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evo trooper

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This thread was almost a year old without a post. Oh well, that's a good question and I honestly can't think of how he did that...

ACK! I didn't mean to resurrect the post, I just was trying to catch up on all the updates on JKhub. Its so amazing to see what people are working on. Is the file still in limbo?

Circa likes this

nah evo's done. i just use cameraandtimescript

feel free to resurrect any of my poosts if u have any concerns or questions or ideas. I havent officially wrapped him up, because as I am progressing, I am realizing that a bunch of his textures are shit and i will be repainting many of my models in zbrush before I release the mod. thank you for your positive feedback.

Circa likes this

nah evo's done. i just use cameraandtimescript

feel free to resurrect any of my poosts if u have any concerns or questions or ideas. I havent officially wrapped him up, because as I am progressing, I am realizing that a bunch of his textures are shit and i will be repainting many of my models in zbrush before I release the mod. thank you for your positive feedback.


I looked into that script, it is pretty darn epic. Thank you.


I have to commend you on how much of a perfectionist you are. You keep working and working, and on so many different things too... The Tie facility, T3-M4, Force Unleashed characters. It is hard to keep humility but you do it well.


And the Evo trooper is just one more reason for me to be excited for the eventual mod.


It's easy to keep humility in a community full of so many talented people. I'm proud to be a part of it. The reason I work on a lot of things at once is so I don't get burned out on something. Thank you again.

Barricade24 likes this
  • 1 month later...

So I have that EVO Trooper done, but it's kinda meh to me so I rebuilt him and will be releasing the rebuilt one with the mod, and the one you see in the video above in the next little while once I get his fingers set right I screwed them up. But I'll let this guy go and maybe even the old version of proxy before he was rebuilt I still have his gla as well. I'll let you guys have those to retexture and screw with while I finish the rest of this. here is the rebuilt one.















The old one works fine and looks fine...
There is really no reason besides the fact that I have a bit more talent now, and when I rebuilt it I did so with twice the detail and 1200 less verts. Also, the EVO Trooper was always my fav so i plan on spending some time texturing it.

katanamaru, Omicron and Circa like this

So I have that EVO Trooper done, but it's kinda meh to me so I rebuilt him and will be releasing the rebuilt one with the mod, and the one you see in the video above in the next little while once I get his fingers set right I screwed them up. But I'll let this guy go and maybe even the old version of proxy before he was rebuilt I still have his gla as well. I'll let you guys have those to retexture and screw with while I finish the rest of this. here is the rebuilt one.






The old one works fine and looks fine...

There is really no reason besides the fact that I have a bit more talent now, and when I rebuilt it I did so with twice the detail and 1200 less verts. Also, the EVO Trooper was always my fav so i plan on spending some time texturing it.

I'm glad you're taking another crack it this guy. He looks better already.


Just something I wanted to point out, I'm not sure if the previous version of your model had a mirrored helmet or not but the EVO only has one redline on one side of his helmet. One thing I have noticed though, both the chest and ab section of the EVO trooper look a lot like the Stormtrooper's.


You know, I'd actually think if you put some of the EVO's parts that you made on DT's ST model, it would look pretty cool.


I normally don't give two flips about trooper models, but...




That is one heck of a cool looking trooper! That's a trooper I'd worry about going up agains as a Jedi. We need to get a flamethrower weapon now more than ever to go with this guy!

ChalklYne likes this
  • 5 weeks later...

Hey Chalk, you wouldn't happen to have any shots of the model of the Shadow EVO Trooper would you? They could be useful for whenever the EVO is released.




I will go take pics now


I'll go start a new topic in the Overview section of nothing but TFU ref pics for anyone who needs them


Ask for whichever you need I may have the model


hey anybody seen the ghoul2 error in jka that says something like miniheap size in sv_spawnserver or something?


i dunno if its any significance but this particular character also doesnt have a blade on his saber. the base characters do. guns work fine.

i get it everyday




Oh yeah they do XD If you'll see the blackbeard thread they are the same hands, I just fixed them. I modeled them to the skele and low and behold, doing it right fixed it  I just havent posted any updated pics yet. But it's fixed. Might post some later I'm messing with blackbeard atm.


A few things I notice so far:


1) You could model on the "bracelets" on the trooper's arms.


2) The arm cylinder is a little too big. Going up the arm, it should go up now more than a little half way up the arm. Going down it goes a little past the "bracelets".


3) The breathing tubes could be a little more curved around the middle. Your ref pics should be able to explain this better.


4) The cylinders on the leg are not in a box. They are 4 individual cylinders that pretty much cover the upper half of the leg.


5) Shoulder pads could be a bit bulkier.


6) The belt "bulges" are on the front half of the belt (use) DT'S belt for reference. I believe the EVO belt is exaclty the same as the

Stormtrooper's. The belt could also over all bit a bit taller.


7) The "poo" shaft on the back back can be removed. Instead whatyou need is a circular backwards object is needed. I'll supply



9)The EVO only has one stomach tube. That connects into the life support box. (Which the square part could be bigger.) It appears tohead to the left and down into the side of the chest. So you can delete the tube on the right.


10) The over all head shape (mainly the middle) can be strechted a bit more to the sides. The top of the helmet should not fade to the top so quickly but a decent slow pace so that it looks more unified.


That's what I can see for right now. He's looking good, but could still need some more work.

ChalklYne likes this
  • 10 months later...

Ill work on his hands right now





That little hole between his armor and chest that you see from the side view is just a vert i missed while snapping stuff to the new adjustments. Ill fix it now but wont post update pic lol


Starting with the head


(I actually now that I look at it the trooper stache could just be skinned on you can probably can adjust the stache section so that is looks like it blends or get rid of the section all together. I don't really know how modelling works so whatever you can do to make that area go bye bye.










15510963724_0ac96b39df_o.jpgI think that's most of the core of my feedback for now.

ChalklYne, Omicron and Jolly like this

Taking a decent chunk of that critique out


The head looks so much better!


One thing I did notice is that you kind of followed in error in one of the screenshot I made.



According to the actual in game version only one of the the EVO's belt packs are on his belt the other was correct before when it was on his thigh. The packs on the left should be moved back to the thigh position.

ChalklYne likes this

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