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Anniversary Campaign Expansion Mod 1.1

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About This File


This is a Single Player mod and it doesn't affect MP. The core idea was to modernize original game without changing anything in its gameplay mechanics or balance. The story was carefully extended, but it's still the same. Hope you like it.

First part of the mod is widescreen UI fix. It removes stretching on widescreen displays for most of menus and in-game HUD. Also, camera placement is some cutscenes was modified.
Some minor menus aren't affected. Also, I couldn't fix sniper aim.

The second part of the mod is content expansion. It includes:
* 6 new cutscenes between missions (2 in Tier-1, 3 in Tier-2, 1 in Tier-3), all are voiced by original actor voices generated with AI voice service (elevenlabs.io).
* dark ending cutscene is slightly modified.
* new mission added in Tier 2. You need to finish all five default missions in tier 2 to play this level. The mission implements some prominent level design ideas from 1990s 😉 (not that bad though, after I added hints)


Copy mod files to your game's "Base" folder (for Steam version: steamapps/common/Jedi Academy/GameData/Base)

* modace_gui.pk3 - contains widescreen UI fix and can be used independently with vanilla game
* modace_main.pk3 - requires caexan_gui.pk3 and OpenJK with pull request #1139 (https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/pull/1139).

New level needs OpenJK to read and write cvar variables. Old OpenJK releases before pull request #1139 have critical bug, and the game crashes at the beginning of the new mission. So please make sure you use the latest version of OpenJK (May 1, 2023 or later).

Note: the mod overrides some default game files, like MENUS.str. If you have other installed mods also overriding these files, they may interfere each other.

Third Party Credits

* Alien Mercenaries 2.0 by The Unguided (credits: Monsoontide, OlgO & NumberWan, Mat Gaunt, Scerendo, AshuraDX, Hoodz, Zahar, BioWare) (https://jkhub.org/files/file/3939-alien-mercenaries/)
* Coruscant skybox from The Movie Duels (https://jkhub.org/files/file/3860-star-wars-movie-duels/)
* Movie Accurate Gammorean (Jolt - sepulmanz@yahoo.com)
* Bounty Hunter by Noodle (https://jkhub.org/files/file/3982-bounty-hunter/)
* Ceremonial Luke (https://jkhub.org/files/file/3951-ceremonial-luke-skywalker/)
* Omicron's Sith Zabrak 1.0 (https://jkhub.org/files/file/2131-omicrons-sith-zabrak/)
* TwiLek Mercenary (https://jkhub.org/files/file/3158-redja-twilek-mercenary-rework/)

Huge thanks to all content creators.
See detailed information and all readme files in the third_party directory.


You can modify my files freely. Sources (maps and scripts) are included in caexan_main.pk3.
You can share the mod with respect to license requirements of included third party mods.


What's New in Version 1.1


- custom mission - bug fix: cutscene is broken, if player killed the rodian sniper before the trigger

- custom mission - level design improved and a lot of small visual improvements

- correct model of sith holocron (for Nar Shaddaa and tier 3 cutscene)

tinny, Ramikad, ScrierOne and 6 others like this

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the presentation is really good but I'm currently soft locked on the t2 nar shadda level. I don't know what to do and I can find the solution. Also I'm guessing there's suppose to be a trigger to put away your lightsaber but it doesn't work and all it does is make you equip your saber and it ignites on it's own.

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im locking in the t2 mission menu after i played all other t2 missions, also when i access the ns1 map with console commands the game crashs after i leave the landing platform 

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Seems like some npc spawns are broken with this mod? Mayhaps the issue is on my end, but was just curious if anyone else was seeing the same thing.
For me thus far, Weequays and Tuskens throw a "Couldn't spawn NPC [entitynamehere]" error in the levels they're meant to show up in.
Tried with JA:Enhanced and OpenJK.

Yeah, some other mod I had that added extra playermodels/npcs was doin it. Carry on.


Having finished this, I like some of the the added story content. Really makes me want a remake of Jedi Academy even more that actually expands upon the player character's relationship with Rosh and everyone else. Also liked the first part of the new T2 mission. Was pleasantly surprised to see mind trick serve a purpose in that level. That said... the sewer section after is absolutely goddamn awful. Spending swathes of time just mindlessly wandering through copypasted rooms trying to find the "right" way to go was boring, and then having to follow a droid for what felt like 10 minutes all the way back to unlock a door... I don't see many people willingly replaying this level in its current form.

