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Tales From The Clone Wars - JKA comic

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  • 2 months later...

Wow, those Grievous close-ups on page 11 look amazing! And what he says is totally in character. Love it. :)

Page 16 -- Way Plo Koool! ^_^ Great to see him in his element. :D

Page 36-37 -- Nooooooo! Tooook!!! Poor Tok! Why??!  : Awww... he'll be missed. I was totally rooting for him against Windu.

Great finale! :sun: This has been an outstanding issue! Totally looking forward to volume 5. ^_^

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I see the end of Tok quite logical here: TCW series as well as certain moments in Episodes II-III indicated, that the Republic was transforming rapidly. Into something, which wasn't seen clearly even to those, who doubted the war and Palpatine himself for years. Instead of a classic Jedi/Dark Jedi duel and Republic trial (as in case of Ahsoka Tano), the now influential people such as Tarkin can do and act as they please. According to their beliefs.


I would really like to see Sly Moore in the next episodes. We all remember, that she wasn't present in TCW show, probably because she reminded Assaj Ventress a lot. We also know, that the Jedi suspected, that either she of Mass Ameddaa might have been the Sith, they've been looking for for years. She is often speechless and silent, but clearly she is an agent of Sidious. Her appearance, a bit frightening and dark, in Episode II instead of calm and seemingly gentle Sei Taria - was one of the indications, that everything within the Republic is moving towards great changes.

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@@Cerez I'm glad you liked it! I don't know if/when Volume Five might come about. I've been toying with the idea of moving to another era for a future series. Before Volume Four I had plans for 'Tales From The New Republic', but scuppered them when we learned that the EU was getting scrapped for the new films. Maybe 'Tales From The Empire' ? Will have to see which story ideas come up.


@@NumberWan I always enjoy reading your insights on the comic, you always seem to understand the tone of what I'm going for - particularly when it comes to the Republic's "dark side". Sly Moore is a character I have on my To-Do-List of kitbash models, and I imagine she would be fairly easy to create. Maybe she'll make an appearance in a possible future volume - though where would she be without a trusty Mas Amedda model by her side? ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

After some storyboarding sessions I can announce that 'production' has started on Volume Five of Tales From The Clone Wars! I ended up deciding that there's still a lot more potential in the Clone Wars era.


Here's a sneak preview of the first eight pages of Issue One - Brothers In Arms:











Fun fact: Every single character featured in this preview (and the whole of Issue One, in fact) is a custom skin or edited player model modified specifically for the webcomic.

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How far into the Clone Wars is this comic series if you don't mind me asking.


Volume One starts in the latter half of the war (just after the transition to Phase 2 armour), with Volume Five taking place during the third and final year as stated in the opening crawl.


This creates a bit of a continuity error with the canon TV show in Volume Two, as Asajj Ventress is shown to still be serving Count Dooku yet according to Season Three of the show (which hadn't come out yet at the time) she had defected during the time that the clones were still wearing Phase 1 armour. Oops.


As an off-hand note, I always found it weird that the Clone Wars only lasted three years yet the films imply that characters such as Anakin and Obi-Wan have aged considerably more in that time. It just seems a very short time for such a widespread galactic war.

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Whew, finished the rest of Issue One sooner than expected - I always seem to breeze through the opening issue to a volume.


This issue is set entirely on the cloning world of Kamino, and takes inspiration for the setting from the 'Clone Wars' TV show - I almost included a cameo of the bounty hunters Bric and El-Les but cut them for editing reasons.


Anyway! The full copy of 'Brothers In Arms' can be read at http://www.talesfromtheclonewars.net



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@@Kualan, you never cease to impress me. This is probably one of my favorites. It's smaller setting (one planet) really allowed this to be a character-driven issue and you had some excellent character development in there. I love the characters and there were some really good lines! Such a compelling way to start of a new story. Really well done as always! :D

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@@Kualan, you never cease to impress me. This is probably one of my favorites. It's smaller setting (one planet) really allowed this to be a character-driven issue and you had some excellent character development in there. I love the characters and there were some really good lines! Such a compelling way to start of a new story. Really well done as always! :D


I'm really glad you liked it, @@therfiles . The idea of going for a smaller cast and setting was made specifically so I could have more 'character moments', so I'm pleased to hear that came across. It's a trend I'm going to be keeping through Volume Five - the plot will progress and expand as usual, but it will remain focused on a smaller central cast of characters.

