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How many SP players are there here?

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If you play single player still SOUND OFF!!


What makes you keep coming back to the sp game?

If you prefer sp to mp why is that?

What are your favorite mods for sp?

What type of mods would you like to see for sp?



I'll start. I only play sp now mainly because I have no internet. When I was at my folks place in the past I couldn't play mp because they only had a dial-up connection.


I still only play sp becuase I can't stand the mp bots vs the sp npcs. The npcs are much better fighters and won't run away. I can (and have) also modded my npcs to be harder. I also like the way the saber combat feels in sp. The collision detection is better IMO.


My favorite mods are gameplay tweaks and 'ladder' stages. I like my animation mods because they add new ways to fight. My favorite console commands for sp are g_saberanimspeed 1.1, g_saberautoaim 0, and g_speed 200. The ladder stages are fun because it is just wave after wave of saber fights. Kind of like the Danger Room in the X-Men series.


I can't wait to see code mods for sp!!! I want to get saber styles added to the game without replacing existing ones. I'd like to see the jetpack added to the game and the ability to add multiple custom models for the jetpack (jango style, boba style, Rocketeer, wings, etc.) I also want vehicles to be fully functional in sp. If we could also get vehichles as npcs that'd be great! Mappers could add them as enemies to maps, and we could then use the playermodel command to play as them! Transform and roll out!

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SINGLE PLAYER!!!! all day

I don't play MP. I tried it once, but got hacked the f*ck up lawl


I prefer single player mods, because I like the freedom to walk around slowly checking out the level and details and not be sniped in the back o tha head with a concussion rifle while doing so. I like storylines. I find MP games a bit too fast paced for me.


Ive only downloaded a few mods, and mainly to check out their shaders rofl seriously. So I'd say my favorite type os SP mod, would be the animations. Theres a lot of fun things you can do there. So probably @@katanamaru 's backhand saber style would be my fav =P


I would like to see some code mods for SP. Someone fix that damn "Ran out of transform space for Ghoul2 models: Adjust mini-heapsize in SV_Spawnserver"   or whatever that is when you have a character with a bit more tri's. That and More UI mods. Ive done amazing things with the Ui, I'd like to see someone take it to the next level and really destroy a nice new modern UI for JA

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SINGLE PLAYER!!!! all day

I don't play MP. I tried it once, but got hacked the f*ck up lawl


I prefer single player mods, because I like the freedom to walk around slowly checking out the level and details and not be sniped in the back o tha head with a concussion rifle while doing so. I like storylines. I find MP games a bit too fast paced for me.


Ive only downloaded a few mods, and mainly to check out their shaders rofl seriously. So I'd say my favorite type os SP mod, would be the animations. Theres a lot of fun things you can do there. So probably @@katanamaru 's backhand saber style would be my fav =P


I would like to see some code mods for SP. Someone fix that damn "Ran out of transform space for Ghoul2 models: Adjust mini-heapsize in SV_Spawnserver"   or whatever that is when you have a character with a bit more tri's. That and More UI mods. Ive done amazing things with the Ui, I'd like to see someone take it to the next level and really destroy a nice new modern UI for JA

Too fast paced? Try MB2 :D

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I love SP because I think the gameplay is a lot more smooth than in MP. I also didn't have internet when I first got both JO and JA and so SP was awesome. I'm a huge Star Wars nerd and it's probably the most fun Star Wars game to play. Sure, JA's storyline sucks but it's still fun. The storyline mods are my favorite, other than gameplay tweaks. There are some crazy cool SP levels that people have made that are awesome. I wish people still made them. Ones like the Dark Forces mod just simply amaze me. I always wished to be able to make one of those kinds of mods.


Sometimes I just load up a map from the Star Wars movies and try to recreate a scene or just mess around and spawn a bunch of enemies how I want and go through it. It's pretty fun and not something I can do in other Star Wars games.


I too can't wait for SP code mods. Hopefully some hardcore SP players will be making a couple of them so they know what should be fixed, tweaked, or added. It seems most of the coders are focusing on MP.

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I haven't even finished single player xD  Never played the first one, only Jedi Academy..

I must admit that i got pretty darn good at dueling on multiplayer though!  I could pretty much win every single duel in every match i went to, even if it was dueling 2 people at once.  Do i say this with arrogance?  No not at all, i say it with pride because i believe that dueling in this game is something that takes a lot of practice and skill.  That's one of the reasons that i love this game and keep coming back to it, because the dueling system is one of the best i have ever come across and it's not just hacking and slashing!

I do play Knights of the Force but sadly nobody seems to play that =-(

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I do love JK2's SP, but I've played MP competitively way too much and after years of that, it's hard for me to appreciate sabering against bots at all anymore, especially the SP ones.



I must admit that i got pretty darn good at dueling on multiplayer though!  I could pretty much win every single duel in every match i went to, even if it was dueling 2 people at once.  Do i say this with arrogance?  No not at all, i say it with pride because i believe that dueling in this game is something that takes a lot of practice and skill.  That's one of the reasons that i love this game and keep coming back to it, because the dueling system is one of the best i have ever come across and it's not just hacking and slashing!

link esl account or it didn't happen
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If you play single player still SOUND OFF!!


What makes you keep coming back to the sp game?

If you prefer sp to mp why is that?

What are your favorite mods for sp?

What type of mods would you like to see for sp?


