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Xbox One announced

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I totally agree that the majority do; though I do wonder if there are numbers of users with and without constant internet.


I've thought about getting internet and if I ever do I'll definetly have my ps3/4 connected full time. Unless I need it offline for certain events like in Demon's Souls.


There aren't numbers that I could find, but I do like how when asked about users in rural areas or other countries without steady internet Microsoft simply said "Buy a 360", essentially saying "fuck you". We know their stance on the "always on" concept, so saying "Oh we listened to the gamers, we care about them" is bullshit.

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  • 4 months later...

I'm definitely going to be waiting awhile. The current games for them look only slightly better right now. The smart thing to do is wait for the price to go down and for the developers to fully take advantage of them. Remember when the current gen consoles came out? It was the same way. Looking back, the graphics on those early games were awful compared to a few years into it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I prefer somewhat older nintendo games anyway. I can't stand it how so many people said the gamecube (aka the purple lunchbox) was terrible...ARE YOU FRIGGEN KIDDING ME!?!?!?


-Super Mario Sunshine

-Super Smash Bros Melee

-Mario Kart Double Dash

-Zelda Wind Waker & Twilight Princess

-Paper Mario

-Metroid Prime 1 & 2...

-And more I'm not bothering to list...(yes, I know all of those games are Nintendo, but w/e)



At least Nintendo hasn't lost all its creativity yet...besides, as computers continue to get more powerful, I will be easily able to emulate all of these soon to be classic games, and enjoy playing them at 1080p (or higher)  xD...of course, big brother may will probably take over the PC world sooner or later. It's already happening :(....and we all know what that means...



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I have a feeling the next gen consoles are going to take awhile to catch on. The previous gen was prominent for far too long to be swept under the rug in even 2 years. Once the prices drop immensely and more games come out for it, I, and the most of the world, will eventually buy one.


The main thing I hate about the Xbox One is the controller. It's huge! I wonder if there is a way to use the 360 controller with it.

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I have a feeling the next gen consoles are going to take awhile to catch on. The previous gen was prominent for far too long to be swept under the rug in even 2 years. Once the prices drop immensely and more games come out for it, I, and the most of the world, will eventually buy one.


The main thing I hate about the Xbox One is the controller. It's huge! I wonder if there is a way to use the 360 controller with it.

Not really. They already sold more PS4s in the US than PS3s in Canada.

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Next Gen consoles wont be good for the first year, or at least 6 months when they havent addressed all the crappy post-release issues.


For me Xbone > PS4 but that is because when you got figures of Xbox360 selling out and topping it up every month since its launch, you could expect (and hope) that quality gets improved on.

I am still though PC Gamer extreme, so PC was next gen, it is now future-gen!

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Next Gen consoles wont be good for the first year, or at least 6 months when they havent addressed all the crappy post-release issues.


For me Xbone > PS4 but that is because when you got figures of Xbox360 selling out and topping it up every month since its launch, you could expect (and hope) that quality gets improved on.

I am still though PC Gamer extreme, so PC was next gen, it is now future-gen!

Statistics (and history) show that the third iteration of a product who sells out on the second iteration tend to do very poorly in comparison to the other products, so I'm not really sure that this is entirely accurate. Basing your knowledge off of a past product isn't really wise in this case, especially since they've deviated quite far from the original formula.

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Statistics (and history) show that the third iteration of a product who sells out on the second iteration tend to do very poorly in comparison to the other products, so I'm not really sure that this is entirely accurate. Basing your knowledge off of a past product isn't really wise in this case, especially since they've deviated quite far from the original formula.


Tbh I am not completely basing this off the past events. I am basing it off the following:


- Past products

- Company Ethos

- Company PR

- Quality Assurance of Product (General and Specific)

- Product Delivery


Its just known that the Day1-Day20 release of a product is never going to be the "IT Factor", it needs to be worked to get it to logistically work before they start putting new features in. All my comment was is that this process usually takes 6 months-1 year from my experience of consoles (Follow their news, haven't owned one since PS1 and N64). Does it make sense?

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I'm getting a PS4 latter (not a XBox hater) but I saw that Dead Rising 3 had a Mega Man X model that has a working buster. I'm really hoping that game comes to the pc. I'm a sucker for Mega Man. The trailer reveal for that looked better than the 3d Mega Man games to me.

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