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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. This video disgust me .... this autotune song is sooooooooooo bad ... not to talk about the game .. lol
  2. I am a bit experimenting with cutscenes. Now I d like to have a ship approaching a certain planet and wanted to know how JKA did it, but these are all ROQ files (so prerecorded renderings, probably to save either map space or to much hastle with a different environment in a map / load times if its a seperate file) Now I know a few ways to achieve this effect, since JKA has with Byss a pretty nice starred skybox. What bothers me is creating the planet (a sphere) but its hard to create a texture shader for this. Can this be achieved out of the game as well? Say I record a ship flying to a certain point, is it possible to add in a later stadium a planet in the background via a certain program and make that an ROQ? @@therfiles I know you have played with this in the JK:JB campaign for Blenjeel (you made a roq out of it too). Any guidelines or help you can offer (or anyone else off course)
  3. Its scale should be toned a bit, if it's to fat and to tall
  4. do you have placed any navpoints or waypoints in the map. the npc will only wonder if it has points to navigate too. Even a wonder state needs a certain goal. http://www.student.oulu.fi/~lvaarisk/tutorials/navgoaler.htm
  5. Cutscenes ... cutscense everywhere... i have to rethink my mapping strategy

    1. Ramikad


      Cutscenes are cute.

  6. See above pic, this is a very basic setup on how to propperly hint, each green area is 1 hint brush you pull over the complete area.. so say you standing in the upper room on the bottom, you wont be able to see in your line of sight the lower left area of the room below, with this it won't be drawn. Now you can subdivide these areas again if you wish for a bit more optimalization, but i think this alone should help you along... Make sure the hint brushes are structural. edit: i changed the image a little bit and divided the big middle area a tiny bit, for more optimalization. I am working atm, so cant change to much here, but this is simple and practical. Just keep your LOS (Line of Sight) always in mind when hinting. Also .. you state in your first post you have 1280 brushes (i discount the entities for a moment)... For a map, that is a joke (my outdoor area alone I been creating for my SP mod that is the place where final battle is, is already 2500 brushes. Because I made all that detail, and just the area that touches the void (read box arround the terrain) is structural, i have no issues what so ever. I havent even applied the hinting there yet. I think you should do some transformations on the brushes and make a huge part detail.
  7. Honestly, i wish i could dislike this post. because hinting / areaportalling is a part of functional level design. The reason you say .. i dont know where the hint brush(es) have to go on my map is quite ... troublesome, cause just by the looks alone ... I could have divided your map in about 8 angles you could have hint brushed quite easy. Its all about your perspective on looking towards a certain point. If you take the time to read the tuts, I am sure you could optimize it even further. On a sidenote: I do wanna add that GPU's adn CPU's nowadays are way further ahead than rougly 13 years ago when the game was released, thus in even bigger maps this can be ignored, however i find hinting and area portaling key to basic level design and knowledge that shouldnt be forgotten, how far the technique is advanced nowadays
  8. Have you done area portalling or any hinting? What you need to understand in this case is if an area isn't used or seen by the player, you should be able to hide it, creating less leaf nodes for the game to work with, thus optimizing its render speed and gaining higher fps. Here are a few tutorials. Note that the 2 links refer to halflife2, not to quake 3, but the principle is the same. http://www.optimization.interlopers.net/index.php?chapter=hints http://www.optimization.interlopers.net/index.php?chapter=areaportals
  9. a script malfunction will not result in a crash .. it will simply result in not executing.
  10. I wrote that tutorial just for the purpose of showing how to move something from point a to point b.. in this case a simple elevator, but consider the fact you can apply this on a lot of brushwork / models, thus giving much more control, since you cant move a model in a func door. Also it gives you a perspective on scripting and helps you learn it. I doubt that the basic scripting tutorial has anything to do with how i scripted this. The only solution i can offer atm is maybe the compiler
  11. The music of the trailer is amazing, listening to it gets me everytime ... it's so cool to reinvent the music to make it fit completely in a different way .... I mean, the way they blended the imperial march into the force theme ... freaking brilliant The only part I struggle a bit with is that this is they use "The Force" theme in the trailer, while i thought it was more of a rebel vs imperial thing, excluding the force users element. But thats a discussion on its own .. the Force of course could play a part in this. So it's a gray area.
  12. Old faces, i like them .. makes me feel ... not alone
  13. Simpli - Ride Together
  14. We actually could play with a fog cull, and reduce gravity. It remains tho that the water in the game is very ... how you say it, limited in its capabilities. I want to make a map, not tweak in the source code itself (water is defined in source as well on how much damage when drowning, etc)
  15. Good point
  16. I thought that was the issue too, but he asured me it wasn't the problem.
  17. It doesnt matter what your skills are, basic brushing and texturing is something all can do if you know how GTK Radiant works. We all walked that path before. Nobody should compare themselves to a Sith J Cull, Mace, Pande, Szico or who ever made all these great fanbased maps, that we all love to play. If you can master Richdiesals (learn mappign here in my signature) you already have surpassed the beginner level, and are okay in my book to join the fun. Remember, I am not asking for a master piece: It's the journey to get the endproduct there, not the endproduct itself, people. I offer my wisdom here to the community and share it, where I gather new wisdom everyday by reading here, and having my questions answered. I am no expert, but learn and try. Darth G always used to say, live to do, die trying. And thats what keeps me going in this.
  18. Seeking knowledge ...

