title might be a bit misleading... anyway I've been trying to make a texture give off a blue light and that works just fine but i want the texture to be 100% transparent so it looks like the light is coming out of no were yes, i know about the light entry in radiant and that you can color it but just wanna see if it can be done. here is the shader i've been playing around with it for the past 2 days
qer_editorimage textures/lights/blue
q3map_surfacelight 4000
surfaceparm nodamage
surfaceparm nomarks
surfaceparm nonsolid
surfaceparm nonopaque
map $lightmap
map textures/lights/blue
map textures/lights/blue
rgbGen wave sin 0 0 1 10
} but no matter what i do it wont go transparent, ether i get a blue box or a black box witch emit blue light and if i add "surfaceparm nodraw" it wont emit any light what so ever