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Working on prone sniping in singleplayer JKA

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If you change the weapon ready pose to bringing the gun to the shoulder, like Both_weaponReady4 I believe, he won't put the gun back at his waist.


If I read Eez's weapon tut right it is possible to give every weapon it's own animations. That is something I wanted to test doing.

I just want to figure out how to make each animations use the flu body. Right now the gun and melee stances have to use the BOTH_STAND1 lower part so you get stupid looking stances that would look cool.


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I didn't suggest that, at least not how you're explaining it. Don't pull fake facts out of thin air =p

I explained how the Axis Aligned Bounding Boxes are actually used for collision in the engine; as a 6 sides brush model that gets reshaped to fit whatever bounding box settings you use. And when performing collision on this type, it disables rotation. So the way to do it isn't replacing it with a bmodel, it's enabling rotation for the bounding box bmodel that is already being used when the collision test is on a proning player.


Programming steps:

1) Reshape the bounding box to fit an axis aligned person proning

2) When the collision system checks the player collision, make it apply the rotation portions of the code if the player is currently proning.

3) ...

4) profit

Thank you for the clarification. +1
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Idea #2: temporarily use 2 bounding boxes. The original one would squash down to make sure the player's head as he goes down to the ground is always covered. Then a second would extend to cover the legs. If timed right to the animation specifically, it could work pretty seamlessly. If at any point the bounding box is not able to expand without hitting something, the player is told they can't go prone. The code checks once at start of animation that there is enough room behind them to begin with.


The only iffy part is if the player goes prone at 45 degrees, I guess that is where rotation really is the only way. 




Please excuse the absolutely terrible animation, I really suck at posing models.

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SO its been a few days.

I've been working on smoothing the animations and doing the coding part .I hit a few walls on the way and the journey isn't over yet but the results are starting to show.


The bbox problem is the key to this whole thing, Hiding in walls is a big no no and also "I've discovered" NPC  enemy,s running over your legs or head is also a no no even if it does look funny. Going prone on hills / slopes etc also causes problems as well as going prone on ledges ,where you whole body is off the ledge but your feet are on the ledge.


These are all problems im addressing "In code" at the moment .There are various example in the code of how slopes / ledges are dealt with and im using them as examples.


I've explored various methods in the code and looked at various examples how the bbox is used, Ive also taking into account what eezstreet has said and Xycaleth and pande also.


Ive decided that prone is only possible for blaster/disruptor and repeater (Long barrel weapons).

Ive also added an old "Kneeling position" animation i did ages ago

and a sitting firing position.


heres what i have so far.



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  • 2 weeks later...


Feel free to move the post to the appropriate place is it is more suited, My bad for posting here, sorry.


But i digress ..


So ive made 2 button slots , 1 for getting down and 1 for getting up ( cant think of a simpler way ...yet) i just want to get the animations working in game for now.

for standing up i basically reversed the animations 




so i need to do a firing position next 


my first attempt for the idle and firing went wrong (see bad coding example)




but im getting there now 




now its time to get my head into some code. DOH




Here is the results so far




ok, now i know those are the animations I made for JKG. just saying....

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So I have the crawl animations if you want those too. Or were you going to post those when you got the code figured out?



Seems every time i make something new and post it i get accused of somehow magically stealing it from MB2 or JKG .


