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FBX to GLM converter

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Would you guys want a GUI for this? There's not really much to show though to be honest. At the moment you can drag your FBX file on to the program icon and it'll spit out a GLM file, or you can use the command line if you want to specify the GLM file name.


Adding it to ModView could be an option if I ever finish my platform port to Mac and Linux, but for now that's off the table :P

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One thing I just thought of. Will this have LOD support?

Yep, there is LOD support - if I've done it right :P I see 2 LODs on the Luke model you gave me, which are the same. Is that right?


Don't you need to list out player joints? What about creating .surf and .skin files at compile time?

Why would you need to list the player joints? Creating .skin files should be doable, as long as the FBX file has the correct texture paths. I can't remember what a .surf file does off the top of my head though!

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And LODs are fixed :) I have a weird problem with LOD0 of your Stormtrooper though @@DT85. The r_hand_plate surface is in completely the wrong place :P On LOD1 and LOD2, they are in the right place though. I'm pretty sure it's not a problem with the converter either. (The little white blob below the stormie is the right hand plate.)


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Despite the problem with that surface, I'll make a test version available now lol. It'll help me with finding more bugs, and I can fix that particular bug along with the others that will inevitably come in.


Download link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/874909/fbx2ghoul2.zip


This is what it DOES do:

  • Converts FBX file to GLM.
  • Supports LODs.
  • Supports static meshes.

DOES NOT support:

  • Animations
  • Skeletons

How to use:

From your 3d editor, export the model as an FBX binary file (it might work with text too? I'm not sure). Make sure to triangulate the model, and set Z as up. Drag and drop the FBX file on to the exe file, and the model.glm file will be created in the same directory as your FBX file.


I'm not releasing this on the JKHub files just yet until I'm sure the current features are working as they should.


PLEASE reply back with any bugs you find, and also any improvements or suggestions you have :)

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One feature that will be very important if/when you implement bones & animation is an adjustable model scale.


Replaced the blaster rifle model just to see if the model would load up ingame:




No textures shown as the ghoul2 models for weapons must store their texture names internally and not use a .skin file like normal ghoul2 models.






It honestly looks to work fine except not storing texture info in the GLM like what you would get with a weapon GLM model made with MD3view. I think the only way for this to get good use is when you add bone & animation support, as for some reason you can't add GLM models to maps. :\


On the topic of animation support, it would be very helpful to allow XSI file processing so people can work with the Raven animation source files.

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