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Everything posted by Archangel35757

  1. @@SomaZ - I thought the problem was with GLM normal maps, not MD3, yeah?
  2. @@DT85 - Something about the GLM's normal map on the right side seems like it needs inverting...
  3. @@Xycaleth - @@DT85 already posted comparisons of the MD3 and GLM normals-- and they are equivalent. It's in the renderer. GLM: MD3:
  4. @@DT85 ...you may need to specify the class and "::" scope operator to make it find the correct one for GLM.
  5. @@Xycaleth - perhaps it is a coordinate system thing between MD3 and GLM? The MD3 specs state: Also, aren't MD3 vertices/normals defined in a left-handed 3-space coordinate system and GLM is right-handed?
  6. ...but those tangents are all computed by the renderer-- so how does the renderer's computations differ between MD3 and MDX (aka GLM)?
  7. If you are smoothing all the vertex normals-- doesn't that defeat making custom normals in the XSI files (and its Carcass compilation into the GLM file)?
  8. One theory floating out there is Snoke could be Mace Windu...
  9. @@MGummelt - hah, we don't need no stinkin' badges... no need for proof-- the veterans here know you well.
  10. @@SomaZ - I think a feature like editing lights should only be available to a "special" light compile build and not available for the final compiled map... not sure if that is possible.
  11. but the ability to tweak the light position/orientation in-game using some new light editor would be much welcomed.
  12. great work... now record one of you swan diving off the cliff edge into the water below-- use the shark npc!
  13. @@MGummelt - welcome to JKHub! We are honored by your presence.
  14. @@SomaZ Isn't the term "directional light" the industry venacular for your "tubelight"? dlight is already used for dynamic lights, but since we are talking a direction, which is a vector... I would call it misc_vlight (for a directonal vector light entity). @@Xycaleth - An in-game light editor (for position, orientation, & property changes) is an awesome idea. Sounds like you are describing this editor: http://wiki.reflexfiles.com/index.php?title=Reflex%27s_Level_Editor Do any open source editors have light editors?
  15. @@UniqueOne - up'd the limits for warzone... chat with him.
  16. You should break out those last two minutes as a standalone video tutorial for merging in new GLA animations using Ask's GLAmerge tool.
  17. mannable weapons bays, gun/cannon turrets, etc.
  18. Yep, I don't like `em either. Gonna delete them and follow the cutscene goggles look.
  19. So I spent today trying to come up with some goggles... I'm not too crazy about them, they could be embellished more-- but I'm thinking of deleting them and starting over. What do you think?
  20. If any of the plugins fail with Error 126 at start-up... it means it is missing a required dll. Please let me know and I'll try to help you find it and sort it out.
  21. 1,472 downloads

    A collection of over 50 Freeware Max-scripts, Plugins and Suites to extend Gmax v1.2 and 3DSmax v4+ File I/O capabilities. Supported Apps/Games/Engines/Formats: 3DS, AutoCAD, AutoDesk, Battlezone, C Language Format, Command & Conquer Renegade, Dragon's Age Origins, DirectX, Fly3D, Gamebryo/Netimmerse Engine, Ghoul2 Engine, Ghoul2 Engine, Granny Engine, GTA, Halflife, Kingpin, Lightwave, Maya, Milkshape, Morrowind Oblivion, NWN, NWN2, OpenGL, PowerVR, Quake2, Quake3, ReelMotion, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Total Annihilation, Unreal Tournament 2003, VRML, Wavefront, xFrog, ZenGin Engine Gmax Specific Plugins: 3DS - 3ds importer v1.1 - gmax AutoCad - Dxf importer v1.1 - gmax GTA - Importer/Exporter - Gmax NWN - NWmax .8 for Gmax (conflicts with Waylands MaxScript) NWN - Waylands Import/Export MaxScript for Gmax (conflicts with NWmax) Quake2 - md2 importer v1.1 - gmax Quake3 - MD3 exporter beta v1.0 - gmax Quake3 - md3 importer beta0.1 - gmax Quake3 - md3 importer v1.0 - gmax Return To Castle Wolfenstein - mdc importer v1.1 - gmax Wavefront - OBJ importer v1.1 - gmax Wavefront - OBJ importer v1.1a - gmax Gmax & 3DS Max Mixed-Support Plugins: AutoCad - DFX Importer (importdxf.zip) gmax/max 3DS - 3DS Importer v1.0 (max42-imp3DS.zip) gmax/max Gamebryo/NetImmerse - NIF Import / Export (niftools-max-plugins- gmax/3dsmax Granny Engine - .GR2 Skeleton and Animation import Plugin (3ds Max / GMax) GTA - Kam's Max Scripts Import/export for 3DS Max & GMax Half-Life - SMD importer v1.0 - gmax/3d max 4.2+ Kingpin mdx importer v1.0- gmax/max4 Milkshape - (ms3dImportExport_ver1_0.zip.zip) gmax/max