So im going to explain how  i made the anims



The prone animations were made by combining the already available animations in the gla 
The getting up animation is a combination of 
BOTH_GETUP3         6959 26 -1 30
TORSO_RAISEWEAP4     21222 5 -1 20
I impframed them into dragon and saved the gla ,then merged to my gla and called the animation
BOTH_STANDFROMPRONE     45935 29 -1 15
The down to prone animations were made by combing my reload animation i made for EOC about 3 years ago (before JKG had ever seen the light of day).
BOTH_RELOAD             45396 90 -1 12 
I then impframed 
BOTH_CROUCH3         2994 45 -1 20
I then merged 
TORSO_RAISEWEAP4     21222 5 -1 20
TORSO_WEAPONREADY4   1594 1 -1 20
TORSO_WEAPONIDLE4   1589 1 -1 20
I also stole some frames from
BOTH_DEATH_LYING_DN 3163 11 -1 20
I made some smoothing editions in dragon and blended them together
I called the animation
BOTH_DOWNTOPRONE 45964 68 -1 20
now maybe you don't believe me but i cant do anything more than say .I understand your point but dont worry ill never release something i didnt make myself without permission and credit .I dont play JKG  and i never heard from any source that JKG had prone in it and i never seen it mentioned anywhere.And as far as i know JKG pk3 files are locked and theres no mention of prone in the code for JKG.The new version of JKG is not released as far as i know.The version of JKG that i have on my pc is just the installer and it does not work "for me at least".As my version of JKG crashed everytime i played i Un-installed it from my pc long ago.
This is not a slander or flame towards JKG only my explination and no flamming of any kind is intended.
and after reading the posts i thought i would give it a go
Now i do use other peoples ideas , comments,tips and mods as Inspiration to make my own version of stuff .
But i never just take things from other mods put them into my mod and claim credit.
I think stoiss can back me up on this as i have worked with him for years and he knows how i am with such things
So i can only finally say "Dont worry I dont take your stuff"
As proof...I Will be releasing Evolution of Combat Version 5 in about 4 months and yes it will contain prone in the singleplayer side and Possibly multiplayer also.
I invite you to download the finished ,released version Please feel free to test and examine the mods files and animations and see if you feel the same way.
As a sign of good will i have uploaded some of the prone anims i made here http://www.gamefront.com/files/23760825/Prone+Dragon+anims+example.rar
These anims can be loaded into dragon and inspected by all here. they are a very rough first version and i now have improved on them greatly
I cannot be fairer that that?
As for the code. I still work on it in my free time and No its not finished and no i didn't steal it from JKG or from MB2 or anywhere else. Im writing it myself.
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The man Speak the truth..

Serenity have always been after me to remember credits and ask for it so we didnt get a KOTF copy out when i had ideas

about effects/models and so on when i was playing around and wanted somthing in EoC to be final.

as me and him not is working with each others anymore i can't not say what is going on in EoC at all

but steal others Stuff is not the man i know of. and if there has been any sort of extra animations there has been set to be in 

EoC it has been and addon from mb2, md2 or any other models out there and credits where set in the doc for the addon.

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I believe Serenity. JKG has some prone animations in it which aren't used. If it'll ease anyone's mind, I can post some screenshots from ModView for comparison when I get home, unless one of the team members can do it faster.

I find it hard to believe that he would have taken it though, seeing as how the animation physically is being changed.


EDIT: @Serenity, I see that you have made two button slots. I can't help but think that there's an easier way of doing this than that.

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EDIT: @Serenity, I see that you have made two button slots. I can't help but think that there's an easier way of doing this than that.


Yes i have had to make 2 button slots 1 for prone down and 1 prone up.

At first i tried to make 1 button to go down then the same button to go up if you are already down,Kind of an else if tree.But it didn't work.The animations just went down then straight back up again. I used the  PMF_DUCKED code as an example to learn from and made a new one called




After i figured out the PMF_DUCKED code the rest was easy.


I intend to tackle the 2 button solution at a later date ,sort of refine the code but for now i just wanted to make it work.The firing anims, weapon ready anims are done .The bbox stuff is kicking my ass at the moment.

I will Improve the animations when i have it all as good as it is going to get for my coding abilities.


There was some useful info in that post @@Serenity937. I'll keep some of that in mind if I need to make similar animations or at least try that method out. I've never merged two animations like that.


I use the other humanoid folders in JKA  ,ie _humanoid_t1_danger to source many small pieces of animation, if i find an animation i like i note the frame numbers in modview

Then i impframe exactly that small piece of animation into dragon. I do this sometimes with 4 or 5 separate animations and impframe them into dragon successively then i fblend each separate animation and dragon smooths the animations for me. Essentially i let dragon do the hard work.Its kind of Dragon Frankenstiening ,glueing anims together.


Ill then gla merge the whole thing .



Hey man you got me started with this.. Your the man when it comes to animations im just an apprentice and don't pretend to be half as good as you..



The man Speak the truth..

Serenity have always been after me to remember credits and ask for it so we didnt get a KOTF copy out when i had ideas

about effects/models and so on when i was playing around and wanted somthing in EoC to be final.

as me and him not is working with each others anymore i can't not say what is going on in EoC at all

but steal others Stuff is not the man i know of. and if there has been any sort of extra animations there has been set to be in 

EoC it has been and addon from mb2, md2 or any other models out there and credits where set in the doc for the addon.


Cheers mate,EoC will never be the same now that your not here and would never as been as good without you. EoC IS and always will be in debt and respect to you. ;)

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