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Posts posted by Bart

  1. http://jkhub.org/files/file/1484-qeffects-pro/


    I am interested if it's possible to alter the .ini file in one specific manner. As it is, the mod itself is almost perfect for me - great improvement of JK3 graphics that's simply awesome. Still, I would like to somehow keep the motion blur intact, but lower it significantly. The motion blur, as it is now, doesn't suit my eyes very well, tbh. Are there any preset .ini files? I've tried doing that myself, but I'm far too unfamiliar with such things.

  2. Careful with the R-word. I personally couldn't care less but some people might take offense to that due to a personal problem.

    Matter of how English is used in different environments I suppose, since in most internet societies I know it's used as far more loose word without any medical connotaions ;) But thanks.

  3. Yep, I've tried it from both the original JK2 model and the edited JK3 one. Same problem with both. I mean, the error itself explains the problem - there is a "vertex without UV coordinates". But I can't for the life of me figure out which vertex it is referring to.


    Even doing a Google search for that exact error quote only gives two (two!!!) results. One of which is a topic on this very website about that model!!!


    So it seems we discovered a kind of Holy Graal for Blender modelling...

    Except it's the negative opposite.  :teehee:

  4. It's specific to the horns surface of the Saesee Tiin model. I've been able to import/export other JK2 models like Eeth Koth and Jabba the Hutt with no trouble (just involves a workaround).

    Interesting. You had the same problem when trying to frankenstein Saesee from the scratch? 


    Oh, just seen the post above. @@Jeff, any hope for a miracle? :P

  5. Yeah, seen this as well. No idea what is causing the bug but it would be great if someone was able to explain/fix it.


    I guess it's some sort of problem with exporting JK2 models. I tried to fix it for my friend, but just couldn't do it, especially with no knowledge on Blender and just testing it randomly, lol.

  6. Out of curiosity, wouldn't you try to rework Saesee Tiin (Iktotchi) in Jedi robes? As you might probably see, there is a small bug within the model.


    It works fine everywhere, but if you open your .glm in Blender, and try to do anything, it seems like head_horns UV mapping is bugged and it's impossible to export the model back after some changes.

  7. It's not an actual request, but I believe this board suits my thread the best. To keep it short - did anyone ever see a model with the head looking like a skull? It can be a human-like skull, pretty much any sort.


    For example, something like that:




    Any tips?  :o

  8. It's definitely something totally unique among JK3 models, lel. Has some unique build to it, unlike most models that go around the same variations of clothes and faces, and the same SW design of common clothing, and stuff.


    The only thing I would change - the boots textures, and I could possibly try to modify them myself if you're not sure about it. Right now that "shiny" part at the top of the boots looks quite weird with the stronger shadering (be it game's .shaders or just the texture), when compared to the trousers of the guy.


    I really like the trousers - they fit the design, and even though they're bending weirdly forward around the knee-level, it resembles some new pose, and it's not like people can't stand or move in such a way. At least this adds more variety (if that's caused by the animations, screw that :P).


    Helmet is unique and awesome. With the possibility to switch it on and off it would add wonderful possibilities for roleplaying with that model.


    Overall really great. :D

    Langerd likes this
  9. The MD3viewer doesnt read shaders i think. So You must check it in the game to see if it works.

    Yes. I've been using ModView, MD3View, and all the rest for years - they never show shaders, that's how they're done. They're not like Blender and the rest of 3D programs that view the whole scene, they only display model itself... And without environment, there is no shadering. ;)


    - http://forum.szlakiem-jedi.pl/onas.php : A RP clan. I think they use OJP1.2 but I am not sure.

    I am one of the three Game Masters of the clan, so I can explain more. We use our private, modified version of Open Jedi Project that has some simple, additional utilities from different Open Source mods. Basically more animations, extended administration commands from Clanmod used to affect other players, unlocked Heal powers and some of the hidden guns.


