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What does Norton say they are? Does it give specifics as to what kinda virus they think it is? This would provide some insight into why Norton thinks it is a virus. My suspicion is that Norton, like Avast, automatically flags anything which has barely been seen in the wild as being a virus. I personally turn off those settings in Avast as they interfere pretty heavily with workflow (imagine getting everything you compile automatically chucked into Avast's sandbox and you can see why it might be an nuisance)


It just says it's not safe and deletes it, no other warnings.

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I'm confused. Is your engine based off of OpenJK or is it based off the original source release?

Also I don't think it's really fair to target @@Scooper directly like that, since he isn't exactly the entire team behind OpenJK (he isn't even a maintainer, he's contributed several things to the project in the past from my understanding though). 

Where does OpenJK ever mention that it was a completely new engine? The project page (http://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK) just mentions that it seeks to improve the base game.



AS i stated earlier the code i use is "JKA SP SDK   u-richwhitehouse-jediacademy-4bebb8ec23200ee150a9aa566cea6122c19eba44" This is the title of the download and has nothing to do with Openjk. I downloaded it the day the SDK was released. I can now freely admit that "I wish it was openjk" because it has been a horror story to get stable,fix bugs remove useless and possibly illegal stuff and has been a lot of work that i could have saved myself by using openjk.Openjk has many more fixes and is probably a far superior build to mine,but my code "THE CODE IM WORKING ON" is fit for purpose.


I don't know if it still there but i got the SDK from here.http://sourceforge.net/u/richwhitehouse/jediacademy


I haven't targeted scooper i responded to a childish rant about "word use". The word Engine is not mentioned as a way of saying "I MADE IT" .It is a term used to describe the code in this instance , proven by the fact that "he knew what i meant".


 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
     claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
     in a product, an acknowledgement in the product documentation would be
     appreciated but is not required.
  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
     misrepresented as being the original software.
  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
Section 2 clearly states that i CANNOT call it JKA SDK as i have altered the source. Therefore i choose to call it "The Serenity Jedi Engine" and as i am providing the documentation with the source and making no claim that i am the original  software developer ,I am meeting the statutory legal requirements as listed.
At no point does the legal documentation restrict me from calling my modified version of the original software "Engine" "motor" "thingy" or anything i want.




By calling it an engine it's implied that it's a new or at least different engine, which it is not. You are the only one who has been calling OpenJK an engine. (If I have used it in this thread it's only been for contexts sake).

And my issue with your claim was that it was misleading, which still stands regardless of your use of the word new or not.


I have no issues with pointing out that OpenJK is a modification of the JKA/Q3 engine whenever we talk about it as an engine, or at the very least state it wherever necessary. But since we don't claim that it's an engine, there isn't any confusion.


I have never imagined that I have any rights to police you in anything, and I don't have a grudge against you or anything like that. So I'm curious as to why you would act as if you're being persecuted.

It's good to see that you can participate in arguments maturely and discuss the things without getting all bratty about it though. You have truly earned my respect. [/sarcasm]


Here's some tips for you to keep in mind for the future:

If you're going to post on the internet you should expect some responses, and try not to display what a bad person you might be in your responses.

If you actually did get into legal issues it would be kind of a 'biggie', in terms of legal matters. In practice you would probably get away with almost anything you tried with this old game though. The kotf guy has gotten really popular working like that.

Calling something an Engine has not Implied anything. My car has an Engine but that does not mean its new or different from the manufactures spec if i mention it i passing.


You say "You are the only one who has been calling OpenJK an engine"  and then in the same sentence you say  "(If I have used it in this thread it's only been for contexts sake)" and totally contradict  yourself.Like its ok for you to say it because it means something completely different from you.


I can participate in arguments maturely ,What gets me is that you feel the need to start an argument in the first place, and about such an small matter, I don't need or want your respect as im not one of your disciples or followers so keep it mate. [/not sarcasm].


Finally here is  a tip for you


​don't stress out every time its not about you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbcctWbC8Q0    


now leave it alone ,lets get back on topic and enjoy this excellent mod

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AS i stated earlier the code i use is "JKA SP SDK   u-richwhitehouse-jediacademy-4bebb8ec23200ee150a9aa566cea6122c19eba44" This is the title of the download and has nothing to do with Openjk. I downloaded it the day the SDK was released. I can now freely admit that "I wish it was openjk" because it has been a horror story to get stable,fix bugs remove useless and possibly illegal stuff and has been a lot of work that i could have saved myself by using openjk.Openjk has many more fixes and is probably a far superior build to mine,but my code "THE CODE IM WORKING ON" is fit for purpose.


