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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. Mmmm that's bad. I have tryed the more complete plug in of quake.md3 exportter for gmax and 3d max 3-5 of turbosquid but when i import on md3view the tool crash and close. so the uinbique is i am using the old md3 export of psykopat site for max 5 that's ever worked for me, and i need to assign manually materials on all my models md3 on max. O.o terrific! THere is any good tutoral for how i can assing material and path on 3d studio max 5? what path i need to specify for work on JA? only a patch called base/mobels/map_objects/"Folder"/? because i am ever used the .SKin importing function of md3view for assign material and after i reexported but not ever that's work. So, any suggestion? O.o
  2. My md3 plug in of 3d studio max 5 has not the option for specify path for the texture ._. i think the problem is that. simply specify a frame by export and i switch off the *ignore mesh starting with *bip" there is a good plug in for 3d max 5 that can set the path for the textures for the mesh? I do the second things, but for a strange motivaion i not understand, if i open with md3view the model after i export and replace in md3 the original notextured model with the skinned model, it loads again me with no textures.
  3. I did with many models for my mod. yes, it's possible to animate with JA skeleton not humanoid modellings. basically yu need just to use pelvis, and legs bones. but is complicated, very complicated and the movement is not perfect. I try with a cat and a werewolf. good the wolf, a disaster the cat.
  4. Oh!! Is wonderful!!! : WOW GNUR! good job! Magnifique!! O__O Animate? i remember i have see 2 animated model of 4 legs animals into filefront: one is hypostreeed and streed, yu can find searching streed or medieval on filefront site. The other is in a map called naboo retreat (or something like that) is a little map with a lake, a tie fighter usable and flyable and a little lobby with some animals with 4 legs that i never exactly understand what hell they are. but they move better of streed. I hope i had help you. about the streeds i am sure, your problem will be to import the gla animations files into your model, import the skeleton of that's animal and using for your rig. maybe is better if you make your custom animation. adapt another skeleton to a model shoul be little nasty. i animated some crab monster fcreature with JA skeleton. hit work, but... LOL, i spitted blood for one week.
  5. I have this problem when in JA's folders missing one of the textures yu set in the shader file. for example, if i make a sword with a shader with blade, blade_spec and metal_env as textures osed for shader of the blade, and into the game missing the blade.jpg, the metal_env or the blade_spec.jpg texture file, the sword appear not rendered and with grey boxes, thet's happened also to map. Make sure all your textures are in the correct path. check the console for look if yu have some yellow color error couldn't find image for shader "address of shader"
  6. What kind of building do you do?
  7. In deception mod phelan start with a blaster pistol with only 15 ammo. How is possible that? O.o
  8. Thanks to you too! Very friendly!
  9. You can check how work the shader file of grass of dosunn t2_dpred map and using the shader command for your custom grass texture.
  10. I using 3dstudio max for make and export my md3 and export to quake3 arena format. after i using md3view for apply a skin to md3, exporting to another .md3, so can replace the untextured with the textured, and also i convertt to glm without 90 degrees rotation for JA. yesterday i have used on an effect of my mod an emitter. ina shockwave attack, be shooted 4 sword that run in 4 different directions to straight the enemy, yes, a cool effect, really LOL. problem: md3 model of my sword are with NO texture. but if i use the glm model created with md3view i have the textured skinninbg model. same with charaxcters. so, becauyse md3 textured the converted glm model but not the md3 (with me not work for that -.- ) there is another fast way, tool or utility for fast apply material \ texture in a md3 model without become crazy with material\ textures function of blender of or 3d studio max 5 ? (also in that case i need to convert model, import, rescale to blender... aaaaargh! i have hundreds of md3 models!!!! How can i solve this textures missing trouble? O.o
  11. mmmm, @@IrocJeff, i never had linked a combat point. the waypoint need to be linked each other, the combat point not. for what i see in the maps, point_combat works fine if are not linked to nothing.
