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Status Updates posted by Tempust85

  1. Why does radiant love to make brushes degenerate & entities break.... :\

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tempust85


      Their not even oddly shaped. It 'seems' to be behaving in GTKradiant 1.6.4

    3. MoonDog


      You already tried brush cleanup right? Snap to grid would probably wreck it, but there's that too.

    4. Tempust85


      Yeah tried the cleanup. What happens is, the map compiles fine UNLESS I add/change something which then I get either errors about null models for entities (ingame) or degenerate brushes (radiant). But I've yet to have this problem after switching to 1.6.4

  2. Hooked on Game of Thrones, so no modding until I'm done with season 3. :D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. MoonDog


      I'm pretty surprised they just haven't gone and shown vag yet. I mean, that's all that is left now.

    3. Bacon


      Not enough dragons then. :l

    4. katanamaru
  3. Woot! Just downed Garrosh Hellscream! :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. eezstreet


      I play on ExcaliburWoW, which is a BC server, patched right before LK came out. It's realy good. AstralSerpent can attest to this.

    3. MoonDog


      A private server? I never got to mess with one of those. I was in one of those top 50 US raiding guilds all the way up till when I quit. After I quit, I realized it was just like having a second stupid job.

    4. eezstreet


      They're a lot better. No stupid subscription. Some have double or triple XP to cut down on the grind.

  4. Well I WAS planning on getting back to Maul, but it's been so damned hot the past few days :\

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MoonDog


      It's actually super warm today at -1C. It's supposed to be around -28C the rest of the week

    3. Circa


      Blizzard is on it's way here tonight. We already have 5 inches of snow. Supposed to get 6-10 more. Gotta love the US Midwest!

    4. Tempust85


      Was a scorcher here in Queensland yesterday, 43C in some areas.

  5. Merry Xmas from the future. :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Onysfx


      I tuld you it would come to dis!

    3. The White Elephant

      The White Elephant

      I am the past. I am the present. I am the future. I do not remember you.

    4. katanamaru


      Merry Christmas DT85!

  6. Started a Darth Maul head, unsure if I'm going to continue with it...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bane_Ross
    3. Lamented


      I knew you had it in you...

      I love you, DT85.

      No homo.

      Can't wait to see progress. :>

    4. katanamaru


      Well I'd like it too, but you have a lot on your plate.

      Now that I really think about it you have the most publicly known projects going on I think.


      I nominate DT85 for Modder of the Year!

  7. Submitted a more simpler version of the GLM importer for Max 2010/2011 and it's in english :D

  8. Stupid unicode adding spaces between each letter of the texture name....sucks because otherwise Max 2014 would be able to export MD3

  9. Submitted Max 2010/2011 64bit MD3 exporter. :)

  10. Well done DT, you uploaded the OpenJK MP exe for DF2, not the SP exe......

    1. h643


      I was wondering why it was called openjk.exe and not openjk_sp xD

    2. Onysfx
  11. Adding a DF2 Beta Demo to my dropbox. Will post the share link when done.

  12. Giving exporting the imported GLA another go. This time I've split the 21000+ frames into two scenes with about 10000 frames each give or take. Hopefully the exporter + carcass won't have a fit :P

    1. katanamaru


      May the Force be with you.

  13. Slowly but surely, narshaddaa is getting done. Just finished up an exploding walk way to force you to use an alternate route. :)

    1. Onysfx


      Nice. Look forward to playing the demo.

  14. New PC running 64 bit windows 7, slowly reinstalling everything

  15. Just compiled Modview & Assimiate's code for VS2010 while fixing Assimilate's Ghoul2 version not being 6...

  16. Boss music is set up now & conveyor belts have sound and look more realistic. :D

    1. Onysfx


      Good...GEWD! What is the boss again?

    2. Tempust85


      Reskin of the mark1 droid from JK2

  17. Working on conveyor belts for Nar Shaddaa ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tempust85


      Made it so you HAVE to go on the conveyor belt to get to the rest of the room. :D

    3. Onysfx


      good...did you have to in the original? I forget lol.

    4. Tempust85
  18. Just set up a few pod cars to fly around Nar Shaddaa. ;)

    1. Onysfx


      Nice nice. Good to have background stuff, makes the player feel more immersed in the game.

    2. AshuraDX


      I got some coruscant traffic models lieing around , based at models seen in EP 1 if you want them let me know

  19. Building a new PC next week, 64bit. How much ram do you think would be a decent amount, without going nuts like most gamers?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tempust85


      Well I spose I can always buy more at some stage if there's a need. The primary thing to do is make sure I get on the 64bit band wagon. :P

    3. Szico VII
    4. Tempust85


      Oh lol, must have missed that....thanks :D

  20. What crap! 3ds Max 2014 is 64bit only :\

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChalklYne


      theres a small voice in your ear dt.. listen.. can u make out what it is?... softimage.. softimage... shes waiting for u dt... run to her =)

    3. Tempust85


      Lol, I'm willing to bet soon enough EVERYTHING will be 64bit only. :P

    4. Onysfx



  21. Had a quick tinker in ioquake3's rend2 and replaced the rocket launcher shader with one that has normal maps. the quality of the normal map ingame is VERY decent, quite impressed

    1. ChalklYne


      I have great interest in this. Are you saying to go ahead and render normal maps for my models just in case?

    2. Tempust85


      Only eez can answer that. ;)

  22. Wonders if he should take up Zbrush again and start Kyle's face in there...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MoonDog


      Unreal is definitely an artists wet dream. Go with Maya though. The pipeline from Maya to Unreal couldn't be any easier than it is I think. Plus all the material setup and visual kismet scripting lends to fun and rapid results.

    3. ChalklYne


      i really disliked maya and the way it felt. I dont know. We'll see when I get there I guess. But yeah I have read the same thing you're saying man

    4. Tempust85


      You don't need maya. If XSI can export the latest supported version of FBX, then you're fine. I used UDK for a while when I was with MB3 and getting models + animation couldn't be easier using the FBX pipeline. ;)

  23. Gotta love SVN, a quick revert and any code I've screwed up becomes good again. :D

  24. Forked a more recent version of OpenJK, going to apply my changes for DF2

  25. Just compiled ioquake3.....damn there's some really cool shiz in there! Too bad JKA doesn't have such features. :D

    1. eezstreet


      what features?

    2. Tempust85


      - HDR Rendering, and support for HDR lightmaps

      - Tone mapping and auto-exposure.

      - Cascaded shadow maps.

      - Multisample anti-aliasing.

      - Texture upsampling.

      - Advanced materials support.

      - Advanced shading and specular methods.

      - sRGB support.

      - LATC and BPTC texture compression support.

      - Screen-space ambient occlusion.


    3. CaptainChar


      it would be nice if someone could do it


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