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Star Wars Rebels

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The latest episode was nothing special really. I hear this is a bridge between the beginning and truly important events. The show will also introduce a very new character, which will be appearing at much later stage. the next episode would be devoted to Hera and Sabine, and there will be some mystery of sort. Also a nod towards the time of the Clone Wars.

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Have you yet watched more than those 3 first episodes? In Rebels, were introduced a Sith Inquisitor - also rumoured to be part of the upcoming trilogy,

and both series are produced by Lucasfilm and Lucasfilm Animation. Rebels is set five years before Episode IV: New Hope - why isn't that important to you?


About the latest Episode;


The only thing that seemed important was Sabine's suspicions about their informant, named "Fulcrum". 

It was nicely covered by making her look like she simply had no faith in her team or the rebellion.


We may never know the identity of Fulcrum, but Im guessing he's a Clone veteran or Bail Organa.




By the way @@Onysfx you were right -that's a republic gunship, this may well be connected to Fulcrum,  since

their informant should be the only one who knows about that place. Ofcourse that can be; just an old wreck.


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You've said so many times, that the show sucks and you hate it, that it feels strange you care to discuss it at all and that you even continue to watch it. For someone who despises the series, you show quite the interest in the upcoming episodes. :)


Nevertheless I would say, that the first episode and probably the second are among the most captivating now in SW Rebels. They do have traits, which make me remember the good old days of Dark Forces, when I played as Kyle Katarn. I would agree on the fact, that it would make me feel sad, if the show rewrote completely the capture of Death Star plans, and regrettably I feel it eventually will.


The other episodes of late seem to serve to fill the gap. They are truly nothing special, but we might want to remember the episodes in TCW, which seemed to be irrelevant as well, but later their meaning was explained in newer stories. For instance - the hostage crisis in the Senate building. We saw what happened right before the attack and later we meet the very adorable Sy Snootles, such a "lovely creature", who can handle the dirty work of a bounty hunter herself. To tell the truth this story was a lot of fun.


Perhaps something like that would be in Rebels as well.



This is not the first time we see a connection to the Clone Wars. The breaking ranks episode also introduced a training device, created, perhaps, through the technologies Moralo Eval introduced for count Dooku - the Box. The music also adds to remembering that episode.


What I like now about the atmosphere in Rebels is that in actually contradicts TCW - there we see adventurous people, mostly young in their soul, who see the war more like a challenge worthy of their talents and lifestyle. It's clear in Season 1. The feel changes as we see as both Anakin and others grow up, and the Galaxy becoming darker - with crisis on Mandalore (and Satine saying "Things are changing"), situation with misunderstanding between CIS and the Republic (the story around Mina Bonteri and heroes on both sides) and many other plot lines, which together tie into Episode III coming soon. Most characters in these times believe, that the cruelties are on the side of CIS and its leaders like Dooku and Grievous.


SW Rebels actually accentuate, that those were the atrocities of the war, which are only natural for a conflict. But 15 years later the war is over, and when something horrible happens - it is indeed a very different and far more terrible in its scale (to be precise - the state is "butchering: its own citizens, though this is softened by the type of the show - it's animated, thus it will inevitably be watched by children; besides I mentioned before which historical events might have happened at the time of SWR).

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At the end of  "Droids in Distress" we see R2-D2 and C-3PO aboard the Tantive IV with Kanan and Bail Organa. The same ship Vader captures in New Hope.

After Kanan leaves, Bail is alone with the droids and asks R2-D2 to play everything it recorded while it was aboard the Ghost, to learn more about these, Rebels.


Knowing the importance of the Organa family, I get the feeling this wasn't the last time we see Tantive IV in this show.  This is a story about the Rebels after all.

Atleast I hope it is. I would hate to see this all be about Ezra becoming a Jedi and somehow defeating the Sith Inquisitor with Kanan, tha would be so.... Disney =)

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I feel that Bail Organa will play a less prominent role in Rebels, at least for Season 1. You were correct to say, that the show is about the Lothal rebels, and it was stated somewhere, that the goal would be to unite rebels across the Galaxy. This means, that while Kanan and Hera have their missions on Lothal and nearby, other Rebel cells (obviously) also started a struggle of their own against the Empire.


This makes me think of Biggs, Luke Skywalker's friend, and Morgan Katarn, who also supported the Alliance. There are dozens of other characters, who were affected by the Galactic dictatorship, and I guess we might see the return of them back to Canon (this already happened to Dark troopers and Death troopers).