  12. never used a target random. well my idea is to make a mod \ fangame \ expansion that's is not simply slay and kill but is little puzzled. for combat, boss are unkillable, yu need to interact with map and find a way to kill they, (like in soul reaver game raziel vs the vampires bosses, is impossible to kill then with the simple brute force, every one need a different strategic use of the ambient: Melchiah get killed by crashing his body with a masher and 2 thorning gate, zephon and dumah need to be burning, rahab need to be killed crashing windows of the room of fight so the vampire is expose to the sunrise in defiance, turel for be killed net to be stun by the sound of the gongs. use echo location like the bats and telekinesis... hff, huge boss, really O.o ) also, the weapons ot the players are not fire weapons, are magical spells. the models of weapons is replaced with a null model cotaining only the tag_weaponb and the tag_flash. in my mod only bow and crossbow and the explosive weapons are physical weapons usable, the others are magical spheres shotted by end. so Blaster pistol shoot darkness blaster fireballz, disruptor i think i will make as Immolation, a spell with a ray that can burn and vaporize the enemy for self combustion. demp2 energy bolt (little electric sphere) repeater : ice \ water sphere. flechette: earth bolt rocket : explosive air bolt, can destroy breakable objects. thermal: a grenade of fire waves tripmine: mines with stun sonic power detpack: bomb with quake and earth dmg. concussion: shoot a spell called spirith death,... well, separe the soul by body. is very dangerous. The characters of my mod are vampires and wraith reavers. they not need other weapons, so the other shoot weapons are onlyu for NPC weapons. so i have all elements, and i not need to make new weapons in SP with the code. that's really a luke, because again not exist a tutorial., i need simply to change some effect into the code of cg_weapons.cpp for some weapons and to set the class damagae like demp2 . every weapon in my mod will not unuseful, simply need to be use in a intelligence way. If yu fight a vamòire of a class resistance of fire is a madness using against him fireball \ blaster weapons LOL. but can be killed with repeater, the other weapons do medium dmg. For the saber charging system that's is as i told: inside the level, there are placed some elemental fonts for change kind of elemen for the blade of character. the number and the kind of font depend by the character that need to play and by his own power. so cheatting ruin all XD - with icarus script, is possible make a declairation of a variable and relatigve counter and the enemy killed set the count ever to +1 to every kill. - sword get more powerful slaying enemyes, when count reach a certain value star a script that replace the blade with its version charge and powerful and with shockwave atk.for a ten of second playter can use the shockwaves for slams the enemies and quickly kill, after, the counter be reset on Zero, and the sword return nornally. when the sword is charge, player get with icarus the SET_LOCK_WEAPONS true command, so he CANNOT swith weapon by WP_SABER until the end of the charge anbd slam atk. also, that script set for every NPC in the area a painscript. - the painscript istructiojn depend by the nature of the sword the light sword can blind the enemy, the sound sword reduce they earshot, the dark sword their visrange, the air and earth simply make a huge knockback, so not need scripting. the water sword slow and freeze enemies and the fire \ poison sword make burn and lose health in a progressive mode. how is possible that? well is possible because i remember the script of Rosh battle in vjun 3 with the 2 twin sith vkothos and dkothos that healing rosh when rosh get low health and yu need first to kill the 2 sith brother before defeat rosh in the vjun 3 battle. i am curious about the working of thats script because i think that this script making the solution for make an healing \ poison script. - blade can hit the ground and launch the shockwave. also, the script of chsangingww concussion: shoot a spell called spirith death: separe the soul by the body, is VERY dungerous. Well, for force power, i am thinking and thinking and thinking. I reach the conclusion that's is not necessary to make a large amount of New force power with my game. the unique thing i will need was to set the code for changing icon of the force power at second of the rank. now i explain why. +here rthere are force power, converted into human \ vampiric spells.