    1. Ping
    2. Lazarus


      scriptwise, i am just playing with a script on animations in a cutscene, try and do better :)

  19. ALright, i ll play a little bit as leader then (i guess since i am the one suggesting this thing) So let me put some things straight: First of all, the reason of pass-me-arround is quite simple. Everybody has a different take on an area. When you say underwater facility or something like that, I think of an underwater cave, water people can swim in to get from point a to b, water that rises and lowers. Somebody else may see it different and that is what makes this map unique. So it's quite simple, dont plan this ahead for the other person, let them do their thing on this map. Second, more then one style is there, which should be quite fun blending into each other. So try to work on an area you like, and not the whole map. Leave that to somebody else in a later stage. Personally, i would love to see interactivity, so like random events that can be triggered. I d like to look into that, plus maybe an outdoor area. (it be caves, it be something else). The vid of the reactor that shoots lasers on the side is something i'd like to script (and it gives me a nice idea for my own sp map) Anyway, people i am open to suggestions, but I like to have for example, the reactor in the middle. At this point I see 3 mappers (including myself) willing to try this on, any more? I think with 4 or 5 we should be fine. @@Circa?
  20. I prefer not leading this, since i have more projects running and a busy RL. I 'd like to participate, but not as leader. Since @@Darth Futuza made a start on his concept, i think he is better in taking the reigns of this project. I do feel we need all to be on the same line when it comes to the project, that means you need to take all oppinions in account
  21. I am a mapper by heart, i worked on All previous ones, so yea i am in. -edit- i vote for a ctf instead of a tffa/ffa
  22. So anyone else intrested in partcipating?
  23. During my time at map-craft, we used to do challenges to give the community new maps or new content. So I was thinking, maybe we should do something like a "pass-me-arround map" where multiple authors get each 1 week to work on a certain map, and in the end, release it to the community. This way you see influences of multiple people working together. I believe the latest project we had was a huge tree model, we had to build a map arround it (dont think that ever got released, if so, i am missing the files of it - it was the ancient ruin theme map). Also we did a Nar Shaddaa landing pad. http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Maps/Multiple%20Gamemodes/105657/ So if there are people intrested and we have like 4 or 5 people willing to do this, why not?
  24. Okay, i have a request. Is it possible tot Frankenstein a weequay's head on a stormtrooper outfit (or rodian head) i want to use tgat for my SP mod
  25. That is the standard shader from the common shaderfile. I put down the things below on how you you may need to change it. Have you attempted to create a new shader file?
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