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Everything posted by Archangel35757

  1. @@DT85 - You can retarget to CAT rigs using MotionBuilder as well. But I'm going to stick with CS Biped because it can use the Motion Mixer and MotionFlow in 3dsMax. Plus I'm familiar with it. Maybe can experiment with CAT in the future.
  2. looks great... but I think the snow flakes are too big-- looks like the size of popcorn.
  3. LOL... I got tears coming out of my eyes
  4. @@UniqueOne -- but you have a function in that lib that converts them to a .map file or what?
  5. What 3D file formats can it import?
  6. @@UniqueOne - that's cool but that is not what I meant... what I meant was, what is the largest image Shader you can use on a terrain entity? 1024x1024, 2048x2048, etc.? What are you using to create the terrain? easygen?
  7. @@UniqueOne - what is the largest size of terrain texture that can be used?
  8. The current MD3 exporters currently define and use the MAX_MD3_LODS to know how many iterations to loop to look for LODs. So I would need to modify all the exporters.
  9. @@eezstreet, @@DT85 -- I thought 3 LODs (LOD0, LOD1, and LOD2) was the absolute maximum for the MD3 format; but Ghoul2 could have more. I think we should keep MD3 as 3 LODs. Maybe increase GLM to 6 (twice MD3 limit). Beyond that I think it's going to create too much work on a modeller. This would require a new define (GLM_MAX_LODS) for Ghoul2 models, yes? Also there would need to be some new engine code changes for handling distance-based switching for an increased number of GLM LOD levels, yes? We have a hard enough time getting folks to make any LODs, is there truly a need to go beyond 3 levels?
  10. Ok... it isn't bone angles-- it's bone coordinate axis orientation.
  11. @@DT85 - if the root pose can be whatever for an NPC (not using the _humanoid) then why/how could bone angles match? They wouldn't necessarily... I'm not grasping what you are saying.
  12. Yes it will be a shadow rig referenced to a CS Biped. I will follow proper bone names and orientations. I can use the Wampa, or any other NPC skeleton, as a go-by.
  13. True, "export selected" would work for CAT... but this is going to be an NPC with it's own custom skeleton and animations. So his current pose will be the root pose.
  14. Never used CAT. Plus not sure how the dotXSI exporter would handle CAT skeleton-- if it would need "ignore" treatment like the CS Biped. Plus MotionBuilder is set-up to easily retarget animations onto a 3dsMax CS Biped... not so for CAT.
  15. @@Psyk0Sith - Looks awesome! Let me know when you are ready to fit a CS Biped to your model.
  16. @@Asgarath83 - praying for your healing.
  17. @@minilogoguy18 -- why couldn't you export out the matching gun animation lower part as a new LOWER_xxx sequence... so that it blends correctly with the UPPER???
  18. Check out Game Level Builder 2.22 (GLB 2.22 is free and so is GMax) for GMax and 3ds Max... GMax: http://www.turbosquid.com/gmax Refer to Turbosquid link & help for gmax installation; and here is another installation tutorial: http://www.elvastower.com/tuts/gmax01/installation/installation.html GLB 2.22: http://maple3d.com/Convexity/GLB2.htm
  19. @@UniqueOne - perhaps it would be enlightening if you compiled an original demo map file... and then decompiled it to see where it fails to reproduce the original .map file?
  20. maybe you could chat with paulvortex or others who have written BSP decompilers?
  21. any chance of better BSP decompiling back to .MAP files?
  22. @@ensiform - I disagree... GtKRadiant is being developed, improved and maintained. Many gamedev tools have been, or are being, updated. We also have all SoF2/JKO/JKA asset exporters for 3ds Max and Blender. So creating new content is easier than ever.
  23. we're closer to having better graphics now with Rend2 than some great effort to recreate JK in Unreal.
  24. Well, I hope you will be able to use mine.
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