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Cheers @@Jeff . Glad you liked it!

I like that. I'm interested to see why Asher's so... Salty. 

Although I do wish there was a bit more variety between the two armors, it still looks great. Also loved the usage of Bric and El-Les quotes with Corliss and his surly companion.


There's a lot more to Asher's bitterness than just what's implied in the first issue. Lot's more to come on that front!

And yeah, I figured if anyone was going to catch the Bric and El-Les references it would be my fellow TCW Hub fanboy ;) This whole issue is inspired by the Clone Cadet / Fives arcs from the show, in order to maintain visual and thematic continuity with the canon. Since we're dealing with a lot of original characters, from a narrative perspective it's good to ground them in something familiar when introducing them.


Now the characters have been established, the plot's going to progress into more original territory. Hope to have the final script of Issue Two finished today so production can start later in the week.

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The Clone Wars lasted a bit more than 3 years. But as any other war it changes people, makes them grow faster. Become more mature, so I think that's what happened to Anakin. And Ahsoka as well.


When I saw the preview for the next volume, I thought it was describing the first year after the Clone Wars.

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The Clone Wars lasted a bit more than 3 years. But as any other war it changes people, makes them grow faster. Become more mature, so I think that's what happened to Anakin. And Ahsoka as well.


When I saw the preview for the next volume, I thought it was describing the first year after the Clone Wars.


Yeah, you're right. I suppose if I had spent three years in a galactic war some of my hair would go grey too!


Curiously, I did actually consider setting this plotline after the end of the Clone Wars, but ended up settling on - as the opening crawl says - the 'third year of conflict'. I didn't want to overcomplicate the plot by having the characters dealing with such a drastic change to the galactic status quo at the same time as all the other story ideas I wanted to throw at them.

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Absolutely brilliant!


Shaak Ti in character at her finest. Superb location/scenes and endearing original characters. Intriguing mystery, and a brilliant new formula for storytelling. This fan wants more!


From a critical perspective, a little ambiguity in the connected details to the plot regarding how a DNA sample/template can degenerate over a short time -- not really clear, but it doesn't detract from the story experience.

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Absolutely brilliant!


Shaak Ti in character at her finest. Superb location/scenes and endearing original characters. Intriguing mystery, and a brilliant new formula for storytelling. This fan wants more!


From a critical perspective, a little ambiguity in the connected details to the plot regarding how a DNA sample/template can degenerate over a short time -- not really clear, but it doesn't detract from the story experience.


Thanks for the feedback, Cerez. Glad you liked Shaak Ti's portrayal. I ported a Togrutan head from SWTOR specifically for this issue so that I could give her more expressive features so I'm glad you think it's consistent with her canon behaviour.


The ambiguity surrounding the degrading Jango DNA is something that will hopefully become a little clearer in Issue Two as we move to Coruscant - where the Senate is in full-swing debate about the issue. 

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Production is ongoing with Issue Two at the moment. Been busy populating the Galactic Senate. These are all canon characters that will filling up the Rotunda at some point or another:






From left to right they are Senator Saam, Senator Chuchi, Senator Mothma, Senator Aak, and Senator Concorkill.


There will be a few original creations as well, but I'll leave them until the actual issue to reveal.

NumberWan, Cerez, therfiles and 2 others like this
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  • 2 months later...

Due to my recent PC crash, I lost all my WIP files on Volume Five - so much so that despite several efforts I can't really find the energy or enthusiasm to re-do it all again. As such I'll be quietly closing the most recent volume of the webcomic before it really begins.


I have, however, used the opportunity to start an entirely new comic project set during the Rebellion-era, and have already begun work on producing some content for it. 


A sneak peak:






No ETA on when this new project will complete its first issue.

NumberWan, DarthStiv, Jeff and 2 others like this
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