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Everything posted by hhunter6

  1. So as someone with a business background and knowing how LA is/was with their rules about modding, the easiest way to go about this is ask the question " who is willing to create a model/skin for money?" With that statement your are actually paying the person for their time/work. Now as long as you A) pay that person the agreed amount, and B) release said model/skin free to the public/or keep it quiet for yourself, then you should, in theory be in the clear. It should also be noted that I am not a lawyer so don't take this for gospel truth either. Just my two cents really.
  2. I can see the lightsaber, for sure. however I do like the bryar there. I think it adds to the overall quality of the model. This is just a personal opinion of course. :-)
  3. So was thinking, not sure how you feel about it, but is there a chance to model Qu Rahn's lightsaber hilt to the belt?
  4. This looks awesome man!!! While I agree the top of his head kinda looks like Brainiac, it still looks B.A!!!! Maybe when you have a break release an older looking verison for the JO HD??? Just thinking out loud kinda....... :-) awesome job again.
  5. I like the idea of having a variety of civilians. Especially in the bar on Narshadda and in the city in Barons Hed. Make it seem alive. That was my intent for the Katrassi Space Port as well.
  6. I think Haps is good. why create extra work? @@DT85 for your note, I ran into an issue when using the Gamorrean on the DFMod. I couldn't figure out why he kept spinning the axe like a saber hilt. funny as hell to watch but not sure what it was. I even used the Tusken script too. haha
  7. They are the base JA statues. When it comes to modeling I have yet to dabble in that relm. I would assume that I could retexture the statues and make the them look darker. perhaps go with the black stone?........ hmmmmmmm I'll tinker with it when I have the time.
  8. I'm pretty sure you will need the skiff that appears in the DF mod. The group doing the Dark Past Time mod has one with updated textures which looks better then the one in the DFMod. http://jkhub.org/topic/2656-the-dark-pastime/ last picture in the Md3 Spoilers thread
  9. In this process, would anyone be willing to model just the head? It would be need for later :-)
  10. @@Zappa_0 I have one from the original team but by all means I'll add it to the file list. I've released everything I had in regards to the mod out to the public minus the updated Level 1&2. But I'll take it for safe keeping :-)
  11. for ref. Here is the Wookiepedia page that has a schematics picture. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/8t88
  12. This what I did for texures. While I used alot of the recreated textures, I also used the ones from JO and JA. Now assuming you have storage space, external, two HDs etc. I pulled all the textures from both games and placed them in a folder so I could look through them and see if there was anything that I could use. That way you know which texture set to load up.
  13. Looks good. Scale looks good as well. Very nice
  14. I may be wrong but did someone release the Gorc & Pic Level? I know there were a few Maw levels release. by how close they were I could not say for sure. Just a random thought. :-)
  15. Thanks. It is literally the end point of the Dark Swamp Level. You walk out of a tunnel and bam here you are. Here's a link to the original end point. Very, very dull. http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070527232229/starwars/images/d/d5/DarkForce.jpg
  16. I have been playing this for quite awhile. I enjoy it a lot. :-)
  17. I've posted a few images of Lv1 from MotS. The map itself is actually a 100% copy of the original. However what I did was expand it out. probably way larger than it should have been but my thought behind it was that this was a New Republic base, complete with Hangars, med bays, controls centers etc. They would to have to move lots of cargo, equipment, personnel, etc. So that was the route I took. By no means am I telling you how to create your map merely offering my perspective on it. :-)
  18. So for no other reason then just because, here is a map I have been chipping slowly away at for sometime. It was meant to be included into the MotS mod and I'm sure many of you will recognize the place. When/if I get around to actually finishing this map it will more than likely be a FFA/Dual map. As it stands I'm pretty horrible at terrain and scripting so there will be nothing fancy here and two areas are basic copy/paste from the Korriban 1 map of JA. Yes Yes I know blasphemy, however my thinking in this was that since they(the Sith) branched out from Korriban (not all but some) it would be striking that there are some similarities. Anywho I am still working the textures and trying to figure out the main hall once you actually enter the temple. [/url]
  19. A good start. If I may suggest, make the water area wider and deeper. Open it up a bit. make it less cramped. :-) just my thoughts though.
  20. Good lord this looks amazing!!! Can JA handle it?
  21. @DT. Overall I like what you have done with the level. I think you should take what suggestions work and don't bother with those that don't. My personal suggestion would be to make the level a bit larger. For example the starting point seems a bit cramped. but this is just me. and there are other areas that seem cramped as well. However this is just my 2 cents. Keep it up though its coming along just fine.
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