    The mod itself isn't affected in the gameplay, as seen above, and the features are solely RP-focused. The mod itself isn't released anywhere outside, but there's not much of a reason to be interested in it unless you're interested in RP. We don't really play for the OJP itself, our clear and sole goal is the best roleplaying possible, any "gaming" qualities don't matter to us in any way if it doesn't serve the quality of RP. Basically put, OJP serves us solely as the roleplaying tool, "platform".


    It's a shame OJP isn't developed any longer. I hoped that OpenRP that's pretty famous on JKHub will remain to be built on OJP 1.2 - I was inhumanly dissapointed after the system was changed, as what the author created there is far beyond any "amateurish" coding like my own.


    OJP itself started going down when 1.3 was introduced. It was focused more towards balance than realism, same as Movie Battles II was, but in the end, Open Jedi Project lost what was unique to it. By going towards FFA loose slaughter system with the game, they guided it towards the area of Movie Battles II - purely balanced, extended JK3 slaughter. However, Movie Battles is simply far better in this area, so they simply went to fight on a market that was already set in stone. OJP 1.3 was called "Jedi Knight Enhanced", I think? It was balanced, perhaps, but in that regard MB II was, and still is, plainly better.


    The sabering system in OJP is still the best, most thought-requiring, complicated yet stable and solid, of anything I ever saw. And in terms of Star Wars realities, the mod is balanced from the universe's standpoint.


    A good thread, that mod really deserves promotion.

  11. I've been roleplaying with JK3 as the platform for almost 7 years in Polish, and I've never seen lack of Polish letters as a problem. When the medium itself doesn't allow that, you get used to it and after not more than a week, the text without Polish diacritics looks normal. I honestly think it just shouldn't matter at all for most of the languages using Latin-extended glyphs, because they're not mandatory to communicate, and people get used to lacking these.


    Obviously, it's more difficult when talking about languages that use their own alphabets, but as Jedi Academy itself didn't support them, I don't see why it should be required for OpenJK to have it for the first official release. A nice addon for the feature releases, definitely, yes. However, many of the modern games still have problems with extended glyphs, so it shouldn't bother that "new Jedi Academy" lacks it. Adding the fact that JK3 itself never had it, nope, there is nothing to support the notion that these things should be a requirement for 1.0 in my opinion.

    Cerez, minilogoguy18 and Avidhal like this
  12. I don't honestly think it will be a popular idea, and pretty much your only hope is that someone would create such a model just from sheer kindness. Those animated series aren't extremely popular, and there are still only few models from really popular cartoons. Basically, even the really popular cartoon characters from things that don't fit Star Wars aren't modelled for JK3 very often. The character style doesn't fit Star Wars much, so I can understand why potential modellers won't see it as really contributing to the game itself, as the characters themselves don't fit Star Wars style, and the cartoon itself definitely doesn't belong to the famed ones. Tons of Star Wars models have more stylish uniforms, more detailed, better fitting, and of course much more in tune with Star Wars itself, so there's little reason for someone to create it. For someone not interested in the cartoon, we have a uniform-clothing that would look well (quality aside) on some kind of imperial/military/business aligned character, with the face of a child and gray hair, which doesn't resemble the recognized species.


    Your best take would be to find that Blender model, ask the author for permission, and maybe you will find someone who will simplify it to work in JK3 and rig it to JK3 skeleton, because there's really no reason for someone to create this.

    Bek, Jolly and Lancelot like this
  13. My Internet is still jittery at the moment, but I managed to upload some Separatist models that I know folks wanted. These are in their raw /models folder format, so can be used for people's mods etc but are not assembled for full integration in the game yet. So for now I've just uploaded to Dropbox rather than the Hub:





    Those are truly wonderful. They fit anatomy of the species perfectly, the head is very well merged and perfectly shaped with all these helmets etc. Awesome!

  14. I sent you a PM with the bugged .blend file, and the properly working .glm. I can send you the whole skin of course too, it will just take a bit longer with my weak ISP. I don't see where the vertices could be merged, I only used the "snap during transform" tool :(

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