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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. All one model & one GLA. It's all hand-animated (walk cycle is Raven's), no cloth sim. It takes me about the same amount of time to do each method, but it's easier to loop without using cloth sim.
  2. So I suddenly felt like doing this today: Walk1 cycle. Lekku, cape & hips cloth all have their own bones.
  3. I never said it would be "fine", I'm just saying that everyone needs to quit bitching about the game as we haven't seen any gameplay yet to determine if it's good or bad. Automatically saying things like "OMG EA/DICE are doing a crap job with Battlefront" without any proof is just plain stupid. However, IF there was gameplay vids out and it was crap then I'd support this. I'm no EA/DICE fanboy, I actually don't think I've played a DICE game before. Also, I don't "fall" for scams so I have no idea what you're talking about.
  4. Lack of gameplay updates doesn't mean people should be all like "OMG no gameplay updates! Let's kill 'em!". Everyone needs to just freaking wait and stop being so damn impatient. Why there is such a rush to know everything about everything is beyond me. Did it ever occur to anyone that Battlefront isn't in a showable state gameplay-wise? Nope. No one wants to see crappy, unfinished gameplay.
  5. Wait and see. If it's crap when it's out, then bag all you want but I'm not a fan of people bagging out things before the release of something substantial to warrant it.
  6. Umm, what exactly is DICE doing wrong? All I've seen is impressive quality.
  7. @@Xycaleth Hmm, either I'm not doing this properly or cube mapping is now broken. I get this whether r_cubemapping is 0 or 1: Here's my misc_cubemap ents in radiant: My sphere shader: textures/cubemaptest/cubemaptest { qer_editorimage textures/cubemaptest/cubemaptest { map $lightmap } { stage diffuseMap map textures/cubemaptest/cubemaptest blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO } { stage specularmap map textures/cubemaptest/cubemaptest specularReflectance 0.25 specularExponent 8192 } }
  8. Head's crap, we all know it. Needs moar rend2.
  9. Stalled like Maul was. DF2 Mod & life happened, I hope to get back to him at some point.
  10. Tempust85

    Donate to JKHub

    Ok, it's been taken out of my account so it's on its way. $20 USD
  11. Someone please make a Gothic MP (rend2) mod

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. z3filus


      had to google gothic multiplayer to know what the fuzz is about, got an image of gothic girl... nice

    3. Tempust85


      By Gothic MP I mean a simple hack n slash pvp using JKA :)

    4. z3filus


      just go play oblivion


  12. Tempust85

    Donate to JKHub

    Just donated my $20, but I did it from my bank account by accident so it will take a few days I think. If it doesn't go through, I'll redo it.
  13. MD3's only ever want to animate tags for me, not the actual model animation.
  14. Oops I meant dlights and reflection to be separate requests, my bad lol. Yeah I think that guy is trolling, very odd replies....
  15. @@Xycaleth, when you implement dlights that project shadows & reflection (as in mirror-like reflection), I'll make a rend2 conversion of an existing map. Right now, I've been toying with FFA1 but it doesn't look as good as I'd like.
  16. Shouldn't be too difficult to plug it into rend2 through the use of cubemaps for reflection. EDIT: Well that failed, no idea how you'd set spec & normal maps to animap.
  17. Just change the lava texture and/or shader. Sure it may be small compared, but afaik battlefront maps are built for large-scale war.
  18. Well you should be able to run the animations via script in a map, without having to add the animation names to the game code.
  19. That's why I'm the n00b and you're the programmer guy, you know much.
  20. Define custom? If they are the basics like run/walk/idle/stand etc, just rename them to match the animdef in the code.
  21. GTX 640. Sounds like an NVIDIA card compatibility issue with rend2 which is good (meaning the code isn't borked), but also bad (you'll probably need to do extra coding that's NVIDIA specific).
  22. It happens on models that do not have normal maps or even shaders. Good example is the jedi model (not jaden). I've removed ALL of my mods and i'm just running openJK with base assets. It could be an issue that was brought about at the same time as mesh holes, which is when you changed the normal map code for ghoul2. As AhsuraDX said, this & mesh holes happen randomly and not everytime.
  23. Lol, NPC's are GLM models unless someone codes in another format then it could be any format. @@Archangel35757 I wouldn't expect it to work with MP, but should be ok for SP. So long as you follow the JKA specifics, it should work fine. Take a look at how the rocket trooper works, he has his own GLA + animation.cfg. 2. You'll need to rename animations to match the animation list in JKA (BOTH_WALK1, BOTH_RUN1, etc) 3. Game loads the GLM then the GLM loads the GLA so to speak, and loads the animation.cfg from the GLA directory AFAIK so you shouldn't need any coding whatsoever unless you need to add special behaviour/animations that isn't/aren't already present in JKA. The only problem I can think of that you'll run into is bone angles (for torso movement while pitching etc) & bone names (the code moves a few of them). What I'd do to fix this is to use a clean set of bones that are identical to _humanoid (with correct angles & naming) and bind the EF skeleton to them.
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