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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Looking pretty good so far, love the cloth but it needs that wierd "pipey" look that's on the JK2/JKA model & here: I can shift over the entire model left and right for when each arms punches, but we will still need 2 full arms. By the looks of it now, I'd add a bit more quality to the forearm and hand mesh. Reminds me a bit of Doom 3 atm.
  2. @@AshuraDX I'm not entirely sure what could be going on, @@SomaZ any ideas? @@minilogoguy18 It's trying to load a renderer dll that isn't there. Make sure you've grabbed the latest files. If you've already done that, then it's most likely an old opendf2.cfg issue and you'll need to delete it. opendf2.cfg saves which renderer dll you use.
  3. I've updated the pk3 (hopefully, didn't check it was done uploading before turning off my pc). Various Improvements.
  4. I want to really knock their socks off with the yun map. SomaZ and ashuradx are working hard and I can't wait to see the end result.
  5. Sure man, that'd be great. Once SomaZ has the lighting sorted and we have our first map lit properly, feel free to grab the mod and take snaps to add to an article.
  6. looks much better under the sun, could it be something to do with light maps? Would make sense that the sun gives accurate results.
  7. Added: - Bryar_VM.pk3
  8. Lol well, I never said I was a lighting genius. I detest lighting maps. What I'd like is a setup to mimic marmoset's viewport with 2 light sources. Of course you wouldn't be able to control them, but still would be good. I'll see what I can do later in the week perhaps.
  9. I increased the map lights to be VERY bright, compared to last time. I'll upload a WIP of the gun today to Dropbox, and post in updates when I've done it.
  10. Still think how the game renders PBR is a bit off, just seems too shiny to me: @@AshuraDX I'm still animating this, but you can safely delete the unseen faces at the end where the muzzle flash is - we won't be turning the gun around.
  11. Updated: - df2gamex86.dll - opendf2_sp.x86.exe - rdsp-GL2_x86.dll Changes: - ghoul2 viewmodels are now working. My old Heavy Repeater test from JK2HD, during a force push:
  12. It should run? I'm trying to run it now from my dropbox and it gives me the missing openal32.dll error. What's your OS? Anyone else getting this issue?
  13. Just the sequencer charge, we will use base's detonation pack instead. I'll try my best to code in the rail detonator, so don't bother with that unless I can code it. Btw, how are those textures for 07yun coming?
  14. Honestly, the wrists & hands will pretty much look the same if they're symmetrical or not. You won't really see the upper arm. So just go with symmetrical, save non-symmetrical for the player model whenever you can make him.
  15. Well, except for melee. You'll see both then. EDIT: I've got to fix up the ghoul2 viewmodel code, I think I broke something lol.
  16. Tbh, I think the metal trigger looks sweet. And honestly, no one will really be looking at the trigger so don't worry about it.
  17. I'll get started on this tomorrow, my net is being slow atm so can't download it.
  18. Is there a quick way to mark up the texture, without having to do it by hand in photoshop?
  19. 50%? Where did you find that out? I would think it would be a bit higher than that, seeing as almost everything is a model these days inside a map.
  20. Maybe callus becomes Crix madine?
  21. Add DF2's GL2 updates to rend2 and make some PBR stuff already.
  22. Yeah, no reload animations. @@AshuraDX Send me the viewmodel with just some texture slapped on and i'll do up the animations, and delete as necessary. After, I'll send you back the model for you to finish. P.S With ghoul2 viewmodels, we can make a viewmodel animation for any player model animation. This means, we can have force powers used in first person while holding the gun.
  23. Honestly, both look superb. With hardly any modellers, I think it's best to just use brushwork instead of converting everything to models. Sure, it won't look as good as a model (normals, no hard edges, etc) but PBR textures will still make it look pretty decent. Can you please send me your .map file for Maw? I'll do up the scripts and give the VIS a check. I had started on this level, and VIS took a long time. Not exactly sure what more can be done for such a large, open level such as this. P.S I'm currently working on 21ajerec, trying to get all the small levels done and out of the way.
  24. Looks spot-on to me, great work.
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