I only play SP, MP gameplay is nice but i do suck in PvP!


JK2 story line is what makes me play over and over again. i do like the new force powers any movement animations from JKA.


SP over MP due to SP's NPCS are more difficult to deal with than on MP, imo.


for the mods i usually play with the Yoda mod, and few other mods that add few lightsaber and new skin for the player. Hate to see the same npcs over and over with texture changes.


Mods that i would like to see are, a CO-OP mod, new force powers and animations, fighting styles.

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I do love JK2's SP, but I've played MP competitively way too much and after years of that, it's hard for me to appreciate sabering against bots at all anymore, especially the SP ones.



link esl account or it didn't happen



Link esl???? What does that even mean??


How many times do i have to repeat myself.  Until you non-believers duel me on a server then you can't prove it didn't happen just as much as i can't prove that it did.


That's why i refuse to keep coming back and reading these silly replies because we can talk about what did and didn't happen all you want but until you've dueled me and taken me down yourself, aka backing it up, you can't really dispute it.


I said i USED TO BE so it's in the past, can't go back in time and prove me wrong can you? lol.


So either stop bickering about it or prove me wrong by joining me on a server and doing so!  :P


I have more important things to do such as helping people with modeling and texturing, etc. to keep coming back and debating something that can be resolved in a match.  So i wont be coming back to read replies to this, i'm not sure what part of that you don't understand.  I believe that silly bickering should be reserved for private messages, it's not very nice to clutter up a forum with little disputes.  Therefor i am refusing to come back to read any responses, sorry but i have made things quite clear now so just get over it! lol.

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I agree, it's pretty silly to claim you're good at something without being able to back it up, and then when challenged, refuse to reply.


And i agree that it's pretty silly for somebody to be unable to use the messaging system and wanting to carry on in public because they believe that they have something to prove. 


I haven't seen any challenge because, as i stated, i am not reading previous reply's.  Now you can either message me or prove that you're just one of these fools that needs an audience to feel big about themselves :)

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One more reason to stick with sp; npc's don't have anything to prove or disprove.

But they're not silly like us, which makes them far less interesting. The drama and storylines that come with competitive play were probably the only reason I have played JKA for so long. There's nothing like the adrenaline rush of playing a really good game where a lot is at stake. It's also one of the major reasons I follow esports.


JK2's storyline doesn't even come close in terms of entertainment value compared to watching or even playing a high-level match. Of course I'm not refering to making fun of some mouthy, inexperienced player for his allegedly unmeasurable amount of skill, which is really just a guilty pleasure of mine that I'm trying to shake.

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But they're not silly like us, which makes them far less interesting. The drama and storylines that come with competitive play were probably the only reason I have played JKA for so long. There's nothing like the adrenaline rush of playing a really good game where a lot is at stake. It's also one of the major reasons I follow esports.


JK2's storyline doesn't even come close in terms of entertainment value compared to watching or even playing a high-level match. Of course I'm not refering to making fun of some mouthy, inexperienced player for his allegedly unmeasurable amount of skill, which is really just a guilty pleasure of mine that I'm trying to shake.



Well then shake your pitiful trolling into the pit of something i like to call "The Pit of Utter Noobism"


You have failed to be a worthy opponent both on here AND on JKA.  You have failed to oppose me both on here and this game.


Therefor i have no choice but to categorize you and brand you, therefor placing you on my list of blocked people.


Why would i block all further communication from you?






You talk all big and mighty yet you have not dueled me and, in my honest opinion, ever had any intentions of doing so.  I know that you are a mere child and fear, even despise, the fact that i would wipe you out within seconds.  To further fuel your fear, should you have had the guts to challenge me, i'd have recorded the whole thing and posted it on Youtube under my "Laughable Morons" channel.


You are pitiful until you actually duel me one on one.  Until such time your talk is just talk and comes across as a scared little boy. 


So go ahead and keep cowering behind comments on here.  At the end of the day you are too afraid to challenge me, therefor i am better than you until you can prove otherwise.

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@@CaptainCrazy - I'm kinda disappointed by your behavior here. While this conversation should have been carried on via PM, that does not in any way give you a right to openly bash another member. Please don't do this again. Rule number 1 is "Don't be a jerk", and there is no reason to do what you have done. But hey, it happens. We all get upset one time or another. Just keep the rules in mind next time you post. :)

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To get back on topic, I used to play a lot of the sp ladder maps that the OP mentioned way back in the days and pretty much stuck with those for the longest of time until the release of JKA. I don't really like playing those anymore though, as I'm more of a MP person now, so my favourite mods for the SP campaigns are the ones that make the game look good, i.e. HD texture ones, and mods that make the gameplay of SP more akin to what we have in MP (especially for JKA, seeing as the movement in SP JKA feels really odd).


EDIT: Although what I'd absolutely love to see would be SP maps that are truly optimized for coop play in MP.

Setlec, Circa and therfiles like this
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I absolutely love SP. The ability to tell a story and make your own missions is just so awesome. Making your own campaigns, cutscenes, events, SP just has that structure that MP doesn't. But both gamemodes are awesome in their own respect. Are SP NPCs dumb? Yes. Then mod them to be smarter. With SP, problems can be overcome easily to make an amazing map or mission.


Co-op would be AMAZING. Combined with the structure of SP and the intelligence and teamwork MP has, it would be so fun.

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