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Everything posted by Merek

  1. OMFG @Barricade24, I love this looks like Episode 4 material, whoever made the original protocol model desperately needs shot. Its like they slapped it together in 2 hours and called it complete. Was it just not possible back then to make good work?
  2. Another totally awesome SciFi map. Definitely going into my archives because this is COMPLETELY AWESOME. 10/10 Great Work I Love it
  3. Merek

    Webhosting Downtime

    Site is back up, thank you for all your hard work guys! @@eezstreet, @@Circa, @@Caelum
  4. JA+ does not raise those limits... much.
  5. Merek

    Webhosting Downtime

    Agreed, I kinda lost it which is typical for me but should not be bluntly exposed like I did. Considering you're not the ones i'm mad at, I won't reply to this topic until there are updates (such as the new servers are up or the old ones come back online). Although, I'm not looking forward to spending another 100+ hours re-coding the MyBB forum. Ugh, this is gonna suck for me.
  6. Merek

    Webhosting Downtime

    I still am pissed. At this point I am prepared to throw a brick at someone. This is fucking ridiculous, don't suppose HostingBeam took JKHub's money and ran? Cause why the fuck would they abandon all their customers? This is so fucking retarded, I was a fool not to backup my files last saturday and now I regret it. So much time, patience, and coffee wasted. - snip -
  7. The one I have is the best which is what I posted. I don't like the newer versions.
  8. http://www.mediafire.com/download/5img7i54nfpw4vc/japp_cl.zip --- or --- http://www.mediafire.com/download/1l795kg6u7nwfaf/japp_cl_beta2.zip
  9. Love the design, keep up the good work!
  10. Merek

    Webhosting Downtime

    I wasn't blackmailing you, at all and that's not even what happened. This is irrelevant to the conversation BTW (as it has nothing to do with downtime). I initiated the redirect to fix minor errors with the html. It was a simple cpanel redirect to the main index. The redirect was removed an hour after I finished, and later all you had to do was clear your cache and refresh.
  11. Merek

    Webhosting Downtime

    so won't the old server conflict with the new one? how does that work? I fixed that, and that wasn't funny. Also fine for you, but not for me. I'll wait to see if the old host comes back or not, and if not, we'll fix up the august update as best we can. I'm not happy about it but I guess it is fine. I'm not mad at JKHub or @@Caelum, I'm mad at HostingBeam, we all are.
  12. Merek

    Webhosting Downtime

    No, I didn't say anything at this point. We did not delete and start over, not again. We are still using MyBulletionBoard for the site. my good buddy (and long time friend) praetor elliot's html site should be fine. I have all the backup necessary for him not to worry about that. I made some drastic changes to the forum since august including a completely new interface and a few new additions with tons of images hosted (mostly stuff from jka) that I no longer have on my computer. The last backup i made predates the one you got. So let me repeat myself: I am perfectly fine with waiting.
  13. Merek

    Webhosting Downtime

    Please withhold my account until they come back online, too much data I don't want lost if there's a chance to recover it, I'll take it. Thank you.
  14. Merek

    Webhosting Downtime

    so is that bad? I mean have they ever been down this long?
  15. Merek

    Webhosting Downtime

    Hey, we are all speculating at this point. BTW, What evidence?
  16. Merek

    Webhosting Downtime

    Just a thought, but yeah know maybe when they were doing maintenance?
  17. Merek

    Webhosting Downtime

    is is possible they were attacked?
  18. Merek

    Webhosting Downtime

    I hope option #1 is where its at. At the most, we can't wait at least a month to see if they'll come back online, but by then you know there not coming back online.
  19. Merek

    Webhosting Downtime

    Yes, but I assume you don't store data like I do, or continuously make updates to a forum either. Anyways, the only concern I have is keeping all my cpanel settings + email + databases + well everything I had on the 3 day-ago-working hosting. Can someone elaborate on that? thanks.
  20. Merek

    Webhosting Downtime

    Hey what happens if you move our hosted sites to your server BEFORE they get it back online? Will I lose access to get my files off the original hosted location? There's too much I would lose. TOO Much. Actually I would lose about 99.8% of everything i did. Not gonna flare up at JKHub or @@Caelum for this, considering they are the the people I put my life on in this kinda situation.
  21. Merek

    Donate to JKHub

    Getting there folks! I knew you wouldn't let JKHub down (and neither will I, next year I might be able to donate, MIGHT hopefully)
  22. Oops... wasn't paying attention to the posted date. My bad.
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