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11 Screenshots

About This File



Author: Dark_Apprentice

e-mail: reuber_666@abv.bg

Type of Mod:

JKA Models, Characters Pack, Re-Skins, Frankensteins, NPCs, Player Models, Single Player, SP Support and NPC Support, Personal Skins/Models, Celebrity Skin/Model, Jedi, Sith, Star Wars Related, Episode 7


Ok guys, some of you know me and others don't. As I felt really busy at my new job and the other projects, that I am working on, and the life in person is getting in mature levels (assuming wedding at some near future and working on my new solo project, planning tours and stuff like that). I thought, that I want to release my small Jedi Academy Models Pack. This pack will contain few of the Frankenstein & Re-skins, that I have made in the time spent on JKHub. I know, that there are people, who will enjoy them and people who would like to see those models released. Personally my own goal to start with the Frankensteins, was not to make those models for me, but for people, who are not able to create models on their own, and to give them a results, that are as close as possible, to their wish/imagination, because I know how it feels, when someone really wants something so bad, and can't have it for some reasons (assuming, no skills to model or illegal problems caused from porting models and so on).


This models, are:


finished versions, work in progress (open to edit/change/re-make/re-skin/re-frankenstein if you want) & unfinished, that need someone better in the knowledge of Blender, than me (a.k.a. TFU Shaak Ti /version 2/ - not shown in the picture below & Rey with the costume at the final scene from The Force Awakens, when she met Luke on the island.)

So I am giving those to you people, because I don't want them to become "one with the Force", if my computer blows up/ gets on fire or something like that.




* Poe Dameron (Resistance outfit) [Frankenstein/Reskin - in need of a re-texture on Mercenary's Kyle face]

* Shaak Ti (TFU) Version 01 (Frankenstein) [Version 02 is a W.I.P. as .Blender / .Obj / .3Ds file needs foots instead of boots/shoes and the lower robe to be fixed].

* The Force Awakens (Ep. 7 Reskins) for Z-95 & X-Wing basic JKA vehicles.

* Cybernetic Maul (Frankenstein)

* Custom Clone Wars / Rebels Darth Vader (Frankenstein/Reskin)

* McQ's Luke Skywalker concept (Frankenstein/Reskin)

* Re-Textured "realistic" ANH Darth Vader

* LEGO TFA Old Luke (reskin)

* General Hux version 0.1 (reskin/franki)

* Force Unleashed Jedi Leia (reskin/franki)

* TFA Rey (with the robes from the final scene, when she find Luke) /Franki-Reskin/

* Ben Kenobi "before ANH / few years after Order 66" (Frakni/Reskin)

* ESB Hoth Leia (franki/reskin)

* Jake Lloyd (little Ani from Episode 1) - aka matured "Anakin" (franki/reskin)






Infinity Blade, Barricade24, HapSlash, Scerendo, Me0is0Jade, LucasArts, Raven Software, Jedi Academy, Hoodz, DT85, Kualan, Toshi, MB2 Team (LEGO Luke), whoever made the "Mgs-ocelot" jacket, Jora Custov, Syko, UsungHero, Kylo Ren, Lt. Claim, Jeff, Mars Marshall, Khaliban and everyone else on the JKHub community who have helped me in the times with each lessons I have learned, advice and constructive critique.


EXTRA CREDITs goes to:


J.J. Abrams and Disney for owning the rights over the 7th Episode of Star Wars.







Google, Google Images, Star Wars movies, comics, games etc.





Adobe Photoshop 7.0 / Adobe Photoshop CS 6


Blender 2.72

Jedi Knight III: Jedi Academy asset 01.pk3











I am glad to give my permission to anyone, who is willing to make any changes over my re-skins, frankensteins and w.i.p. models. As long as you provide Credits for me and all the other authors mentioned above in the “Credits List”. I am also very happy if any of this models/frankensteins/re-skins could make it into someone’s Mod projects or whatever you are using them for! Just happy to bring happiness to you and give you something little from my abilities, since I am and will never become a real modder. Stay cool and May the Force be with You!

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

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BTW I have noticed, that if you want just to play with the models in JKA game (both SP/MP), you will need to open the Models Pack.pk3 file and inside: models/players to remove from each model's folder the Blender files, the screenshots, PSDs, OBJs, and folders inside the charecter's folder such as: backup, old, test. Those are in need to be deleted in order to run the models pack in your game, without any problems.



Vader's cape is see-through from one side when in-game. Besides that, it looks awesome.



  On 2/1/2016 at 9:13 PM, DarkForcesII said:

Vader's cape is see-through from one side when in-game. Besides that, it looks awesome.

