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Everything posted by Raz0r

  1. It means there are either too many, or some badly-made assets (possibly mods) that confuse the file loading code. EOF = End Of File, COM_ParseInt is a function used to parse e.g. "1337" as an integer to store somewhere. It's trying to parse an integer like: "bladeLength 40" but not seeing anything past "bladeLength " - it could mean the file was truncated if too many files are loaded (OpenJK may have fixed this) or the file was poorly formatted (e.g. missing {}, a "string" that doesn't end, etc) Your game may continue just fine, but who knows what information it's failing to load
  2. People need to stop being afraid of computers. "oh no i have to copy-paste a single line of human-readable text how ever will i live" Homebrew massively simplifies installing software and dependencies for users (and developers are users too) - it doesn't involve any complex steps, there's no programming involved.
  3. `brew install sdl2` works perfectly (i.e. downloads and installs to proper/expected directory)
  4. Raz0r

    Force Blind

    If you're using JA++ client, try with cg_smartEntities 0. It's a culling technique to save FPS that may be interfering PVS shouldn't be an issue (and if it is I can only fix it on JA++ servers)
  5. With OpenJK they do not need to be compiled into the BSP, the .ent file takes precedence over the BSP's entity string
  6. Raz0r

    Admin No target

    Added in 795739a :>
  7. Indeed, only JA(MP?) has the shift requirement. Q3 (before ioq3) just had tilde.
  8. I recommend putting it in the japlus folder alphabetically after sh_animations.pk3 and launching with +set fs_game "japlus"
  9. Going to need links. Nao.
  10. Raz0r

    seamless portals

    What's that? Is that like a movie? I bet it's a trilogy like everything else these days huh.
  11. Nope, I build OpenJK myself with "-DMakeApplicationBundles=Off" and run the "openjk.x86_64" binary directly so I don't deal with this multi-arch .app file/folder fuckery that everyone seems to have issues with. In other words, I treat my Mac as if it's running Linux and everything just works My process is like this: 1. Copy GameData from a Windows installation 2. brew install sdl2 3. build openjk as above then copy openjk.x86_64 into this new 'gamedata' folder 4. ./openjk.x86_64 +set fs_game "japlus" 5. ??? 6. Profit Literally no other steps involving copying things around, using any .apps or bundles or anything.
  12. Oddly enough, I've personally confirmed OpenJK/JA++ to work perfectly by compiling it myself and installing SDL2 via homebrew. Only tested on 3 fresh Macbook airs from 2013 onwards. I don't use the .app and I just copied the assets to /Users/name/games/jka/
  13. Raz0r

    seamless portals

    Prey, Xonotic/Nexuiz, etc
  14. Note: That looks like it's searching for the 32 bit libraries and failing. What Mac do you have? (Sorry if you answered this, I skimmed over the thread) EDIT: Yep, I'm ignorant As far as I know, OpenJK only supports Intel x86_64 Macs. This is also the only machine I can develop JA++ for if you have tried that. I don't think there's much we can do about it. Either the commit log on GitHub, or the (occasionally manually updated) changelog may be of interest. In general, each commit will trigger a new build. I believe new builds are uploaded either nightly or each week (assuming the buildbot isn't broken)
  15. Raz0r

    seamless portals

    Pretty sure I made some minor engine changes too. @@Didz poked it a bit in JA getting portals to render correctly, he may have something to say.
  16. Raz0r

    japp does not compile

    The compile guide got slightly outdated. Replace C:\Python27\Lib\commands.py with this then double-click/run compileall.py Run scons like: scons -Q force32=1 tools=default You could also install TDM-GCC-64 (which the official builds use) and skip that second step.
  17. Maybe they only spawn on Jedi Master, but they certainly exist there. Particularly when you're coming down the lift toward the end of the mission, there can be 2-3 of them that instantly shoot at you and instantly kill you. It's ridiculous.
  18. t3_byss is probably the hardest to speedrun, because of the amount of instakill that happens there with the rockettroopers and heavytroopers.
  19. Generally just unzip the files for your OS from https://builds.openjk.org into GameData so openjk.x86.exe is next to jamp.exe, and run OpenJK executables instead of retail JA.
  20. Also, OpenJK and JA++ have cg_fovAspectAdjust so it looks correct on non-4:3 aspect ratios.
  21. I don't have exact steps for cross-compiling, but the gist of it is: You need a CMake toolchain file for Raspberry Pi. There should be some good examples around the interwebs.
  22. More like a Razer Hydra. I believe @@mrwonko has done some basic work with this.
  23. Oops, this might be my fault. EDIT: Yep, committed a fix. New build should be available soon. EDIT2: The Windows buildbot is down D:
  24. It's a touchy subject, trying to draw a line that changes "you made a good mod" to "your mod isn't good enough to be considered essential". The seemingly objectively-better mods like "HD Texture Overhaul" are entirely subjective - I dislike it (for MP) and am making my own. How do we know if that mod is essential or not? If we consider it non-essential, what is the exact criteria for that? If your answer is "it's a case by case basis" then you're likely to take some executive action and make the decision as staff/the list curator and then it becomes "My Favourite Mods For Laser Sword Battles". What I'm getting at here is that this list needs to be short. Like very short. Essential, not cool or handy - cool and handy are optional, that's an antonym of essential. A better option would be layers of necessity. Some mods that come to mind for the essential list: Patch 1.01 for JA or 1.04 for JK2, OpenJK, JK2 model + taunt restorals Second layer: HQ fonts, Raven bonus maps Third layer: Canon player models of movie characters, etc. I have a huge problem with endorsing a list like that, and it is entirely related to quality control. Some of those mods are made fucking terribly and annoyingly. Why should a player model be changing around the menu translation files to change the name of "Lightsaber"? Where did this saber collision EFX mod come from? Why is my console filled with errors? I think it's necessary to dissect any mod that is put forth as "essential" and point people to the cleaned up/fixed version. One of the reasons I stopped using so many mods back in the day was because my console was being spammed with error messages and I couldn't filter out messages I should have paid attention to. pls 2 more quality control.
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