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Very well, I watched the latest episode and it seems, that not only stormtroopers are dumb as we discussed them to be. Others also miss again and again when shooting Rebels. Rogue Squadron 3D showed those particular guys differently ;)


We also "see" the above mentioned Fulcrum. Judging by what other characters say, it is a mysterious Rebel sympathizer, though I have absolutely no ideas, who that might be. I feel it is surely not Bail Organa and not Obi Wan Kenobi. He seems to be too resourceful.


It is unclear why he would use that place to give Hera and Sabine, what they were supposed to take. 

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To be continued...  hit the screen right when "The Empire Day" episode got really interesting.


@@NumberWan  = where did u see Fulcrum ?? the one who interrupted the prodcast could be anyone who hates the Empire..


Yeah, I just watched it now and it's a really great episode. Lots of good information story wise in this one.

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I doubt he has lot of ties with Rebel cells around the Galaxy or money, or resources, or inluential friends and allies. He is capable as a Jedi - sure - but even the ones, who knew him in the past, might (and most likely) be unaware of his whereabouts. Besides his goal is staying on Tatooine, close to Luke Skywalker.



I didn't say we actually saw Fulcrum, but rather we "saw" him. I used such phrase not to reveal the whole episode at once :)


Though the story turned out to be a good one and full of action, the so called frynocks look more like angry pugs and not as intimidating as I thought them to be.

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I am surprized to learn, that the voice of Fulcrum is the reason for many discussions and talks on the next episodes of SW Rebels. People want to know, who he might be. Some say it's Bail Organa, but some joked it might be Darth Maul. =)


I enjoyed this minor article on theforce.net, which provides an analysis of the voice. Unexpectedly, but Fulcrum might be a female ally (!)

Check the voice analysis here

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Empire Day was rather odd in the idea that the Imperials were throwing a parade. Is that really something the Imperials would do? But moving on I liked how we exactly see a competent Imperial soldier take on Kanan. I'm also loving the Inquisitor's helmet. Although Kanan pretending to be cheering for the Empire was hilarious.

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Empire Day was rather odd in the idea that the Imperials were throwing a parade. Is that really something the Imperials would do? But moving on I liked how we exactly see a competent Imperial soldier take on Kanan. I'm also loving the Inquisitor's helmet. Although Kanan pretending to be cheering for the Empire was hilarious.


I'm not sure why you would think the Empire wouldn't have parades and stuff like this. The Germans had events like this in WWII. The Russians did during the Cold War to show off to the West what new weapons systems they had.  In fact, the Russians only had 2 or 3 of this one bomber total yet they kept flying them over and over the parade repeatedly. They West thought they had many of them when they only had 2 or 3. Can't remember the name of the bomber, though.


Its all politics and propaganda  for the people to either keep them in line or rev up their patriotism and whatnot. Every nation does it. Even small town parades are the same thing in reality, just on a less ambitious political scale.

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Yup, the imperial army is an army nonetheless, and armies need to be kept motivated - celebrating their mighty power with a parade is one way to do it.

It was strange to see the parade though, but Im certain we wont be seeing troopers drinking at the mos espa cantina, blasting bottles and imitating Vader.

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what? why? fulcrum is voiced by a man in his 40's  - ahsoka is like twelve... and a girl

Ahsoka would need to have a real low profile during this time period, we all know voice alteration is a real thing in SW, so it's totes possible. Listen to the altered audio recording. It sounds a bit like her (and no I am not a huge Ahsoka fan :P ).

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:D so then it could be anyone in the Galaxy  - and we're back at square one. Fulcrum may be Ezras dad, that would be a typical Disney plot twist.


Ezra hasn't  yet heard about this Fulcrum -  which also is strange -  so we don't yet know if he could recognize Fulcrums voice, or even the name.

The latest episode revealed that his parents even had radio equipement hidden underneath their house, for podcasting anti-imperial messages.

This is just guessing, but such characters could easily be involved with the rebels in general, and Kanan and his crew aboard the Ghost.

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I agree with @@IrocJeff - the parades are a legal part of the Empire. I also thought of the Germans in mid XXth century, which held such to show the power and might of the political system, of the government and of ideology. I think we haven't seen them in Episode IV-VI because the plot takes us to the frontlines mostly (and shooting such an event would be difficult at those times).



I also thought of a different person for Fulcrum. But I don't think it's Ezra's father. Many speculate that it is indeed Ahsoka Tano, though I think she would hide herself and stay on a remote planet to be found much later.


I would like to know how Kanan survived Order 66. Most Padawans and younger Jedi stayed at the Jedi Temple, while older and more experienced were sent into battle and they perished on other planets. The show revealed a bit more about other characters though - we know that Sabine studied at the Imperial Academy on Mandalore, thus this facility most likely replaced the Mandalorian Academy seen in TCW show.

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