Regardless, thanks for the hard work and effort. Hope you'll keep improving it.

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On 4/15/2023 at 6:35 AM, Lwkill said:

im locking in the t2 mission menu after i played all other t2 missions, also when i access the ns1 map with console commands the game crashs after i leave the landing platform 

Wrong version of OpenJK.

On 4/15/2023 at 9:25 AM, FlamesOfAzure said:


Having finished this, I like some of the the added story content. Really makes me want a remake of Jedi Academy even more that actually expands upon the player character's relationship with Rosh and everyone else. Also liked the first part of the new T2 mission. Was pleasantly surprised to see mind trick serve a purpose in that level. That said... the sewer section after is absolutely goddamn awful. Spending swathes of time just mindlessly wandering through copypasted rooms trying to find the "right" way to go was boring, and then having to follow a droid for what felt like 10 minutes all the way back to unlock a door... I don't see many people willingly replaying this level in its current form.

Actually, I wanted to make this level irritating, but probably this is gone too far. It makes sense to add a color hints. Atthe other hand, nobody would find secret room then.

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This is great. Nar Shaddaa looks beautiful (in a Nar Shaddaa kind of way), the new cutscenes are well directed and feel like they fit the story like they should always have been there. They give JA the sort of story experience the previous games had, but without being too obtrusive. The AI voices sound surprisingly good as well.

Some criticism: the dialogue has a lot of grammatical errors and awkward language, as though maybe not written by a native English speaker. It's not a huge deal, but it could be tweaked to match the quality of the overall presentation. Also, I didn't get any story info from the datapads (error message: CG_CenterPrint: cannot find reference '@MENUS_DATAPADTOOLTIP' in StringPackage!). Maybe this is my fault, the description did say something about needing a caexan_gui.pk3 - I have no idea what that is or where to get it.

All in all, I had to register to say that this is an excellent addition to the game, and for me, a mandatory mod from now on.

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20 hours ago, ScrierOne said:

This is great. Nar Shaddaa looks beautiful (in a Nar Shaddaa kind of way), the new cutscenes are well directed and feel like they fit the story like they should always have been there. They give JA the sort of story experience the previous games had, but without being too obtrusive. The AI voices sound surprisingly good as well.

Some criticism: the dialogue has a lot of grammatical errors and awkward language, as though maybe not written by a native English speaker. It's not a huge deal, but it could be tweaked to match the quality of the overall presentation. Also, I didn't get any story info from the datapads (error message: CG_CenterPrint: cannot find reference '@MENUS_DATAPADTOOLTIP' in StringPackage!). Maybe this is my fault, the description did say something about needing a caexan_gui.pk3 - I have no idea what that is or where to get it.

All in all, I had to register to say that this is an excellent addition to the game, and for me, a mandatory mod from now on.

Thanks, I'm really pleased.

Indeed, I'm not a native speaker, and it was too large script for me to proofread it thoroughly. Unfortunately.

I'll check the problem with datapads, but do you use patched OpenJK? It's also possible that some other mod in your game overrides MENUS.str file or some menu files. In general, all found datapads should be available by Tab button, and that's what MENUS_DATAPADTOOLTIP says: "Open mission screen [Tab]".


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5 hours ago, ykas2 said:

I'll check the problem with datapads, but do you use patched OpenJK? It's also possible that some other mod in your game overrides MENUS.str file or some menu files. In general, all found datapads should be available by Tab button, and that's what MENUS_DATAPADTOOLTIP says: "Open mission screen [Tab]".

I updated to the latest version of OpenJK, which I assume should include the patch? If that is not the problem, then it probably is just a mod incompatibility.

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This is awesome. I was trying to do this with the SP campaign a few years back just could never figure out how to edit the map entities or make cutscenes. I am guessing you will be working more on this mod? I would love to see it fleshed out to the next level. I also would still like to go back and finish EY4 in the same vein.

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On 5/14/2023 at 1:49 AM, MusicForThePiano said:

could never figure out how to edit the map entities or make cutscenes. I am guessing you will be working more on this mod? I would love to see it fleshed out to the next level. I also would still like to go back and finish EY4 in the same vein.

Thanks. In fact, almost everything here works without entities modding. Transition to new cutscenes is done in menu files.
I don't plan to add more content in this mod. It took 1,5+ months for me to build it, and now I need to go into commercial projects. But I'm going to update the mod to 1.0 version after I get more feedback about existing problems, plus I'll include to 1.0 slightly-slightly modified original cutscene of the first tier (in this case, I used entities modding, yes).

