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Everything posted by Langerd

  1. I want to make a fan like in the phantom the menace game XD When you drop down It dismember you totally !!! Is it possible to make it in Jk with some scripts ? http://wrzucaj.net/images/2014/12/13/boom.jpg
  2. Maybe make a model of the big brain in blender With cabels and other stuff
  3. But what to do to make them disapear when i will destroy the sentry?
  4. Can you make better screens but of his face?
  5. Remember ... If you dont walk in some of the place you shouldnt even use the clip because is unnecessary. To the Dome you can just use the patch called cone.
  6. But what if i will hit the npc? Is there any chance to make it like a ghost? That the blasters and other stuff will fly through him
  7. This will be hard because i made a func_breakable and used model2 spawnflag to generate the ship model. And i just placed two misc_weapon_shooter next to the turrets oif the ship to make effect that it is shooting. When i destroy the model the misc_weapon_shooters stop working So this will be hard to make it work :/ I thought about one thing too. I can make a glm. model - give it the tags which will be named the same as ATST glm model tags. And just use this glm model as npc. But i dont know how to make it work in blender.
  8. Yep . About making MD3 solid You should just choose the one that is not very detailed.However It will create a lot of the brushes which will lag the game and will cause a long compiling. And some of these buildings could be made in Gtk. I always said to myself that the more detailed parts should be models. You can make Can you show your models in the game?
  9. I could use the metod of putting and invisble npc. But it would be hard to make them floating in one place and wait for player. I see that a lot of the misc and functions in jk3 are totally unused.
  10. I dont want to make it more dmg. I want make it like a alt fire in rocket launcher. That the rockets will follow the player.
  11. And some of this buildings you can just make in gtk. It would be faster and better for the game i think
  12. HOLY SHIET THIS IS AWESOME WORK MAN!!! Hmm i am 100% sure that this spawnflag cause this error Man :/ I dont know any way to make it faster. And now i see why this is a very big problem. The columns could be made with using cilinders. The only way i see is to make it whole in one day with phys clip :/ . To rly sit next to the computer and just do it. But first check MD3 without anything in the game. Without solid spawnflag. Just misc_models. And if it possible make some screens
  13. Do You use a solid spawnflag in misc_model? If yes it will cause the max limit of the brushes for sure. Or you just use phys_clip to make them solid? But ofcourse by yourself? Making the 10 MD3 is very good idea. I used it too once Can you send some screens? It might help me to ... help You XD (sry for my poor english... i am polish)
  14. How to make a misc_weapon_shooter shoot alt fire rockets which want to kill player? Is it even possible? I made a static ship which shot rockets but i want to make these rockets more deadly
  15. Good idea. The jk2 ithorian model used them
  16. XD sry my bad. Yep i mean brightness! It looks cartoon like i think
  17. Mark seams before making it to tris! As i said in tris is more uncomfrtable
  18. Yeah... i am making back ups everywhere. In blender in gtkradiant even with textures.
  19. Select all faces with A BUT FIRST! Save copy of this model. Some faces cant turn from tris to quads and making model in tris sucks... So make copy of your file. When you will select all faces press ctrl + t. (Quads to tris) If you want (tris to quads ) alt + j but as i said some faces dont want to change back and it only cause problems.
  20. I think you must turn quads to tris
  21. I want to make swimminf more difficult but i cant do this. I use a water and trigger push combo but it doesnt work good... Any ideas?
  22. Great model!!! Hmm i think that your textures are too great for this model. It is a diffrent ... style. Dont get this wrong! They are awesome! But theses textures are in diffrent style than HS's Your textures are too sharp i think (specially on feets) The contrast is too strong compare the HS. But anyway Awesome work! You are pro mate
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