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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. If you're going to add tongue bones, I'd add no more than 2. First bone for the main part of the tongue, and the second bone for the tip to curl it.
  2. Lol I can't even get that taskbar icon to appear.
  3. This guy will be released well before December, I have others to finish and then make.
  4. Rounded a few areas to be less blocky: Triangle count is now at 6,084, about a 200 increase. This will have a full set of LODs though.
  5. But wait, there's more! Lightened the shadowing just a bit.
  6. Needs a torso animation for holding the weapon as well. You'd need this either way for when you can see the weapon on other players.
  7. You need to move the actual model, not the tag if you want the weapon's position on the hand altered.
  8. Been a little while since updates, so.... I know the details aren't this dark in real life, but it's the only way they would be noticeable. :\
  9. Games I've played that allow you to detach mounted weapons keep the player view in 3rd person.
  10. So pricey though. Pretty sure the toes on the rig can bend against the floor without any input from the mocap suit, just need to set it up in the 3D package.
  11. How exactly do you do re-targeting? I've tried, but it just resizes the target rig to match the source rig.
  12. See, this kind of thing would be great to redo the JKA anims on a better proportioned & better posed rig. Not to mention there are a few bugs in the animations like finger bones not animated correctly to hold a weapon. What I'd like most though is the basics mocapped so anyone can just retarget them onto any rig they want for any purpose. Could be used as a base for creating a soldier, gamorrean, etc animset.
  13. Sounds good. I have no interest in this anymore, but feel free to release it.
  14. I know OpenJK isn't about adding new features, but I feel this would be welcomed feature. Currently, the "width" setting for NPC controls both X & Y of the bounding box. What I propose is, removing the control of both X & Y from "width" and adding new stat "widthY" setting for Y. So in the end, "width" will control X & "widthY" will control Y. Here's the code that I've tinkered with: NPC_stats.cpp //===MOVEMENT STATS============================================================ if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "width" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { continue; } NPC->mins[0] = -n; NPC->maxs[0] = n; continue; } if (!Q_stricmp(token, "widthY")) { if (COM_ParseInt(&p, &n)) { continue; } NPC->mins[1] = -n; NPC->maxs[1] = n; continue; } Tested ingame and it works great. This would be very useful when adding odd-shaped NPCs ie the Kryat Dragon. Ideally, using a collision model would be better but this is an alternative solution.
  15. Pink is gone now, but the crash still remains when skipping the vids. I have my debug setup how the wiki says. I've tried attaching to process, debugging in VS & just hitting the debug program button when it crashes and still it says source not available. No idea what the hell is going on.
  16. Will you be using those json files or keeping to the weapons.dat?
  17. For a JKA mod, I have indeed been slowly making a Han Solo: Still a heavy WIP, so don't treat anything you see as finished. I will create a WIP thread once I resume work on him. Don't expect any updates on this anytime soon though, EP7 Stormtrooper first.
  18. Not for quite a while, been focusing on other projects especially the EP7 Stormtrooper.
  19. I'll see what I can do once the texturing is done.
  20. Break shows source not found page. Vanilla works.
  21. Crashes are identical for Debug & Release. Debugging doesn't show anything:
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