- - -

BTW guys, i'm really curious how do you get to the Nar Shaddaa's docks control center? There are three ways do get inside.

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5 hours ago, ykas2 said:

BTW guys, i'm really curious how do you get to the Nar Shaddaa's docks control center? There are three ways do get inside.

I kill the two criminals on the dock (who, by the way, draw their weapons as if to attack you but don't actually turn hostile - intentional?) and feel kind of badly about doing it. I assume the second way would be to use Mind Trick, but I never pick that power. I also noticed there's an air duct that I couldn't figure out the purpose of, I guess that's the third?

Also, I played the game again, and noticed that some of the cutscene dialogue and subtitles now don't match - I guess you used my proofread version for the subtitles but only some of the voice lines. I don't think there's any glaring errors in either the text or dialogue, but it's a slight incongruency. Additionally, I noticed I made a mistake with my own proofreading (because I was just reading the files instead of watching the cutscenes): the line starting with "No, I mean... It's a lightsaber" in t1_inter0 should be "the lightsaber". Super minor stuff, just mentioning them since you intend to do at least one more release.

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4 hours ago, ScrierOne said:


Yes: 1) to take the key from the docks worker and smuggler, 2) mind trick, and 3) there is a locked droid (you should free it first), it can open a backdoor, leading to this air duct.

The problem is, my characters limit at elevenlabs was about to expire, so I didn't re-record minor changes. For example, like article "the" which sometimes is barely audible. Plus, it's a headache. To get at least acceptable intonation, i neeed to regenerate the same phrase multiple times, and, in some cases, cut and combine captured tracks.

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That's a really cool detail. I figured that mind trick had to be a thing (which is great, it needed some non-combat use for the sake of immersion), but not the third one. More paths add a little bit of roleplaying flavor.

As for the AI voice, that makes sense. I was probably a bit oversensitive because I was actively listening for any possible mistakes in my own proofreading. Of course, the AI can't quite match a real actor's performance, but overall, the cutscenes are IMO already better than the base game's. Even without Nar Shaddaa, they would be enough to make this an essential mod for me. They actually make me feel like Rosh is Jaden's friend (and maybe the only friend) as opposed to a random douchebag I have no reason to care about - which makes me feel invested in the story.

(Also, my issue with the datapads indeed turned out to be with some other mods containing menu files, and were fixed by manually editing those pk3 files. So nothing to fix on your end.)

anti2 likes this
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hi i am trying this new campaign and come with a constant crash on ns1 when getting through new level. how can i fix this? thanks.

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3 hours ago, ThanhLong32 said:

hi i am trying this new campaign and come with a constant crash on ns1 when getting through new level. how can i fix this? thanks.

It requires latest (May 1) build of OpenJK.

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4 hours ago, Foxbite said:


I have finished the "Personal Business" mission, then I stuck at debriefing. No button to click.


Must be conflict between mods. Something overrides "ui/ingameforcestatus.menu" after modace_main.pk3 file.

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22 hours ago, ykas2 said:

Must be conflict between mods. Something overrides "ui/ingameforcestatus.menu" after modace_main.pk3 file.

Thanks, found it.

It is the Single Player missions expansion conflicts with this mod.

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I don't think so, no. I just have the base game on Steam. I did see recently that you mentioned this mod requires it.
Who would have guessed it pays to actually read the instructions...? 😅

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1. i had problems with the vent_plate_glw.jpg in the rancor level , right at the beginning the ventilation grid which you have to destroy to move on, the texture looks weird, so i deleted the file and it looked ok again.

2. T2_Rogue level Racto has no eyes, so i deleted the human_merc folder only deleting the skin didn't fix the bug. (this gives later problems with your map, because the skins are missing )

3. more missions you can play in singleplayer are great, so it would be good if you could make your mod compatible with other singleplayer mods, for example "single player missions expansion" (https://jkhub.org/files/file/3838-single-player-missions-expansion/). i couldn't figure out what exactly i have to change in the ingamemissionselect2.menu. :-p

I like the map, but the sewer section I did not like at all, at some point I turned on noclip.

If I notice other errors I'll let you know, otherwise good mod c-:


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On 9/10/2023 at 12:28 AM, Woopdidu said:

but the sewer section I did not like at all, at some point I turned on noclip.

Four directions are marked with colors. There are color markers above the door in each node room (well-lit). They show direction to the next node room.

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