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Status Replies posted by Tempust85

  1. Tavion was hard.

  2. Spawned some npcs last night for a rend2 test. Really weird seeing Arnie's weiner 20+ times.....

  3. What movies is everyone excited to watch this year?

  4. What movies is everyone excited to watch this year?

  5. What movies is everyone excited to watch this year?

  6. Boothand turns on the oven and goes back to his room. 15 minutes later he takes his food to the kitchen to check if it's hot enough. Oh, he says, someone has been here and turned on the oven. I should wait some hours until they are done. Back in his room, he realizes his superior logic.

  7. JKG development is still very much alive and kicking, it seems: https://github.com/JKGDevs/JediKnightGalaxies/commits/master

  8. It just hit me, We need a sequel or remake to Shadows Of The Empire

  9. Starting to look alot like Hoth outside...again! lol

  10. It just hit me, We need a sequel or remake to Shadows Of The Empire

  11. It just hit me, We need a sequel or remake to Shadows Of The Empire

  12. Ugh.....no. Turning DF2's videos into cutscenes looks like absolute shit

  13. jkhub is prtty cute when im drunk

  14. New Clone Model pls...

  15. New Clone Model pls...

  16. Top three SW games: go!

  17. Just finished the script on 02nar that has the crate moving that you jump on to get to the top. :D

  18. Converting the end video for 01 Nar Shaddaa

  19. I love ladies =) All of them.

  20. I love ladies =) All of them.

  21. Happy Valentine's Day guys/gals. Go kiss a stranger right on their mouth hole.

  22. I love ladies =) All of them.

  23. You can now make maps in 3ds Max 2013/2014, the author updated the plugin. Doubt I'll use it prior to rend2 in SP though, I'm happy with radiant for now.

  24. That moment when the professor writes “Big D” on the board. He meant “big dipper” but obviously students are not laughing at the big dipper.

  25. I don't even play these games anymore, why am I still creating custom maps???!!!

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