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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. You can do it by entity modding it and it's fairly easy.
  2. I'd like too, but my PC can't handle it, and I don't have XBOX or PS4.
  3. @@Kualan I've loaded a model from galaxies into blender (General Dodanna Head) and I have the head plus two hands show up what are you doing to get rid of the hands? I go into edit mode and delete the hands but then I get the dreaded "blender could not load surface (LOD 0) from Blender: UV seam found! split meshes at UV seams" error. Is there a differant method?
  4. If Mark has a big belly I'll need to check in with Weight-Watchers.
  5. Excellent issue to kick it off. I love stories about clones and you nailed it. I can't wait for the next issue.
  6. Sounds good I'm Sounds really good, I'm really looking forward to this.
  7. That will work I have the game (even though I never played it) so thanks. Except now I have to install it.
  8. Nice work really like Bail Organa. Do you have a link to where you got the SW Galaxies stuff? I'd love to play around with these.
  9. This mod looks very good, will there be model scaling for bots and player?
  10. Jeff

    Welcome New Staff!

    Congrats all and may God help you.
  11. I'm impressed, the name and figure look good.
  12. Is this guy a Star Wars character?
  13. I'll take a look at it sometime this week. TBH I'm not sure what I did (it was awhile ago) but I'll let you guys know.
  14. Yep unless your not using the horns.
  15. I'm trying to remember what I did, it has to do with UV's and I think remaking it worked. But any changes after that caused the issue again.
  16. It hasn't been released yet
  17. These guys look awesome as always, I bow to you sir.
  18. http://www.moviebattles2.com/
  19. It's from movie battles.
  20. My hard drive contains mostly jedi academy and outcast models, in other words it's a mess.
  21. Nope it's Gollum's head with the ears tweaked, Ki-Adi's goatee and the side hair made by me. Yeah I need to fix him but I'm waiting for the movie to see the final look of him.
  22. Just started another Rebel alot of work to be done
  23. The reviews for sure. It was always cool to see people's response to your work.
  24. It's just the rodian head slapped on Jan's body without the vest.
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