- Force Jump: vampiric \ human levitation. no change. Force Speed: slow time: a spell that move faster the vampire or the wizard... and for relativity, slow the time around. Force Push: cinetic shot, a form of telekinesis that push the opponent and can create a push forceway. Force Pull: telekinesis: enemy get actratted, disarmed, is a force pusn inverse. Saber throw: telekinesis applied to the blade. Saber Defense: ability of deflect magic spells shotball with the blade. Saber Offense: better dmg of blade at second of mastery and ability of character. Absorb: Repel: this vampiric spell protect by dark magic spells, telekinesis, lightning and similar atk, and convert into mana. Protect: a physical version of the repel can absorb physical dmg and make immune to acid and poisons. Force see: Light: that's spell of vampires and humans enlgight the area making visible enemy nearest, traps, items and health of enemies. (i have changed into a yellow rays the blue shader of Light for make that) Drain: tha'ts power i need to clone in 2 power different when i will coding because i need a drain of blood for vampires and a drain of soul energy for the wraith reaver classes. and that's need 2 differenct effect. heal: need to be cloned 3 team for making an heal for human, an "devouring soul heal" for wraith \ reavers and a vampiric regeneration skill. with different effect., Lightning: some power, diffieneret effect i wil need to clone more time for make different tipye of "lightning" so i have a slot fot the lightning, a slot for a magic fire, a slot for a frozen aura, a slot for a wind stunning push,.,.. well, i need different slots of lighting, for the lightning force of default, i need a different icon for the rank 3 of the power. Grip: is the dark telekinesis, grab the enemy and kill gripping the body and moving left and right... LOL. Rage: i need two sloot for rage: one for leave the power how is and making so a dark rage power the other for custom the power into an aura of invincibility and more atk dmg used by human wizards and warrior. the difference is that the Force_rage of the human not reduce the health of opponenbt like the dark rage, but regen like the force_heal. Mindtrick: that's power is very problematic. need pratically.... 4 icon., rank 1 and 2 of mindtrick are the vampiric blindingspell, so enemy not see nothing and not attack because the mind is condictionated and not see nothing. so that level hide the vampire become invisible. with Mindtrickscript of icarus i can also make a stunning effect with BEHAVOUR alterate and animation BOTH_ROSHPAIN, so the enemy be really weakened LOL. Mindtrick level 3: i need another icon because is the same of a vampiric spell called Inspire hate, that force enemy to fight each other. so i cannot use the mindtrick icon. Mindtrick level 4: possession. there is a vampiric magic called control mind that allow that, and not work on demon or golems but only on humans. also for that' i need another icon. At last there is another kind of possession skill called spirith wrack, that affected monsters and nort human but i think io can make that's studying the jedi outcast script when Kyle katarn in cairn installation and in kejim control a mouse droid for open some doors. also, i see the same script into the escape from yavin 4 mod, in a level with rosh as NPC teammate. The unique power that has not an equal n JA is a spell called INCAPACITATE that freeze the enemies blocking animatiojn and movemenet. is hard to program a new force power like that, so this night after i shut downb the pc i understand how to make: do you rtemember the droid of T1_SURPRISE that jaden need to rescue by jawas and tusken? well, the droid is usable. i have already see how to malke and NPC "usable" i can make the spell in tjhat mode: when the player acquire, some NPC character are usables, the more weakness. when they be used into a fgith (so need the vampire TOUCH the npc and his not really a good idea in a close combat with sword lol) NPC get freeze by the usescruipt for a lot of second. funny not? also, the usescript can be very useful because with that's functionyou can heal NPC of the squad or making some custom scripted magics. pity i not think that's before. i really stresses less more that's community and i'ld get less headeaches. For the moment, i am working of my blade efx shockwave atk. when i and all efx of blade and magic, as promised, i will make you a trailer for give to you an idea of the game. i will realize a little testroom for testing all the idea and i will expose here. for moment i am very busy, i need to create some hundred of effect and after i need to fix NPC and SAB files. ARGH. the first packageof the mod contain JUst effect, npc, sabers, and models and gfx. all maps are in a short package of level by the second package. so the mode can have a basic asset necessary for functionality, and the othere assect will be downloadable for adding level and mission. in that mode, people are not forced to download a big colossal epic mod of giga and giga of game, but the main big pk3 and the other campaign that in make later when i have all gameplay functionally and i can focus myself only su story and level. mmm, target random... never used. Thanks eezstreet! You are very kind every time! i am sorry if i stress you with my question. ok i return to my effect, in the time, i expose here my idea, just for see the opinion of community and if there is some hint or idea for get a better project. bye!