Return To Castle Wolfenstein - MDS importer v1.0 - gmax/3d max 4.2 3DS Max v4+ Plugins: (Note: Althought supposedly some 3DSMax4 maxscripts and plugins can work for gmax12, (as Gmax is based off 3DSMax v4.0,) most are still largly untested, so please post if something doesn't work or seems buggy.) Autodesk - Game Export Interface v1.122 (IGame_v_1.122.zip) max4 C&C Renegade - W3DImporter.zip Dragon's Age Online - Import/Export DirectX - Exporter v1.0.0.1 (efx_xout.zip) Fly3D - Fly3D Mesh Import/Export v3.0 (fly3d3_plugins.zip) Quake3 - MD3 Exporter v6.1 beta (MD3 Model Exporter v6.1 beta) Quake3 - MD3 exporter - 3d max 6 Quake3 - MD3 exporter v2.0.1 - 3ds max 4.2/5 TotalWar - ms3dImportExport_ver1_0 (ms3dImportExport_ver1_0.zip) UT2003 - Jamlander v3.01 (jamlander_301.zip) 3DS Max v4+ Specific Plugins: (known to cause startup errors in Gmax) AutoCad - DFX Export - HDXFEXP v4.0 (HDxfExp4.zip) AutoCad - Material Lib Import - MLI to MAX v4.0 (mli2max4.zip) Autodesk - Ascii Mdl Importer (asciiimporter.zip) Battlezone - GEO Import/Export v1.0 VDF Import v1.0 (BZImportExport.zip) 3ds max Battlezone -SDF Import v1.0 (SDFImport_max45.zip) 3ds max4 Ghoul2 Engine - Model Importer v0.2 (max4glmimport2.zip) Half-Life - SMD exporter v1.0 3d - 3ds max 4.2+ only Lightwave - LWO Importer LWOImpR4_043.zip Lightwave - LWO2 Importer v0.90 (lwo2imp.zip) Maya - Max2Maya ASCII v0.0 Exporter (Max2MayaAscii.zip) Morrowind - NIF Importer v1.0 (NifImport.rar) max4 NWN - MDL Plugin Suite (MDLPluginSuite1.1b2Max5.zip) max 5 NWN2 - MDB Importer / Exporter v2.3.0(nwn2utilsmaxplugins2.3.0.rar/exe) OpenGL (.c) - ESM Importer/Exporter v0.1 (Esmexp42.zip) PowerVR - Exporter (PVRexp4.zip) Quake3 - MD3 Importer v1.01 (md3imp.zip) ReelMotion (ReelMotionMAX4.zip) Total Annihilation - 3DO Import/Export v1.0 (3dopluginr4.zip+tatextures.zip) max4 Valve - Skeletal Model Exporter v4.1.3.0 (smdlexp_4130_max4_5.zip) 3ds max VRML - 2.0 Export v4.4.1.0 (3dsmax4vrmlexp.exe) 3ds max Wavefront - OBJ Importer v4.2 (Objimp42.zip) 3ds max XFrog - Importer v1.0 (xfrog_maxplug.zip) 3ds max Specificity, the following plugin's won't load with Gmax (so install to 3DSMax v4+ only): 3doexport.dle, 3doimport.dli, asciiimp.dli, Esmexport.dlu, GEOExport.dle, GEOimport.dli, ghoul2imp.dli, HDxfExp.dle, lwo2imp.dli, Max2MayaAsciiExp50.dle, Max2MayaAsciiExp60.dle, md3imp.dli, Mli2Max.dli, NifImport.dli, NWN2Utils.dlu, objimp.dli, PVRExp_v4.dle, SDFImport.dli, smdlexp.dle, VDFImport.dli, vrmlexp.dle (stdplugs dir), and xfrog.dlo This is something I've had in my plugin archives and I thought I would share here since most of these can't be found online anymore. Hope they help, and happy modding! P.S. - Also, there has been a rendering plugin created for GMax a long time ago ...for those who'd like to render images of their masterpieces. Just do an internet search for "GMax Renderer" and you should find it.
  22. @@minilogoguy18 - .FBX originates from Kaydara's Filmbox (FBX) software. Kaydara was acquired by Alias in 2004 and then Autodesk acquired Alias in 2006. The Filmbox software was for recording data from motion capture. It was renamed to Motionbuilder in 2002. We have dotXSI 3.0 exporters for 3ds Max 6 to Max2017. I also uploaded a free XSI model/animation viewer here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1811-xsi-viewer/ So this community can share and view XSI files without any problems. I also have archives of Maya dotXSI 3.0 exporter/python code... which I believe could be updated for newer versions of Maya... (which is not a priority for me as a 3da Max user)... though I would like to see more Maya modellers in the community. The Crosswalk SDK died with Softimage in 2015... but I got lucky and it successfully compiled the exporters for 3ds Max 2017. Should it fail to work for Max 2018 then maybe I will attempt to pick up where @@Xycaleth left off with his FBX converter. But this is not a priority for me or anyone now... as XSI should work fine for at least a couple more years... or indefinitely if people don't upgrade beyond Max2017. Check out the XSI Viewer... (for your test scenes you'll need to export your scene lights for it to be lit properly in the Viewer. I don't export lights with the 3ds Max exporters but the viewer tool allows you to merge in more XSI files... so I just merge in a lights-only file). The FBX2013 model converter/viewer is also dead and not being updated.
  23. Could Snoke be Mace Windu? That's one theory...
  24. It's all speculation... not sure why you treat it as spoilers.
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