Yes, there are no shader files for any of the models and no sounds.



I'm getting some kinda error involving the z95 and I don't know what to do.



Can I get the Starkiller (concept) character separately? 



And Cybernetic Maul and Ben Kenobi too...



  On 2/2/2016 at 12:33 AM, iVader said:

I'm getting some kinda error involving the z95 and I don't know what to do.

I think you would have to separate them from the pack, because they are supposed to change the basic JKA Z-95 / X-Wing into the black-orange design. Try it and if it doesn't work I'll see what I can do, but when I tested it on different computer from mine, before the release it worked O.o If it still brings you the error when you separate them, I will make a new upload only with those 2 skins.


@LucyTheAlien @Kibasennin yes if you are able to do it, go ahead. If you can't I'll PM you.



  On 2/2/2016 at 5:27 PM, dark_apprentice said:

I think you would have to separate them from the pack, because they are supposed to change the basic JKA Z-95 / X-Wing into the black-orange design. Try it and if it doesn't work I'll see what I can do, but when I tested it on different computer from mine, before the release it worked O.o If it still brings you the error when you separate them, I will make a new upload only with those 2 skins.


@LucyTheAlien @Kibasennin yes if you are able to do it, go ahead. If you can't I'll PM you.


Naw, I have no idea how to. 



Yo :D

I've been using benkenobi and cybernetic_maul, so I'm not sure if this applies to everything.

But when I do playermodel cybernetic_maul, for example, if I go F3 (force speed), then something amazin happens :D
So, the entirety of the npcs speed up, OK? Like, they move faster. A shitload faster. So they shoot you down in no time.

But the incredible thing is your player also speeds up. Travelling great distances in no time (you know the speed you're at when you move quickly with noclip? twice that speed). But even though the movement speed was incredibly increased, the character's speed actually slows down. So your body goes slow mo, but u travel great distances in a second.


This is funny as hell, and I wanna know why it does that, and how it does that :D



  On 2/3/2016 at 11:39 AM, kibasennin said:

Yo :D

I've been using benkenobi and cybernetic_maul, so I'm not sure if this applies to everything.

But when I do playermodel cybernetic_maul, for example, if I go F3 (force speed), then something amazin happens :D

So, the entirety of the npcs speed up, OK? Like, they move faster. A shitload faster. So they shoot you down in no time.

But the incredible thing is your player also speeds up. Travelling great distances in no time (you know the speed you're at when you move quickly with noclip? twice that speed). But even though the movement speed was incredibly increased, the character's speed actually slows down. So your body goes slow mo, but u travel great distances in a second.


This is funny as hell, and I wanna know why it does that, and how it does that :D

I think i did not understand the problem you are having, but on most of the models, that I make them a new NPC files, they all have much more force powers and all of the other numbers are higher, than the basic one for JKA characters.

For example:


My JKA character has this


walkSpeed 77
runSpeed 600


in this case, the normal JKA "runSpeed" is somewhere like 300 (if i am not mistaken)? and I do like to play on high speeds, walk faster, run faster etc. etc. but what you have described above, sounds more like the "runSpeed" of the character is set to: 999 (which you can check by extracting the .NPC file of Cybernetic_Maul and open it with Notepad or Notepad++ and edit it on "runSpeed 350" if you want.



why Rey hasn't got any hair ?  (no texture)



  On 2/20/2016 at 7:42 PM, Dark_Reaper said:

why Rey hasn't got any hair ?  (no texture)

Because it is a W.I.P. released model. As i have stated not just once on my WIP thread called: The Path Of The Apprentice, which you can find here on JKHub, section: WIPs --> there are few models like Rey and Poe Dameron with his resistance outfit, which are not finished, and just open for every one in here, who is willing to continue/finish them. If you are one of those, please have fun.



Doesnt works for me... Thats too bad.



i have a problem with rey's hair, it doesn't load the texture 



This pack is no longer being hosted Error 502 Bad gate way.



dosent work really wanted maul



will you add lip movement in the next version?

for leia & shaak ti



  On 1/31/2016 at 3:59 PM, dark_apprentice said:

BTW I have noticed, that if you want just to play with the models in JKA game (both SP/MP), you will need to open the Models Pack.pk3 file and inside: models/players to remove from each model's folder the Blender files, the screenshots, PSDs, OBJs, and folders inside the charecter's folder such as: backup, old, test. Those are in need to be deleted in order to run the models pack in your game, without any problems.

You probably already explained this, but I keep getting an error message, saying "ERROR: filename length > MAX_QPATH ( strlen(models/players/Z95/ext_data/vehicles/weapons/concussion_missile.vwp) = 67)" What do I do?

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