  13. after a week of time for think to my problem, i reach the solution for the gameplay of my mod. I wanna expose you my idea about the strange gameplay of my mod that i will make when i end with the efx of blade, sword and magics. when i will work on code, i will change just some thing, maybe i can avoid to becom crazy to add weappojs or force power. like eezstreet told me some years ago , i can simply charge efx of the existance power. the unique think i will do will be to getting CLASS damage for all classes and not only for DEMP2 with droid classes, so every weapon can be more strong against a kind of enemy and more weak against another. some efx i will change, for example, i will make differenct effect for weapon like BLASTER, BRYAR and JAWA weapon, so i can use their slot for making 3 own weapons. there are 2 problem very difficult to resolve: the saber combat system and the magician. In my mod \ expansiuon i need that the sword charging their enemy killing enemies. killing a definied amount of enemy a counter activtae a script that for a few seconds replace the blade of the player nwith a full charge and more powerful sword (the reaver sword acquire energy divouring soul of enemy and the vampires reaver devoring bloodm, the sword excites in battle ). when the sword is at the max charge of power, damage is increased, and can make knockback atk., What i need is that enemies must be affected by sword knockback in their behavour, for example. a conflict sword in his knockback can forced enemy that get the pain to switcjh temporalluy to team_player and fight for player (except strong mind classes like sith or jedi) a mind sword can stun all enemies for some second and they freeze into the animation BOTH_COWER1 wihotut attack.- i now: is pratically impossible to make that easy with the JA code, so i have another idea. my idea is: the shockwave can hurt some entity like some hidden func_breakable or something like that, that when is hurted run the script that affect the NPC. is the better idea if i have for making that using sword attack and icarus. that's function is disabled and is activated only when the reaver is into the max charge, so is the script that replace the sword of the playaer reached the kill counter that make that. and so that's my idea for script a sword in a SP map that alterate behavour of enemy NPC. 1- there is a counter of enemy killed setted by NPC_target value, when NPC die, set the count in +1. there is possible also with variable script of icarus (mayvbe is better, or i need a large ampunt of counter entity in a level, and that's be suck LOL) 2 - when the count arrive to a certain value, the sword be replace with a full charge version sword. every swword get 2 SAB file, first version with effect more light and no knockback, the second with knockback and effects more charged. 3: the slam ground of the knocking sword can activate same hidden func_brekeable or same entity that get dmg (i not know exactly what i need to put) that fire a script that allow, with NPC_TARGETNAME affecting, of alterate behavour of enemies hitted (and so, the replace saber script, contain also something like LOCK_PLAYER_WEAPONS (so the player cannot swith weapon and is forced to use the charge reaver! ) and also Affecting command for NPC_TARGETNAME for setting a painscript for each other of that. ... mmm, setting a painscript! Well that's is the way!! So when npc is hitted by sword (plòayter can only use the sword charged) npc is forced to do the isctrucion of painscript. when time of charge expired after a lot of second swrod, return the sab file of default. The NPC_TARGETNAME allow to set the painscript of NPC null and the effect of alteration of their behaviour be stopped, also player can use different weapons. and the script counter be reset to zero for another cycle. what do you think about that? The problem is only if i need to change element of sword of player, i suppose, because i need to reset the counter with a script when i change his blade. the true problem his: if a player get more elemental sword (example light and fire, fire burn the enemies and not need special scripts, but light in shockwave blind the enemy so they cannot atk for a few of time) well, if i use the binding key for quickly change the swords ingame allowing to player into the map to using some sword, how can i avoid something like "player with fire reaver charge and fire reaver atk that create tjhe behavour of light shock on the enemies?) The only solution i can image for resolve that problem isn to place around the level some map_object, some elemental artifact like fontaine of different elements, that allow to player using the trigger to change his sword element.... maybe is a better way because in that mode i can activate or deactivate element of the map at second of sword used (and font triggered) That's is the gameplay i wanna do for