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Angel Soul

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File Comments posted by Angel Soul

    Endor Assault

       543    1

    @Yzmo - there are a LOT of textures missing when I was playing. On grass and computer. Botroute also needs great improvement, as they are just stuck patrolling one area. It's a nice design. I would Love to see this map in its full potential.

  1. This is an amazing hud. I just love the amount of detail put into is! Even if it isn't Star Wars related, you nonetheless did a good job, man. I'm sure this can be handy sometime :P

    Thanks man! I gotta admit, it was time-consuming finding proper screenshots to "rip" out the textures with the pen-tool in PhotoShop! On the plus size, I rather enjoy it myself, I got nice comments (like yours) and learned something new! Many thanks! :D

  2. This is a re-upload of the original transparent flags that have existed for many years.

    No it's not. It has nothing to do with transparent flag. My mod is a change of icons. Check the title. :P And check the flag icons.

    Droid HUD

       220    6

    It's nice, though... I'd remove the centre piece of the HUD or make it almost unnoticeable, tried it out and..well in short, it just takes too much space on the screen. I'd remove or alter 90% of the HUDs parts or sizes, to make it only on sides or/and on the upper part of the screen. Just for the sake of logic; everyone likes to look at the whole screen most of the time and anything static outside those boundaries is just a bit awkward, I think.


    But still... For a 1st person player or gun wielder if you will, this is ... AWESOME! And it's nice if you play as a droid :D 5/5 because I had fun with this mod, effort and quality!  ;)

    Whoa... I just first now notice your comment my friend. :D hahaha sorry!! Yep. I was testing it out, and I thought as well it was taking up too much space.This mod is going to be a part of ForceMod 3 Ninja Edition, and most of the features that take up space have been removed! :)


    Thanks for your vote and your generous review bro! You take care, allright? :D

  3. @Kahzmat - haven't downloaded and tried it out yet, but will the "Life Leech" of Tusken Raider work in this version? Oh and are you intressted in changing HUD for each faction? I've made some HUDs and would be cool if you could mix them into ForceMod 3 :)

  4. I'm using this hud, it's not star wars themed and with regards to that, it looks a bit off, yes. To me, things like that don't matter, it's a fantastic hud to use! I very much love it!

    Glad you love it man! :) That makes all the work worthwhile! I wouldn't have finished otherwise! Heh :D Hopefully someone one day may change the way HUD of JKA works. And then I can animate it. :) That's in the plans at least.

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