

Raz0r likes this

I agree with Raz0r. Even though I never played online I never understood the fuss with admin commands. If someone uses it too much let the server owner know. If it is them or they don't care then play somewhere else.

Zappa_0 likes this

JA+ is only abusive when the admins are children or have rules setup so it becomes a place you nod your head or get it taken off. Worst mod I figure is ClanMod if we wanna go down admin powers, But anyways,
New mods are fun to check out on if its simply to setup and not release before it really finished

Zappa_0 likes this

true ja+ admin commands are only abusive when the admin is a kid. the admin commands are there to keep order in the server. I have been around since the mod first came out (damn i feel old) and ja+ is a good mod for servers for alot of people. though you complain there not being a source code. its just a too bad of a deal the maker got tired of the game and simply faded away from the game. Im sure he is still around cause someone has to be paying for the hosting of the ja+ website.

Bacon likes this

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