my mod. Little complicated but i wanna do something like a midday by a FPS game and a puzzle game. what do you think of that's combat system\interaction? for the NPC there is not the problem, they can change the sword using the more good for the situation with icarus script. but for player the mechanism is more complex. in that's mode imbue the sword with a water font, for example, i can freeze a waterfall transofrming into a climbing wall with the force jump. also the water sword charge killing enemies and his shockwave attack can freeze the enemyes frost they all for some second... every sword make a differenct effect. the sword that's need that's affecting trouble in my game ares: - darkness : reduce visrange of enemy - light: blind enemy with a flash light. (vampires getting the gradual dmg.) - fire: burn the enemy over the time, i suppose i can check the twin Kothos reborn of VJUN 3 that heal rosh in vjun 3 battle for see how to mnake a script of healing and a script of weaking \ burning \ poison. - air: no status effect. simply a vortex that slam strong enemy back with a huge shockwave. - water: freeze enemy for some secondf. - earth, like air, only the slam effect. - mind: stun enemies like light - conflict: 50% of enemy hitted by shockwave swicth to team player and shot the enemy not affected. - dimension: can teleport the player with a set origin script and the enemy near be hitted with a huge space distorsion wave. - time: the player is VERY FAST (animspeed scale and move speed scale. enemy hitted by charge atk get slowed for few second in their walk, run and yaw speed.) - death: some conflict: NPC humans be killed, NPC undead be controlled and fight for player. - states: acid dmg to fhe flesh of enemies, like poison \ burning. - energy: enemy be electrocuted. simply a slam efx. (enemy with metal armored getting more dmg) - Nature: enemy be stopped and trapped by some plant that rising by ground . okay, that's all the scripting beheavour affecting idea. there are also other swords for player but theyr effect is ever of freeze \ stun \ slow \ heal \ burn \ poison. \ shock. i suppose cna be very funny this mechanism of game with Icarus scripting because every atk make to enemies custom aniamtion XD. exapole the enenrgy and electric blade can make to the enemy a shock like the force lightning animation Magician act with the same mode, but i have thinked to a different way: basically i place into the level some "holocron" map object entity with the icons of the powers that i cannot make wiith the force powerr. w i make you an example: player find an holocron with a spell called incapacitsate, that allow to freeze enemy movemenet and animation for some time. hen player take a power using an item (like t1_danger takes of item of part of ship )(, i give to him The MINDTRICK LEVEL To 1 or 2 and i can affect NPC i desider to be influected with affect command and NPC_Targetname parameter with SET_MINDTRICKSCRIPT common\incapacitate so the force power of MINDTRICK in my mod be changed into a generic casting spells power. with different effect at second of artifact taken., in that case, the incapacitate script affected the NPC that will be mindtrick to be freezed, maybe another spell, simply stun him, another again can heal the NPCs... etc etc. that's is my idea of gameplay. Is little complex by scripting, but in that's mode i not need to stay years to change code parameters. So my mod will have - differenc weapons class damage by demp2, for every creature, yu need to use appropriate weapon for defeat him. - charging saber implementation like the sith sword of tavion, on the way of the tasks. - switching saber finding the appropriate icons or elemental fontaines, in every level are placed the necessary forth4e player character. - interacvtive shockwave system for the sword with full power - an interactive spell system that combine map "items" and force mindtrick scripting (is a truye fortune that mindtrick can be affected by icarus, so i not need to create new force power) I have only a question to ask: how can get a randomly factor in the spawnoing or the spells, just for avoid that in a place there is ever rthe same enchantmenet to take (spell can change so, in every level loading) there is some kind of script thsat can make spells artifcact and trigger randomly setted at the start of level in the intro script? I open that's thread for 2 reason: expose my ideas about the gameplay of my legacy of kain mod, and at the same time, see suggestion of forum's people for give that's in the better way possible. If someone have some idea for makiing the things a little less... mechanic and complex, i am happy to listen him \ her.
  14. @@SiLink you are the autor of that's video \ mod. ROFTL. , you are very smart. . the noghti seems like superman ahahahaha a little mad. ROFTL. jaden was fine at the end? or had something broken?
