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Star Wars: Bounty Hunter Flamethrower

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Hmmm...ensure that you've got all the correct syntax in your string file...like "" and so forth. If you keep having trouble, maybe PM the file to me and I'll try and isolate it, if you want.


PM'd. Thanks man.

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Awesome work, I have the flamethrower mod atm. just figured out shaders enough to give Corto's model a metal shader instead of the ambient one. Hard work to get menu's right, I am happy to have electrocution effects replace to be flames. i at one point used the efx shader from the swoope when it catches you on fire and applied it to the existing flamethrower somehow.it was like two or three years ago but i can't  remember exactly how i got it working, It looked really cool.


Npc's it hit would actually be set on fire by the bobafett classes flamethrower.

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Awesome work, I have the flamethrower mod atm. just figured out shaders enough to give Corto's model a metal shader instead of the ambient one. Hard work to get menu's right, I am happy to have electrocution effects replace to be flames. i at one point used the efx shader from the swoope when it catches you on fire and applied it to the existing flamethrower somehow.it was like two or three years ago but i can't  remember exactly how i got it working, It looked really cool.


Npc's it hit would actually be set on fire by the bobafett classes flamethrower.


Eventually there will be a fire effect on them, for now I just want to replace them with blank images for the sake of knowing which ones are which... and seeing what effect it has on the DEMP and other things that use those files.

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Odd...pass me your menus.str via PM or just post in here...I'll see if there is anything minutely wrong.


Somehow it appears that the issue fixed itself... ? It now works and displays just fine. Which means progress! The only thing left to do is remove the graphic of electricity on the player and replace it with blank ones. I don't want to use the flame effect instead as I feel that would mess wit the game a bit too much. Still having trouble with that part but I'll work on it. :)

therfiles likes this
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Somehow it appears that the issue fixed itself... ? It now works and displays just fine. Which means progress! The only thing left to do is remove the graphic of electricity on the player and replace it with blank ones. I don't want to use the flame effect instead as I feel that would mess wit the game a bit too much. Still having trouble with that part but I'll work on it. :)


Yeah, I agree. Replacing the lightning shaders with flame will make a lot of other effects go wonky. Just keeping it invisible is a wise choice. :P

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Yeah, I agree. Replacing the lightning shaders with flame will make a lot of other effects go wonky. Just keeping it invisible is a wise choice. :P


Definitely, I still can't figure out how to do it but I'll spend some time today sorting through the assets and see what I can do.

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Alright I'm tired of this, I need help. I can't find the damn lightning impact file for when lightning hits a player ANYWHERE. It's not in the .efx files for Force Lightning, DEMP2, or Stun Baton. Anyone have any ideas?

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To get rid of the stun effect, replace the electric shaders with blank ones. Try these shaders (I think) in the effects.shader:


	qer_editorimage	gfx/misc/lightning3
	cull	twosided
	deformvertexes	bulge	0 2 0
        map gfx/misc/lightning3
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
        rgbGen identity
        tcMod scroll 0.5 1
        tcMod scale 3 4.5

	cull	twosided
	deformvertexes	bulge	0 0.25 0
        map gfx/misc/lightning3
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
        rgbGen identity
        tcMod scroll 0.5 1
        tcMod scale -2 -3.5

	cull	twosided
        map gfx/misc/lightningflash
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
        rgbGen vertex


None of these worked?

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Alright I'm tired of this, I need help. I can't find the damn lightning impact file for when lightning hits a player ANYWHERE. It's not in the .efx files for Force Lightning, DEMP2, or Stun Baton. Anyone have any ideas?

never mind about the demp then

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Lightning impact effect? Hardcoded I'm fairly sure.


Difficult to change? If it's not too tough to mess with then I'll see if someone can do it for me, but if it's too much of a hassle I'll leave it as is. I still added the icon and changed all the text, so it's still a big step up from the original mod.

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  • 9 months later...

Just uploaded this, pending approval. Will post here when it's approved.

Just so you know what is and isn't in this version, I've taken Dark_Maul's original mod and added a new icon to replace the force lightning icons and changed the descriptions/text referencing Force Lightning to reflect the Flamethrower. I'm still having a ton of trouble with replacing the electricity effect that occurs on a player hit by the lightning/flamethrower. Hopefully I'll be able to add that in a later version, if not replacing it entirely with a fire effect of some kind.

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