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Everything posted by Psyk0Sith

  1. The problem with the eyes is the blue area (iris) is one solid color, you need color variation. 2nd problem is the lack of shading and highlights, the top part of the iris will have darker tones because the top eyelid is casting a shadow, you have to introduce highlights to define the spherical / reflectiveness of the eye. Finally, it looks like the tear ducts are missing, it's a feature that can be easily overlooked and the viewer knows something is off without knowing what exactly. Awesome pack btw.
  2. Sounds like the best mod ever but i'm afraid it won't be complete until all in-game characters are replaced by an enormous screaming Rosh.
  3. Brings back memories, i'm shocked i didn't have seizures playing DF2, the infinite texture tiling on everything is so distracting lol.
  4. Links are dead anyway, i might have given a shot at remaking a low poly version of the necro starkiller.
  5. A more flexible way of getting things in Max is always good, so yes.
  6. @@DT85 I don't mind mixing both together, there's a few things i'll need to work out before it's ready. I will certainly attempt capes, expecting it'll require more bones. @@Stooben things are not set in stone, but with current lazy setup this is how i would answer: Is this still going utilize the same rig up/compiling process of export to .xsi -> assimilate. Same process, the only thing that would be different is the skeleton, one with additional bones. Is this new animation/rig up going to have it's own _humanoid folder for the animations. It can reside in the same _humanoid folder, but probably will have a different name as to not conflict with the original one, some people might prefer to use the classic one. It would also prevent bones mismatch between old and new skeleton for regular models. Is the new animations going to be functional as well as capable of being utilize from a clean install of base JA so everyone can use it no matter what mod they play. It would only be functional with "special" characters that have been compiled with the new .GLA, so when both the character and .GLA files are present, they would work like a regular player model. Is there any possibilities of this working as well with JO. It would be possible, but only with characters that use the new GLA, if the whole GLA sequence match in both games then it could be done for both without extra work for me, if not then it would not be a priority to get it to work. What modeling applications can be utilized for this for the full rig up process of these animations (XSI, Max 6-10, etc). For the new skeleton you can use Max 4 to at least 2010, thanks to the new plugins by Archangel. If the facial animations are setup and added to the cloth animation setup, can there be a version stripped of new facial animations and 1 with new facial animations(my interest is the animated flaps but I'm sure someone else would hold interest in the facial animations). I guess, if you don't mind having 2 .GLA versions in the .pk3
  7. It's almost what you have there @@DT85, except the bones (5 of them currently per piece) will be placed on the center verts of each piece of cloth, the bending and twisting transfers nicely without costing too much, the helper objects look like a chain flopping around and with the correct weights, it will be pretty close to the sim. Once the sim is completed, the bones will get their keyframes from "tracking" dummy objects that are themselves linked to the center vertices. One thing to note is that sometimes the cloth will "pop" into place because of how sequences quickly shifts between each other, it's not a big deal but it won't always be perfect, i don't feel like editing all those transitions manually. @@minilogoguy18 MD3 would end up costing too much for 23k frames and then you'd have to be able to pin cloth onto characters then somehow match frames betweem the md3 and .glm. Maybe it's easy for a coder, but i'm a 3D monkey so i picked the easiest solution.
  8. It could be fun. Would this be a slightly redesigned version or just a "copy paste into JA" with higher res textures and models?
  9. You get AO map details that create a solid base to start the texturing process...everything is in the right place so no guess work as to what detail goes where and you get gradient / shadows baked in.
  10. I'd like to see one like this, love the concept:
  11. While MD3 requires no bones, the performance cost of 21 376 frames would be too high. If that approach works the sim would have to be quite simple and adapt to pretty much all situations with just a few frames (and look hilarious in many others!)
  12. I need to reimport the Max 9 FBX / XSI into MAx 7 to be able to outpout the .md3, unless i find one that works in max 9. @@ChalklYne That's the Max 6 version i've been using for a while now. Milkshape won't work for the current purpose.
  13. @@Archangel35757 I got the Max 6 exporter to work, but the problem is getting the cloth sim into Max 7, stupid importer destroys the weights. @@redsaurus Thanks for clearing that up.
  14. @@Archangel35757 I tried Npherno's compiler and it crashes MD3Viewer with the following error...(headerSize 1644)!=108. @@DT85 For the 2nd approach i didn't mean every single model already working, just the ones that would require cloth of course...unlike the bolted alternative, which would've been universal.
  15. Nothing worth showing for now, but i'm tinkering with pre-rendered cloth and trying to find an easy way (i'm lazy and on a tight schedule!) to bolt it on all characters. There would be no such thing as a complete jedi robe floating around in the wind and reacting to each movements, it would be better for hanging pieces of cloth, hair, rope etc. Approach 1 Simulate a short sequence, create keyframes from simulation, export to either .glm or .md3 as a separate animated object. With that approach i want to replace an already bolt-able object with animation support, jetpack seems like a perfect candidate. First .glm test was vertex driven and failed to export animations, i guess that would've been too easy. Max 9 Md3 was not even compatible with JA, still haven't tried npherno's tool but i doubt it will make much of a difference. Next test was bone driven, new standalone skeleton created, transfered cloth sim, exported with success, works in modview when bolted on character and looks half decent, the real test however was in-game: complete failure, animations are not working and the temporary texture doesn't even show up. Any coder(s) would like to enlighten me on the process of bolting animated objects on a player model? I've seen weapon holsters in a mod *i think*...they required extra tags being added to the player model or something like that, but i'd like to know if an animated object is possible at all without code. Approach 2 This one would be bone driven with new sets of bones added to the existing skeleton. The major drawback is each model would have to be recompiled but no coding required and lots more chances of success. More to come at some point...or i might just give up XD. http://youtu.be/tBtYSg6nPDk
  16. Using npherno's is a great idea. Still not sure how to pin "add ons" to models, i thought replacing the jetpack would be the quickest way but nothing is easy with this damn engine
  17. The export plugin i found for max9 doesn't outpout the proper format. Md3viewer won't have anything to do with it. On the positive side though i managed to export the cloth sim to a .glm. It works fine in modview, but using the jetpack doesn't work, it's just a stiff blank mesh not using the .gla. I should start a new thread on the subject. As for synching animations, i have something planned, i just want to start with something simple and go from there.
  18. I'm trying to pin a simulated cloth on all models, if it works it will replace the jetpack, at least for now.
  19. Yeah sorry, in max the modifier actually creates keyframes based on the simulation, so it's definately vertex animated. Looks like my half assed approach won't work, but trying .md3 is worth a shot.
  20. @@Archangel35757 I have a question regarding "keyframed objects": remember when you had me test the modifier based anims with the xsi viewer? would this method work for JA? No bone driven animation, just a keyframed object from max (can a .gla be obtained from that?). I should try it, but i can't right now and if it doesn't work i'll have to setup a bunch of stuff just to do a simple test and i'd prefer the easy way. Thanks!
  21. First up will be an Ithorian Jedi, Gran could be done quickly if i reuse the one from the game.
  22. I just want to add heads and matching limbs for aliens, no mods to the body, but i could mix parts from JA's stock models in there too if that works for you.
  23. Hapslash gave his blessing to anyone who'd like to use his work, as long as proper credits are given, which Shiftee did. http://hapslashsvoid.yuku.com/topic/412#.TxSSm6WXSWN I might do some new species myself using his work, simply because it's faster to re-use something that already looks and works great.
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