I don't know if it still there but i got the SDK from here.http://sourceforge.net/u/richwhitehouse/jediacademy


I haven't targeted scooper i responded to a childish rant about "word use". The word Engine is not mentioned as a way of saying "I MADE IT" .It is a term used to describe the code in this instance , proven by the fact that "he knew what i meant".


 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
     claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
     in a product, an acknowledgement in the product documentation would be
     appreciated but is not required.
  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
     misrepresented as being the original software.
  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
Section 2 clearly states that i CANNOT call it JKA SDK as i have altered the source. Therefore i choose to call it "The Serenity Jedi Engine" and as i am providing the documentation with the source and making no claim that i am the original  software developer ,I am meeting the statutory legal requirements as listed.
At no point does the legal documentation restrict me from calling my modified version of the original software "Engine" "motor" "thingy" or anything i want.




Calling something an Engine has not Implied anything. My car has an Engine but that does not mean its new or different from the manufactures spec if i mention it i passing.


You say "You are the only one who has been calling OpenJK an engine"  and then in the same sentence you say  "(If I have used it in this thread it's only been for contexts sake)" and totally contradict  yourself.Like its ok for you to say it because it means something completely different from you.


I can participate in arguments maturely ,What gets me is that you feel the need to start an argument in the first place, and about such an small matter, I don't need or want your respect as im not one of your disciples or followers so keep it mate. [/not sarcasm].


Finally here is  a tip for you


​don't stress out every time its not about you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbcctWbC8Q0    


now leave it alone ,lets get back on topic and enjoy this excellent mod


Ah right, I forgot that you mentioned that.

I think that calling it the "Serenity Jedi Engine" kinda implies that it's either radically different or a different engine entirely, but that's my two cents.

Have you gotten the game to load DLLs similarly to OpenJK? If not, the code for that is located around here:


That should load DT's gamecode, but I'm not 100% sure if his gamecode will work out-of-the-box with your engine or not. I think there may have been some alterations in OpenJK but I really don't know.


I think when Scooper says "(If I have used it in this thread (...) " <- that's the key word here, if. He didn't. That's not a contradiction of his assertion that he hasn't claimed it to be any different, He's saying that IF he used it, then it's for context's sake only. 


I don't think Scooper has many followers. Haha. Sorry Scooper but it's true.

Serenity937 likes this
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Calling something an Engine has not Implied anything. My car has an Engine but that does not mean its new or different from the manufactures spec if i mention it i passing.


You say "You are the only one who has been calling OpenJK an engine"  and then in the same sentence you say  "(If I have used it in this thread it's only been for contexts sake)" and totally contradict  yourself.Like its ok for you to say it because it means something completely different from you.


I can participate in arguments maturely ,What gets me is that you feel the need to start an argument in the first place, and about such an small matter, I don't need or want your respect as im not one of your disciples or followers so keep it mate. [/not sarcasm].


Finally here is  a tip for you


​don't stress out every time its not about you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbcctWbC8Q0    


Calling something an engine implies a lot of things for many people, even if you don't agree. I said that it would be misleading for outsiders, by which I meant someone that wouldn't automatically conclude that this can't possibly be a different engine. For me, and many people here, it's easy to understand what you meant. (But it could possibly mean you were trying to claim it to be more than it actually is, I don't know you, so wanted to get things clear.)


And I meant if I have used "OpenJK engine" it was in the context of quoting your words. Meaning that if I had said it, it would just have been to use the same words as you, so that we would be on the same page. Like if a child called a dog for a whale and started pulling its tail, I could say something like: Please don't pull the whales tail. It doesn't mean that I think the dog is a whale. I'm just keeping it simple for the child.

Turns out I hadn't even done that though, should have taken a second to look back at my previous posts. Sorry for confusing you.


I'm not very active on this forum, and it's pretty much never about me, so I don't have any problems with that. You're the one who got loud and rude when you got asked some simple reasonable questions.

But much like the child in my example above, and your video example for that matter, you don't seem to be able to deal with or follow along very well in this argument.

And I have no further interest of arguing with someone who doesn't grasp the meaning of what I'm telling him.

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Serenity and Scooper, try to keep your arguments clean. You guys aren't agreeing, and you're welcome to discuss it freely here, but if you start throwing insults at eachother we'd much prefer you to take it into a private conversation. Fairly be warned. And yes I consider your last comments to eachother insulting, so any more of that will be removed :)

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Ah right, I forgot that you mentioned that.

I think that calling it the "Serenity Jedi Engine" kinda implies that it's either radically different or a different engine entirely, but that's my two cents.