  15. for a correct fight, the BEHAVOUR must be on DEFAULT, or, the NPC will fight in a squad with a commander, in BS_FOLLOW_LEADER and yu need to set the leader in another set line command. if yu have problem to force NPC to exit by wander state, try in the anger script SET_BEHAVOUR_STATE BS_WANDER : False. SET_BEHAVOUR_STABE BS_DEFAULT, True. but it's strange, for me, was every make sufficient to switch by a state to another for solve that's problem. I have a NPC that go in BS_WANDER state in a battle for feed his energy and restore health, and after return of plater and another char there is a movie, at the end of the movie, the wound NPC get full health and switch to combat without problems, he run to a door, open with a magical spell and go inside the door and disappering. the door open in the other side of the hallway and ,... player and his friend attack enemies by behind, the ex wandering NPC appear by door and strike enemy surprising at the back. Yes, i that in my mod. O.o
  16. If yu want that NPC purchase the player set SET_CHASE_ENEMIES True. also, in npc file set a higher value of aggression. 5 is the max. also add SET_ENEMY "player"
  17. Iroc Jeff , if you use the openjk exe for run your game, you can have an hundred of NPC and sab file with full line commands without crash anything. I am glad to see i help you, really! remember: spawnscript is the way for making every kind of customizable NPC into your map! you can custom ANYTHING: earshot, visrange,behavour, weapon, force power, health and armor point, aim, aggression, if chase or not enemy or stand in defensive mode, you can also setting a loop of action for fight against NPC: for example: loop -1 Set weapon WP_THERMAL wait 10000 Set weapon WP_BLASTER set Alt_fire true set shoot spacing: 500 wait 20000 Set weapon WP_DISRUPTOR... wait 15000 Set Weapon WP_REPEATER... set altfire true set chase enemies true. wait 20000 "End of loop." enemy so can switch weapons and attack you with that sequence until you kill him. when you kill set a deathscript and in the deathscript set the command -Flush (the red flush of icarus) so you stop the loop. is little nasty if loop continue to the infinite also when NPC is dead. LOL Make NPC files customizzable are good for making usable the NPC for playermodel command or for create the NPC using into the mod. but if you want a more large customizzation of your NPC, with spawnscript EVERY enemy can have a custom parameter, so youu can create a various game, because you can do NPC with spawnscript in a modality that there aren't 2 equal NPC. So every oone has his own skills. is long as work, but you can create a battle with a large amount of variables, more realistic of a battle with alla NPC with the same parameter, same weapon, same health... yawn XD
  18. yes, sometime there's that issue, i know. Look IrocJeff: do that: set a spawnscript key for your rodian. in the script you will make put simply set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_WEAPON", /*@weaponx_NAMES*/ "WP_BLASTER_PISTOL" ); NO affect nothing of nothing. when rodian will spawn, get the blaster. is the faster way. i notice that the affect command is case sensitive with NPC_targetname. be careful: if NPC_targetname value is Rodian and You tell "affect rodian" script Not function. is Very sensible to the big or thin letters.
  19. Correct Gnur . But is not another way to make fast efx for JA, so i need to use EffectEd however. is very frustrating same times.
  20. Good Luck!
  21. I can give you some help with Skype, because skype allow screen condivision, but i not like teamviewer for a traumatic past experience with a betrayer... uff i not wanna talk about that. Just pm me and i see your contact. Remember i am italian, so my zone hour can be very different by yours. EDIT: i read now: i think your problem are NOT the lights, but the worldspawn parameter, do you that you can set into the worldspawn the ambient light value and you can decide amount of ambiental light of your map? If you not specify parameters on the worldspawn you can get a very dark level. :\
  22. Version 1.0


    *************************** JEDI KNIGHT III ANIMATION *************************** Title : FBX HUMANOID ANIMATION Author : Asgarath83 E-Mail : Please PM me in JKHUB forum. File Name : JKA_FBX_ANIMATION.ZIP File Size : 52.5 MB Date Released : 10/11/2013 Description: i work for a 1 week, about that, for make a favour to a friend, like a robot! -.- that'was.... terrific! argh! terrific! I not wanna more redo a similar mechanic thing! I imported 1700 XSI files into 3d studio max and converted manually, one by one, into filmbox! so you can understand my pain, people! This package contain: - ALL the humanoid animation of JKA, except BOTH_A1_SPECIAl, because my 3d studio max crash when i try to convert into FBX, and another lot of animations. is not a great damage about the last missing, because are specular animation: some left side animation crash in conversion to FBX, so i have imported only the right side animation. well, is not a disaster i suppose is possible do something like a mirror or a join of animation for rebuild the original left missing animation. Some program allow to combine 2 animation for generate another, so you can resolve that's issue, i am sorry for thats trouble. However, here yu can have 1700 animation! all kata, sword combat, force power, cinematic animation of default that yu can see on ModelView. The original animation was maked with shapes, not bones, and the shapes are named with a code called something like DaVinci_NullBones:"nameofbone" i never understood why raven making that, is