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Everything posted by Delta_135

  1. personally i don't care that much another star wars movie just means more star wars - witch is always a good thing in my book and besides there really isn't much we can do but wait and hope for the best
  2. the next few weeks of my life are gonna be busy so don't expect a lot of updates
  3. About that virus stuff Translation: filename: kotf2.0setup.rar malware: Trojan.generic.6568012 malwaretype: infected file status: infected folder: ~KotFSetup.exe personally i only got Kotf to see what it was about and to try the menu system
  4. made few custom texture with resources from CG textures not quite sure if i'm gonna keep them this way but i'm gonna start working on the inside of the temple now
  5. got some more work done today are the images showing for you? because no matter what i do i can't get them to work for me :/ @@MoonDog and @@Szico VII lighting is usually the last thing i add to a map, but if you insist i'll add some lighting to my next preview (also does anyone know how to quote in advanced posting options?) i'll be working on a few custom textures now
  6. reminds me of all those TF2 orange maps good times do both?
  7. that's just beautiful B)
  8. it nowhere near done yet
  9. since i've never made a wip topic before i apologize if i'm doing something wrong Anyway i'm currently working on a academy map (don't mind the building in the middle it's only there for reference) i'm probably gonna make some custom textures since i'm a bit tired of the base textures feedback is welcome
  10. Awesome, just one question how much are you gonna increase the size?
  11. Sounds awesome so far i've always hated how "locked" sp was when it came to modding you mean the SV_SpawnServer (or whatever) size?
  12. Version 1.0


    Hello there Here i give you all a JKHub exclusive medium duel map in a power generator room as a thanks for supporting the Jedi Knight community with this fantastic site yes i know this might be a bit late but i had few problems making it Features: Breakable glass Damaging laser beam botroutes (my first one so they are a bit buggy) Enjoy
  13. just want to the generator to play it's animation i'm working on a medium duel map and i wanted to see if i could add a bit more visual using the f_gen.md3 and having it play it's animations EDIT: if no one got a solution i'll just add them as normal misc_model_static
  14. func_static with model2 works in sp but not in mp i wonder if MD3 animation is even supported by the mp engine
  15. did a bird steal your computer?
  16. (i made this thread before the one i posted on jk files, if you are the same mrwonko) haven't tried that yet i'll do when i get the time
  17. Sounds fun I'd like to try something like that
  18. i don't have any experience with that version sorry. but why don't you use 1.4 to make those specific parts of the map or just make a prefab in it and import it to 1.3?
  19. what gtkradiant are you using? 1.5 have some problems with vertex tool (if that what you are using)
  20. it exists in the version i have but the installer is just called GtkRadiant-1.5.0.msi should i upload here or...?
  21. have you tried brush cleanup?
  22. i've always wanted hud were the health goes down instead of just fade out i just find it annoying for some reason...
  23. i prefer sp over mp so hell yeah
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