Have you gotten the game to load DLLs similarly to OpenJK? If not, the code for that is located around here:


That should load DT's gamecode, but I'm not 100% sure if his gamecode will work out-of-the-box with your engine or not. I think there may have been some alterations in OpenJK but I really don't know.


I think when Scooper says "(If I have used it in this thread (...) " <- that's the key word here, if. He didn't. That's not a contradiction of his assertion that he hasn't claimed it to be any different, He's saying that IF he used it, then it's for context's sake only. 


I don't think Scooper has many followers. Haha. Sorry Scooper but it's true.

Thanks mate i made a small video especially for you so you know im not ripping openjk off or anything http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avjOOHXSkBM&feature=youtu.be

I already solved the problem of loading the dlls in the mod ,but your way of doing it looks much better.But thanks anyway.


Calling something an engine implies a lot of things for many people, even if you don't agree. I said that it would be misleading for outsiders, by which I meant someone that wouldn't automatically conclude that this can't possibly be a different engine. For me, and many people here, it's easy to understand what you meant. (But it could possibly mean you were trying to claim it to be more than it actually is, I don't know you, so wanted to get things clear.)


And I meant if I have used "OpenJK engine" it was in the context of quoting your words. Meaning that if I had said it, it would just have been to use the same words as you, so that we would be on the same page. Like if a child called a dog for a whale and started pulling its tail, I could say something like: Please don't pull the whales tail. It doesn't mean that I think the dog is a whale. I'm just keeping it simple for the child.

Turns out I hadn't even done that though, should have taken a second to look back at my previous posts. Sorry for confusing you.


I'm not very active on this forum, and it's pretty much never about me, so I don't have any problems with that. You're the one who got loud and rude when you got asked some simple reasonable questions.

But much like the child in my example above, and your video example for that matter, you don't seem to be able to deal with or follow along very well in this argument.

And I have no further interest of arguing with someone who doesn't grasp the meaning of what I'm telling him.


Lets just agree to disagree :rolleyes:

@@Serenity937 What exactly is your problem with using OpenJK or a fork of OpenJK? Do you wish to re-do all of the things that have already been accomplished?  Anything released by raven earlier this year is bound by GPLv2 terms, that was not something OpenJK decided upon.

I haven't got anything against openjk, I just don't use it mainly because i started my own project months ago and i continued with it.If i was starting a new project now i would seriously consider using it because im not trying to reinvent the wheel.Ive invested so many hours and sweat in to my own code,I know it back to front now and im comfortable with it.Im not familiar with the openjk use policy so i dont use it ,im also not familiar with cmake or github so i couldn't folk my code if i wanted.The code i use also requires 4_humanoid folders for the different animations that are used at different times in different circumstances for different models wether playing Jedi outcast or academy (EoC plays both).So i dont think My code could Join openjk code even if i wanted to. As a result my code needs some assets necessary to make it run without errors.


As i understand it openjk is a clean unmodified fixed and updated version of the code where as my code is full of modifications and does not comply with the Openjk policy.

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Do note that OpenJK can (or could at one point anyway) run either JK2 or JKA dependent on a cvar (for the record, I don't think this is the case anymore but it definitely was working at one point.

Being a fork doesn't mean you have to follow the same ideas; Jedi Knught Galaxies is a fork, after all.


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Thanks guys for the feedback, I did try my best here. :D The level you're playing is something I made 'learning on the job' as I could barely map beforehand. :P




Hopefully a few mappers will want to help out, but until then I'm suspending work on DF2 Mod.

Well i hope you find the people you need to continue,I wish i could help you,but my area is not maps.

I apologise to you DT85 for going off topic on your thread, the video i made was "In honour" of your efforts.

Im just sorry that the possible confusion caused by the use of the word "engine" has slurred your thread.


I played your mod as a "player" not a "modder" looking for bugs.And enjoyed it a lot. 


I wish you all the best and hope to see a full mod in time time to come . :winkthumb:  

Stoiss and Tempust85 like this
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Help me!! when i try to run the mod i can see the menu screen, the Jedi Knight text in space but the next scene is the Jedi Academy intro. After that, when the game is ready to begin, it back to menu with the error message: couldn't find weapon model for weapon. Anyone?

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I really appreciate your work and I have expected this demo for a long time.But I also meet crash after I type the mapcommand.I'm using win7 system and I run it with my basejka(for I didn't have openjk).

And serenity,can you tell me how to run this demo with EOC?Maybe using EOC can avoid those errors.

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It comes with its own OpenJK. The readme tells you how to install it.


How do I install this?

You will need to change the shortcut paths, it's currently set to "D:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData". The "DF2" folder needs to go
in your "gamedata" folder. Run the "Dark Forces II" shortcut once you've fixed the paths to match your JKA installation.


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