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  1. Even though I redrawn Rosh's head, in my opinion it still looks a little damp. I already know what and how to improve, but for now I’m busy with other things. Once I'm done with them, I'll show you the final version. Or I’ll even publish a finished retexture of the entire model. But I don’t want to show the earlier version
  2. The character models turned out great. Jayden and Rosh looked very pretty. Compared to them, Kyle looks simpler, but also very fresh. Once I saw this art and also thought about creating such clothes. But implementing this from standard models was sometimes difficult, and sometimes impossible. I'm not a modder and I can't make such models. But then I finally figured out how to retexture it. For now, Rosh’s head has been updated, and I’m still thinking about his clothes) If I release his retexture, maybe someday I’ll be able to appear in the thank you lists
  3. The settings have been changed only for the vanilla version and some other modifications. For this mod, I didn’t touch the configuration, I just changed the permissions and FOV. In any case, thanks for the information. I will adjust the configuration settings
  4. Of course, I always using OpenJK if the mod requires it. There are practically no other mods in the base game folder. Only retextures of standard models were installed. For the experiment, I removed all mods. The mod was launched via a bat file that was in the folder with the mod. Perhaps I didn't express myself correctly. I wanted to see more choice of clothing for the characters. For example, Obi-Wan has an outfit from episode 1 and the Kenobi series. Vader only has the costume from episode 3, and the alternative is Anakin from the Ahsoka series. Seeing a huge list of authors from whom permission was obtained. I said earlier that this may be due to obtaining permission from other authors. Therefore, I proposed an extreme option for customization through basic character selection. The player will be able to customize the model for himself and does not need to look for options for obtaining permission for the model. On the maps Mustafar and Russan, due to the large number of characters, textures disappear and FPS sag. I'm attaching a few screenshots.
  5. The mod is amazing. The hub is very cozy, everything is within easy reach. Very interesting idea with a challenge of multiple arenas and ending with a boss room. The variety of characters is impressive, but there is room for improvement. Now I will touch on controversial issues. It's more like feedback: 1) I liked the idea with the arenas, but I wanted there to be a unique reward in the form of a separate secret arena after clearing all the rooms. If you don't go into boss rooms. 2) The ladder modes are very unbalanced. A lot of characters appear on Mustafar; in the last 3 stages, waves of opponents appeared even when the previous ones had not yet ended. It also caused the game to freeze and textures to disappear. There is a similar situation on the Roussan map, although everything is fine with the waves, but towards the final battles the same situation occurs with missing textures and freezing. On the Jedi Temple map, guards with a dual sword in one hand kill with 1-2 attacks. When in this arena you don’t experience the slightest difficulty with the bosses. Played on Jedi Knight difficulty. 3)I wanted to touch on the balance of the characters. As I understand it, the idea was to make each hero with his own unique set of skills, strengths and weaknesses. And almost everyone doesn’t have the healing skill, but several of the characters have it. Which greatly affects the gameplay in the ladder. Although the variety of characters is impressive, some heroes have little or no variety. As I understand it, not everyone was able to be contacted to obtain permission. I would like to see more options or the ability to customize your character yourself. As I wrote above, I really liked the mod. And the moments that I voiced. These are just my impressions of the game, which can be ignored.
  6. Initially this was done for a modification, where I did not plan to replace the main model. In the near future I will update the version and add a file with a replacement for the main Kyle model.
  7. 302 downloads

    Happy New Year, everyone! I also decided to post another reskin of the model Kyle Katarn in my performance. I absolutely loved the new Kyle models, but the vanilla version was always closer. And so I decided to update the textures for the 20th anniversary of the game. After playing the Dark Pastime modification - chapter 1. I was surprised by the wide variety of costumes, but I was missing something. And I wanted to add all the existing options for Kyle's clothing. First, I went through the most basic and popular ones, and then there was an interest in concepts and variations from comics. I have also edited some versions to my liking. When I saw that model Kyle Katarn With Jacket. I was eager to make a choice of clothes for this model. I decided to leave a little surprise. That's why I didn't show all the costumes. Maybe this will make you happy PS: I apologize for my grammar as i am not a native speaker _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I also wanted to express my gratitude to the authors who inspired me: - Joshua and his model Kyle Katarn With Jacket - SanadaSan for amazing model retextures - LawfulUNKL for the amazing character concept - author of models and textures spanki - Movie Duels team for amazing textures - As well as other authors who created different versions of clothes for Kyle that have become iconic and are used in almost any fashion about Kyle
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