not much friendly use... However. here you have the JKA humanoid animation, NOT the NON humanoid, or droid animation, understood? All converted in Filmbox format. Filmbox are maked and exported with filmbox plugin of 3d studio max 5 a years ago, when i was working about a game for unity 3d. that's animation can be used for blender, but i not use much blender so i not know exactly how you can do that, or for unity 3d or every other engine or program that support FBX format. If yu are making a game on unity3d, you can use the animation package for quickly make the animation of your characters, attack etc etc. you need simply to put into the folder humanenemy of unity3d all animation and the skeleton. - Yes, the file contains also the JKA SKELETON. but is a modified skeleton. all bones are unlinked by the hierarchy. there 's an hierarchy of all shapes, simmetric with the hierarchy of animation fbx files. Every shapes has like parent the bones with the same name. So in that's skeleton what happen: 1 you can do a rig and weight of your character with my custom skeleton 2: you can use your character into unity3d putting in a folder called with name of NPC and naming the Filmbox exported character with humanenemy.fbx name. 3: if you had put the humanenemy default folder of unity3d with the skeleton, now, the your character can manage the JKA animation into unity engine and can move! NOTE READ THAT: that can function only if you unlink the XSIsceneroot shapes by the mesh_root helper of jKA skeleton, as i linked into the skeleton. i taked the Xsisceneroot linked to the mesh_root for close the hierarchy, but in unity engine, animation for work need this unlink. This skeleton WORK ALSO FOR JKA: if you make a character and use that skeleton for weight or right, carcass convert in glm, and you can use however character in game. Installation: anyone: just put the zip file into the import folder of your engine or graphical program and extract all package. after, import the filmbox file you need. File content: - The Jedi Academy humanoid skeleton - The Raven humanoid animation. * Copyright / Permissions * JKA humanoid skeleton download by the oooold Psykopat 3d modelling site. http://psyko3d.50webs.com/tuts.html Animation are download by filefront: is the Raven software package of humanoid animation. You can download also here: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1586-animation-and-model-source-files-raven-software/ That's animation are really open source. Also all my release, you are FREE to use without contact me, or ask me permission. Credits are not necessary in that case, but if you credit me i am very happy. Copyrights: These files are released "as is" and are unsupported by Raven Software, Activision or LucasArts. Star Wars® Jedi Knight® : Jedi Academy™: © 2003 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC. © 2003 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM or ® as indicated. All rights reserved. Used Under Authorization. LucasArts and the LucasArts logo are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd. Any use of any of the materials on this site other than for private, non-commercial viewing purposes is strictly prohibited. THIS FILE OR THIS LEVEL IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS, A DIVISION OF LUCASFILM ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LTD. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS, A DIVISION OF LUCASFILM ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LTD.
  23. Understood. We need to take EffectEd and shit. It's really bugged, yes. it's the baddest tool of all SDK.
  24. Is not basically a mod, but is an upgrade of an useful tool of sdk. The EffectEd is the tool making custom efx for JA. pity have some big missing. Has not an undo function so if someone make a mistake making an effect, if has not saved, neet to remake all. for example, if had cleared a primitive for error. other great missing function is a function for append .efx files like behaved make with script append. if i wanna to create an efx with comnbination of primitived edited of 2 efx, i need to open manually the files and copy the efx i need and paste into the new files. that's suck a lock. the third issue is a not friendly user of the shader panel with the list of all shader of JA or other mod at your disposition. Is not possible to make a better shader selector, maybe that show also a preview of the sprite yu are putting? O.o So i am asking: some good programmer can do a better version of EffectEditor with that's new feature for make more easily to use?
  25. yu want to use two staff, one for hands with dual animation or you wanna use dual with staff animation? O.o I remember there was a great mod called escape from yavin 4 when you can get two staff blade together inside the combat, but walk and run animation be damaged when you make that with two staff. the more fast way for making that i suppose should be to edit animation.cfg file of _humanoid folder of models/players. simply yu need to past the number value of staff animations to the dual animations one by one. need a lot of work, and the result can be little weird. for use two staff , one for hand, you need simply to make a load saber menu, when yu can select dual style and for every saber scroll tupe, you put your own staff sabers. uyou can found an example of that in escape of yavin 4 the lost map mod. there is the solution of your question. it's one of my prefear mod. some enemy of ey4 fight with dual staffs. but they walk only on a legs. i never understand why happen that bug.
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