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Everything posted by Acrobat

  1. I would want it on an ID engine only. Perhaps at this point best to wait for the next one rather than crytek or something like that.
  2. This is not me strafing btw but good video of cpm for ppl to see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9c4GodyQkA8&feature=youtu.be
  3. bk, source, you weren't even the fastest on jk3 (that was rachel) let alone jk2 1.02 where you aren't even top 20.
  4. Kane plays in 1.02 race server. He's rarely in the top ten, and no neither blueknight or loda or kane or source are as fast as those guys. They aren't as fast as fetched or rachel let alone dash or Remkoe. Arca is probably the best player I've played with overall but he's defrag
  5. Well jka had a defray server I played in at its height in ups…Rachel was the best racer jk2 1.04 had a cpm race server that was popular for a year or two although its still around. Xamomax was probably the best. jk2 1.02 still has a popular vq3 server. reMKoe was the fastest until he was banned for spamming names to take every top ten list. Dash may be as fast as him now but no one will know for sure. Of the three racing servers, 1.02 had by far the fastest and most skilled players just because they play mostly ctf there unlike 1.04 Darthman is the best dueler I know, but overall skill I'd go with reMKoe. This is a video I made back in the day from the jka race server ups. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuYpFPB0C_w&feature=youtu.be
  6. What exactly is that? I should make and .exe file for it?
  7. Anyone else have this problem? Doesn't always happen but occ it does
  8. I played jk1 pretty hardcore just as much as jk2. Both I bought on the day they came out. This thread reminds me of what I think every time I visit one of my favorite jk1 sites Massassi temple http://www.massassi.net/ It's essentially a dead game even more so then jk2\jka (i play more jk2 than jka) but people are still active there for some reason like here.
  9. I stopped using most entity lights because they grind the compiler so much. I have an invisible shader that you can use to light ur map that would probably help you if you're interested. Let's me make my maps at least 10 times larger although I do tend to have a lot of tunnels which this works esp well for.
  10. I play jk2 1.02 and also 1.04 often. Not much jka. Any solutions for us? sigh
  11. Playing Rachel007 and also General Patton in Canyon Oasis for #1 spot on cases's ladder on the zone... www.igl.net
  12. Yep the patches in jk2 outcast were pretty epic. major updates and made the game a lot better. Lucas's jka patch was minor and left the game all fucked up in my opinion
  13. A little inspirational clip what the White Mamba and his religion: Mambaism is all about. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faIMZSfXO7I&feature=youtu.be
  14. btw in the chat logs of the video u posted right when he posts that duck hunt thing, there is a guy named kairos posting in the log. He's a jk2\jk3 player who is very elite and maps for defrag now. I used to play with a lot.
  15. http://www.q3df.org/records?s=boris_torture_extreme Two records on torture extreme http://www.q3df.org/records/details?map=gnj-fulltorture-easy fulltorture has like 30 records but this was only version i could find. idk if there is a harder one http://www.q3df.org/records/details?map=gnj-finaltorture final torture however, only has one person to complete it shio so perhaps that could be harder or possibly less popular. Some climbers dont play guns so could also be more of a niche
  16. gnj-finaltorture shio finished in 1.37 (relatively short map) in ur video As for Final torture, I played that one before. It has stopping points so although it was 7 minutes long, if he had fallen anywhere he just would have been teleported the beginning of the subsection. I'll have to look at the official times on those maps, but I am willing to bet more people successfully finished those than torture_extreme
  17. I know Shio can do this map. Apparently nosf can do it. I think dex can do it. And there is one guy in warsow who can do it in that game as well But only 3-4 ppl who can do it. http://www.twitch.tv/hoxeg/b/483839743 also- some of those surfaces ur seeing are covered with slick
  18. http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Grand_Jedi_Skills_Inner_City_Stories;97620 From my old friend boddo\hctz
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