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Zaiden's Mod Box

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Now, onto the main highlight: Zaiden's Mod Box.
Early Access versions of my mods will be hosted exclusively on Google Drive, independent of JKHub.org. This is a precaution until I feel ready to expand further.


These are the mods I'll begin working on shortly, along with their respective release timelines:

  • Broken Allegiance Main Trio
    Expected Release: "When It's Done" ~ 3D Realms
    Keep an eye out for the main trio of the Broken Allegiance Fan Film directed by Nick Hallam.
  • Knightquest Main Cast
    Expected Release: "When It's Done" ~ 3D Realms
    Keep an eye out for the four main stars of the Knightquest Fan Film by Joe Monroe.
  • Sam Sunarr
    Expected Release: "When It's Done" ~ 3D Realms
    Keep an eye out for this character as he was part of a proposed Fan Film that was cancelled as a Fan Film before it could be realized.


Here's mods that have been discontinued voluntarily by me:


Here's the lineup of finished projects that are available to download:


These are mods that I have no plans to release:


Projects currently in development include:

  • Aeryn Lightsaber
    Expected Release: 2025
  • Aria Lightsaber
    Expected Release: 2025
  • Emerald Knight Lightsaber
    Expected Release: 2025
  • Prototype Lightsaber
    Expected Release: 2025
  • Sniper Lightsaber
    Expected Release: 2025

A massive thanks to those who has supported the ideas I have presented-it means the world to me. Moving forward, I am diving into creating my own mods, and I can't wait to share those with you.

Note: Any mods marked with an asterisk (*) are awaiting approval.

Stay tuned for more updates, and happy modding!

May the Force be with you.

  • Speedy aka Zaiden
On 7/17/2024 at 4:09 PM, SSJDBlade said:

After a month of dormancy, I have some news.

I have decided to remove any textures that I did not properly credit the author or author(s) of so that way I do not get into any trouble with them, and apologies in advance for the excessive posting, I would generously appreciate it if a Staff member could combine all my posts in this topic into one if it is in the realm of possibility.

You want the whole topic combined into one post or just the recent ones?

IMO just arrange the posts you want to keep the way you like them (like, copypaste, edit, remove etc. stuff in them as you see fit), and then purge the ones you want deleted and just put lone comma or dot inside, so I can be sure to delete only what you truly want deleted, sounds good? : D 

SpeedyJDFox95 likes this

The Dash Rendar Lightsaber is now out.

 I now am also proud to announce the release of Hud Icons for a mod by @AshuraDX.

And I want to inform everyone of a project I had been secretly working on, I'm sorry for absolute secrecy behind this one, but ever wonder what it'd possibly be like if Kyle Katarn from Spirits of the Force would look like in Jedi Academy?

I'm holding off on releasing this mod due to it's... Way to simplistic detailing. I assembled most of the new textures in GIMP then compressed them using Paint dot net. I will not be taking all the credit for this one, this model has textures made by @MagSul, @Kalek, @Joshua, @GPChannel, Infinity Blade, and plenty more. The icon was made by JC of the Spirits of the Force series of Fan Films. This reskin will be exclusive to Google Drive unless otherwise. I want to thank everyone for supporting my files, and/or files I contribute to. It really makes me happy!

I also have worked on an answer to a question that might be bothering some people. "Where is the holster on Vanilla Kyle?" Well, I want to let you all know that I have my own response to aforementioned question, but I won't release it here, not until I get permission to release it here.





Two new NPCs for my Students NPC pack have been submitted, but I forgot the screenshots.



IMPORTANT: There is a bug with the Student_NM on my end, one of his saber blades malfunctions.

5 new meshes are in the works. 4 of these sabers already exist (Aeryn, Aria, Emerald Knight and Sniper) while 1 is my own creation (Brave)






The skin is finally semi-finalized. For anyone who has preferred past versions. I want to apologize, but this time, I promise to make this one the near final release.


The Skin is available on my Google Drive, completely independent of JKHub. And it may not see a release here until I am confident in it.


I have also successfully, in my own terms, finished my remake mesh of HOUOU's Sniper Hilt, now I just need to get textures for it.



Hopefully I am doing the right thing in crediting the sources behind this reskin. But it is now... Finished I guess.


And now you can download the skin file here.


Finally got the hilt finalized. But I may attach the pictures into a zip file and link to it from my drive, if that's okay with you.

Here's the link!


I want to thank @Droidy365 for supplying me with the textures needed to make the rough draft for the saber I dubbed "Brave" I tested it out in game, and it works phenomenally. I want to seek out a tweaker, but there's gonna need to be shaders first.

Thank you.


PierceDoughty likes this

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