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The JKHUB Pass me around WIP topic

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Gentlemen, the schedule has been updated by Magsul's request (see OP on page 1). Most importantly, I've now chosen only to have a final turn and no middle turn, as magsul preferred to go earlier (thus in my place). I might have pushed some people's turns back a week since I removed my own. Please check the schedule and look if you can still make it. Sorry for any inconvenience! :P


- Your ase geometry must be detail surrounded in a structural caulk box. 


Not true, unless your .ase model is entirely patches, just select all the brushes and make them structural, or just one, or three, or whatever. It just needs at least one structural brush - not sure why, but there ya go. If you did use entirely patches, just create a small caulk box anywhere, if you're paranoid put it inside the model where it can't be 'seen'.


Please don't forget to zip the file up and send it to Twinhits on the 24th! Perhaps you guys need to exchange email addresses by pm (can't remember if twinhits posted his email in this topic or not). 


Currently no, I'm trying to figure out the penthouse room itself. The trick is making it an interesting dueling area as well as look good and fit the theme.


Will the penthouse be high up in the map? If so, then would it possible to have breakable windows, so that you can throw people out of it with force push?


Oh daeeem...just decided to view this topic, and already I am eagerly waiting for all of this stuff to be finished!


@@TwinHits, please prepare to transport the map. I got a pm from @@Delta_135 saying he's experiencing some internet connection issues and cannot take the map after you. I know @@MagSul was all about having his turn soon,so I switched him and Delta around. Main post updated. I know the time period for switching them around is really short (since this concerns the following mapper) but due to delta's issues, I had no other choice. @@MagSul, can you confirm you have time next week?


@@exonimus Preparing to transport to @@MagSul.


I'm not done yet, but I have boxed out the space that I need and put it on the map. Future mappers, feel free to attach it to any spot you feel like. When I finish my portion, I'll contact the mapper and organize a switcheroo of the parts. If any mapper feels like making a change or adding to my part, feel free! Just PM me with shots and we'll coordinate.


EDIT: I've PMed MagSul. Sorry for the silence! My life took an unexpected turn and this took a backseat, I do intend to finish my portion! Luckily, I chose a somewhat out of the way area! Also, I may have overdone it on the textures (7 megs) I will tone that down.


No worries, life tends  to do that sometimes :( I'll see if I can get you an extra turn somewhere if you feel like it?


This is what I got started with on Tuesday. (I was unexpectedly very busy for the next few days, I have all of tonight and the weekend set aside to map, however.) I duplicated the top of @@MUG's stairs, rotated 'em and began adding the street above. Originally there was a far more modern road texture, but I decided to experiment with the lights to give it a more technological feel. I'm not too sure on it, myself. You can see the kind of architecture I'm aiming towards. It's what I picture when I walk around MUG's portion. This is the significantly run-down part of the city.


I also just realised how incredibly dark this all looks out of game.  :huh:


:: Wastes time adding detail, doesn't make it visible ::













CaptainChar, MUG and Mog like this

This is what I got started with on Tuesday. (I was unexpectedly very busy for the next few days, I have all of tonight and the weekend set aside to map, however.) I duplicated the top of @@MUG's stairs, rotated 'em and began adding the street above. Originally there was a far more modern road texture, but I decided to experiment with the lights to give it a more technological feel. I'm not too sure on it, myself. You can see the kind of architecture I'm aiming towards. It's what I picture when I walk around MUG's portion. This is the significantly run-down part of the city.


I also just realised how incredibly dark this all looks out of game.  :huh:


:: Wastes time adding detail, doesn't make it visible ::














This looks awesome...can't wait to see the finished project!

MUG and Delta_135 like this

Looks neat. I'm actually glad i didn't get round to making any of the streets outside, because that looks far more awesome than what I had in mind.

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