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Everything posted by hhunter6

  1. I'm officially stoked!!! I love JO as much as JK. I think that's really cool you were able to get those files from Raven. Looking forward to seeing how this turns out.
  2. Looks awesome!! just wondering is there a way to convert the saber hilt to the df2 hilt? I think that would look pretty sweet instead of the JO hilt.
  3. So I was able to get the demo to run with the map command. Overall its awesome. I enjoy the level layout and found it to be fun. Here are some of the things I noticed. The enemies seems very strong for a first level. I know its a demo but still took a lot of hits to bring down a Rodian and that's with a full charge Bryar to the head. There were some places, noticeably by the Tie bomber bridge where there was no lighting. And this might just be me, but Kyle was not the main character for me when I went into third person view. It was the female Twi'ek. has anyone else had that issue? Overall though I enjoyed the level. very nice work DT.
  4. That was it. :-) Thanks. Topic can be closed.
  5. Good evening, I just installed radiant 1.4 on my Win7 X64 machine loaded in the same areas as JA and JO however when I try to load textures and maps all the textures are in the black/red boxes. Any advice. I tried a few searches to no avail.
  6. This is my opinion, But I think you should use a blend of both sets of sounds. I loved the setup of the original Nar Shaddaa. The sounds really made those levels come alive. I felt that JO really missed the mark when trying to recreate that feeling. Maybe it was the lack of civilians running around, who knows. I did like the air traffic they had though. I would suggest using a mix of both is what Im trying to say. :-)
  7. I think if you credit LA/Disney with the original videos you should be ok. I had this conversation with Salv or Darth Linux, cant recall who a few years back about using original sound files. They used original dialog audio in their cutscenes as well as other aspects in the DFMod. You more then likely will not have any issues with using the original sounds/videos, etc. The problem will arise with taking credit or charging money for said material. Look at it from the aspect of the company. If DT finishes the whole mod, and it blows up and becomes amazingly successfull and sells a few more copies of JA, why would Disney go through the trouble to take legal action? But my major is buisness so that makes sense to me. Sorry to tangent off topic. Are you putting Gamoreans in the demo? I seem to feel they were in Nar Shadaa.
  8. Are you using the original menus from DFII or new ones all together?
  9. May I suggest actually making the room larger. Think of it like this. You had part of the roof of the Katarn house in here.
  10. Yeah those were tough. I seem to recall the Corto was working on a model but not sure if it was ever finished. And putting it on a howler wouldnt be a good idea. Imo
  11. Or steals it from an Imp...... :-)
  12. If I recall, there was actually going to be a speeder level in the game but was cut due to time. I remeber seeing someone post images from an old gaming magizine that actually had picture of the level befre the game came out. I love the idea. Makes sense since kyle and Jan were a few clicks from his fathers place in the cutscene, then BAM you start at the front door! Darn SW logic! Go with it DT! ;-)
  13. Love it!! Just wondering why does he hold the blaster so funky? Is that just a glitch in JA?
  14. Everything is uploaded. It should all be good. Grab at your pleasure. :-) http://www.gamefront.com/files/user/hhunter6
  15. Let me rezip the other files and up load again. I'll try the dropbox as well. The other files are not that big
  16. weird. I just reup loaded it and same thing. Not sure what this is :-/ Let me try renaming
  17. Which one doesn't work? and I put this here just because it kinda goes hand in hand with JK. But I'm just a stickler like that I guess. and your right. Not sure why the DF stuff wasn't there anymore. meh. I have it somewhere as well :-)
  18. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us heres a few refs for you for the Hoth Luke. :-)
  19. Here this should fix that. sorry bout that. :-) http://www.gamefront.com/files/user/hhunter6
  20. So as a few have asked me about this I have uploaded everything I have from the work myself and the second MotS team has done. WITH THE EXCEPTION! Of levels 1 and 2. There are these two map files in the packs but they are not the most recent. Once I am done tinkering with level two and level one is sent back to me I will throw them up for dl as well. It should be noted that I used 7zip to compress the files so if you don't have that program it would be who of you to do so. I prefer it to WinRAR and winzip, but that is just me. If you have any questions about the files please pm and I will answer them. I don't want to hijack DT's forum. You will also notice that I still have the Dark Forces files up as well. If you don't have them, then you should get them. We used a few of their models, weapons, textures etc in MotS because there are a few of those items that show up in MotS. IE. the Imperial dropship and the repeater as well. :-) Enjoy. http://www.gamefront.com/files/users/dashboard
  21. Very nice. I like how the force portion looks like there is lightning in there. pretty cool look if I do say so myself.
  22. Seems there are a few people with interest in this. As I have told a few others, I will re upload them tonight and send them back out for whoever wants them.
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