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  1. 139 downloads

    A Christmas themed lightsaber that I made the other night. As always, I've included two versions of the pk3. The one inside the folder called Replacement will replace the Firebrand hilt with the "Candy Cane" hilt, and the one inside the Individual folder is just the saber without any replacement nonsense. saber_candycane
  2. 795 downloads

    The other day I came across this picture while browsing some lightsaber designs on Google Images. It's a lightsaber hilt designed and built by Judge Sabersmith, a user from the fx-sabers forums. This is a post that I found on fx-sabers.com which contains more information, as well as more pictures of the real hilt. There are some minor clipping issues as a result of the pommel being curved. Red stance has practically no clipping, blue is minimal and yellow is a little distracting. I can't seem to find any way to prevent this from happening except for flipping the hilt the other way around, however that'll make it look awkward when its being held at the side. As always, I've included two versions of the pk3. The one inside the folder called Replacement will replace the Firebrand hilt with the "JSS" hilt, and the one inside the Individual folder is just the saber without any replacement nonsense. saber_JSS
  3. 902 downloads

    This is the first "from scratch" model I've done for JKA. I was inspired by Doughnuts' model of Stellan Gios's Lightsaber, and wanted to make a hilt that had some crossguards on it. Based the shape of the saber off of this. As always, I've included two versions of the pk3. The one inside the folder called Replacement will replace the Firebrand hilt with the "HR" hilt, and the one inside the Individual folder is just the saber without any replacement nonsense. saber_HR
  4. 538 downloads

    I wanted to try something different for this lightsaber. Instead of using the base game assets to build this hilt, I used Rooxon's model of the Scout Blaster. As this was made by Rooxon and not from the base game, the textures are much higher resolution than that of my previous hilts. This hilt also has the added bonus of a nice metallic shader, thanks to the .shader file that Rooxon included with his model. At the moment, I find the shader to be a bit too strong, making the texture a little hard to see. Still needs work but I’m happy with how this one turned out. If anyone has any requests or suggestions for hilts, please feel free to let me know! I included two versions of the pk3. The one inside the folder called Replacement will replace the Firebrand hilt with the Scout hilt, and the one inside the Individual folder is just the saber without any replacement nonsense.
  5. 432 downloads

    This is the fifth lightsaber I've made from in-game parts. For this one, I took the Destructive Electromagnetic Pulse 2 ion carbine (Demp2) and rearranged some pieces and some UV's. I wish the hilt had a few more pieces to make it a bit longer, but overall I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I included two versions of the pk3. The one inside the folder called Replacement will replace the Firebrand hilt with the Demp2 hilt, and the one inside the Individual folder is just the saber without any replacement nonsense. saber_demp2
  6. 373 downloads

    This is the fourth lightsaber I've made. I used parts from the FC1 Flechette. In my render, I was able to make the buttons glow red using lighting in Blender. The buttons don’t glow in game in the current version of the saber, but I plan to update it with a glow shader at some point. Thanks to Untold Prophecy for the suggestion. I included two versions of the pk3. The one inside the folder called Replacement will replace the Firebrand hilt with the Flechette hilt, and the one inside the Individual folder is just the saber without any replacement nonsense.
  7. 417 downloads

    This is the third lightsaber I've made from in-game weapons. Took the iconic Stormtrooper blaster (E-11) and hacked it apart. I removed the long bar under the barrel as well as the handle, and used the scope of the blaster as the emitter. Like my previous hilt, this lightsaber is roughly about the length of the Katarn hilt. I included two versions of the pk3. The one inside the folder called Replacement will replace the Firebrand hilt with the E-11 hilt, and the one inside the Individual folder is just the saber without any replacement nonsense.
  8. 385 downloads

    This is my second lightsaber that I've made from weapons within the game. I took pieces from the Heavy Repeater and moved them around until I was happy with how it looked. It’s proportions are about that of the Katarn hilt. I included two versions of the pk3. The one inside the folder called Replacement will replace the Firebrand hilt with the Repeater hilt, and the one inside the Individual folder is just the saber without any replacement nonsense.
  9. 411 downloads

    This is my first attempt at modding blasters/sabers. Was looking at some pictures of the Bryar pistol and thought that it might make a cool looking lightsaber hilt. I cut off the handle and a couple other little pieces, added a button and turned the barrel of the blaster into the emitter for the blade. I included two versions of the pk3. The one inside the folder called Replacement will replace the Firebrand hilt with the Bryar hilt, and the one inside the Individual folder is just the saber without any replacement nonsense.
  10. 138 downloads

    This is my attempt at reskinning the chiss model to try and make it look less chiss-y. Placing this pk3 in your base will override the base games textures for the chiss, removing his blue skin.
    Unsure about Xibir’s comment as it worked fine for me. Looks great, really improves the default Jedi.
    Great work ?
  11. 138 downloads

    My attempt at putting the font Times New Roman into Jedi Academy. Just unzip the .zip and drop the .pk3 into base.
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