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Everything posted by Mizore

  1. No, in the video Kyle leans on the floor to jump.
  2. I refer to the level 3 jump. I do not see that these skills require a great mastery since if the Force jump is due to telekinesis and not to the enhanced muscular strength, then it would not be necessary to touch the ground to give impulse. Besides that it is only punctual, not a constant action as flying. Also all those limitations have their origin in the movies and limited special effects, but in my opinion only reduce the fun in video games
  3. I do not think there is a difference in its nature: both are artificially imbued with the Force. As you you comment, their differences come from the gear they use and their leaders: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Shadowtrooper And thanks for considering that my posts are clever
  4. But the reborns already have super jump; besides that Jaden does receive Jedi training.
  5. I think that because to telekinesis, the Jedi would have to be able in Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast to rise without being supported on the ground, in case of fall, the same with non-player Force users. This would eliminate the cheap method of killing a Force user by throwing her / him off a cliff. Flying would not be viable because that would need a continued effort that would be excessive, but levitation and punctual impulses without touch the ground should be possible. In a similar way the Jedi would also have to be able to slow down the speed when they fall, nullifying the fall damage like icarus landing system from Deus Ex: Human Revolution, so no more bottomless pit. First this upgrade for jump can be active, but an advanced upgrade would make it passive. What do you think?
  6. I agree. Also Force protect does not cancel all damage, only minimizes it, so some damage you would suffer by lightning.
  7. But the Force has physical effects, or is it that frying someone is not physical? Compare Force lighning with telekinesis: the first follows a trajectory and can be blocked like any projectile. In contrast, telekinesis (not as a blow of the air) is a force that immediately affects the target, without mediations, so that it can only be nullified, not dodged or blocked (Force absorb). But maybe I'm thinking too much about this.
  8. But that has to make a difference, because the armor can be insulating from electricity and the Force lightning is electricity but originated by pure will.
  9. We know that in Jedi Academy Force protect protects against physical attacks, such as blaster shots and lightsabers attacks but does not protect against Force attacks like Force lightning. But for me this is a mistake, because if someone wears an armor, it is normal that Force lightning does less damage than if he / she does not wear clothes, but then the lightning is physical and Force protect acts as armor, only temporary. The difference between Force lightning and a lightning of a storm is just how they originate but their effects are the same. Force absorb would have to be reserved for Force attacks that are not imitations of physical attacks, that is, telekinesis, because it does not matter if you wear armor. What is your opinion?
  10. In my initial comment I referred to the combat styles of JA and JO, which would have to be replaced by two sabers, staff and single or other styles not differentiated by speed.
  11. But the red style would have no place, which is another idea of my post, since one would not reduce the speed of the lightsaber, but would try to hit as fast as possible.
  12. That's true, but you would have to try to hit the opponent, not her / his lightsaber, changing the fighting styles that are based in the swords.
  13. That is not so for the lightsaber, whose power is above all due to the temperature of the blade.
  14. Although swings would be unusual, because it would not be necessary to back off the lightsaber to hit someone.
  15. I believe that being able to alternate between dual and staff would not make the game less fun, but more diverse and atractive. And move the lightsaber without having to take impulse would be a major change but it would not make combat less fun. That does not have to be confused with making the saber kill on contact, something that would make fighting less fun and there are several justifications for resisting saber blows, like cortosis armors or Force shields.
  16. I have been considering that instead of having to choose among three styles of lightsaber: single, dual and staff, it would have been better to acquire the three styles and choose the most efficient according to the situation. For example: against shooters, you would use dual lightsabers and against melee opponents, you joint the two sabers and you would form a staff. I do not see the advantage of using a single saber, since I do not see sense in the blue, yellow and red styles, because the lightsaber causes damage not by the force that the wielder prints on the blow, but by the extreme temperature of the blade, so move it slowly or quickly, it will do the same damage, which leads us to that you would to not having to move the saber backwards to hit forward, but move the blade towards the opponent, that lightsabers are not like swords. If you face a single melee fighter, the dual or the staff still have an advantage, so the single would be reduced to when you do not have another saber.
  17. The fact that Force sense enhances your hearing could have been used for sound puzzles, but unfortunately they did not take advantage of this opportunity nor did the modders.
  18. 7. There are several references to The Matrix movie in the Jedi Academy cheats. Iknowkungfu: what Neo says when he learns a lot of martial arts. Thereisnospoon: what a boy tells to Neo when he bends a spoon telekinetically. 8. Only Kyle can grab you during the fight of the Dark Side ending, something the player can get by writing "Iknowkungfu" on the console and pressing both mouse buttons while standing near an NPC. 9. The longest horizontal jump is done by activating both Force speed at level three and Force jump at level three, but in the original game it is never necessary to travel that distance. 10. Mind trick is the Force power with greater reach of all.
  19. But the intention of the developers to put several thermal detonator belts around the map is to distract the worm by the sound, not to kill it, as in the movie Tremors.
  20. That only happens when you have Force sense activated at level three and at least 50 Force points for Force speed.
  21. 1. Some NPCs can perform Force push much faster than the player and it seems they never run out. 2. Some NPCs can activate Force rage with less than 25 health points, which is not possible for the player. 3. Some NPCs activate Force rage to prevent their death when they fall through a pit. 4. Force sense enhances your hearing also because the sounds of the environment are louder. 5. Force sense makes the same sound when activated in Jedi Academy that in Dark Forces 2. 6. If the difficulty is Jedi Knight or lower, then a symbol appears on the cursor when you point to an interactive object with Force powers, but if the difficulty is Jedi Master, then that symbol does not appear.
  22. That is not true, the Jedi are not forbidden to love or feel emotions, but try not to get carried away by certain emotions because that usually leads to doing bad things; the Sith instead focus on negative emotions such as hatred and revenge and who would really want someone like that?
  23. But that has negative connotations. Are not you a Dark Side supremacist?
  24. The Light Side is balance because Lucas defined the Dark Side as imbalance, cancer. That's why the Dark Side is a bad thing. And Palpatine does not embrace the two sides of the Force (assuming there are, which is not so), because he embraces only the Dark Side and is as partial as some Jedi.
  25. I think the Jedi Academy combat system is superior to MGRR, but in my opinion, MGRR does two things better than Jedi Academy: 1. It is more satisfying to be able to reject bullets with the sword, not like the slow blaster shots that seem to be designed so that they can be deflected by the Jedi, instead of the latter increasing their speed to keep up with the shots. 2. To be able to cut almost any object. Also I have a reason why there are few non Star Wars mods of Jedi Academy: it is easier not to replace the lightsaber by sword and that weapon leads to SW even though there are other works with energy swords but much less popular, which leads to SW mod. Compare this with another game: there are many Half-Life mods that have nothing to do with the Black Mesa event, but because the main weapons in this game are not associated with Half-Life.
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